Toad music played by Father Toad and Granny Toad in fairy mode.

Entering the brains of the three of Heiyan through the eardrums, the three of Heiyan immediately found that they had entered the illusion enchantment of the Four King Kong and could not move.

"But... Damn!"

Over their heads was Jiraiya's final blow.

It's still a thousand books of fairy hair needles!

But this time, the three of Heiyan could no longer avoid it.


There is a mess around Heiyan, and they are all covered with wounds.

With this blow, Jiraiya killed three elite Jonin at once.

One of them is Tsuchikage's son.

But at this moment, Zilai was also slightly tired, and a mouthful of blood protruded from the corner of his mouth.

Immortal mode is too much of a burden for him.

"I really don't know how that brat Naoshu performed it alone, it's simply too scary..."

Until now, Jiraiya has been able to personally experience the power and burden of the sage mode, and at the same time, he has no doubts about Konoha's judgment of Nawaki's strength.

Jiraiya tried hard to stand up, but just now the sage mode consumed a lot, and his chakra was almost exhausted, so he couldn't move at all.

This is Jiraiya's concern. Once the fairy mode is over, he has no room to resist any enemy who appears on the battlefield.

Just when Ji Lai Ye was drowsy, several figures appeared in front of him, which made Ji Lai Ye smile wryly.

He also didn't expect that Iwanin would come so fast, and as for Konoha's side, Jiraiya didn't expect it at all.

After all, Heiyan dragged himself here to concentrate his forces to destroy Konoha's garrison.

"Even if I have no strength, I can't be killed like this without any resistance!"

Jiraiya tried his best to gather the chakra in his body, intending to make a last desperate fight and die with the enemy.

But when he saw the figures gradually appearing, he opened his mouth wide, and it turned out to be Minato and Leng Tian.

This is really...

Seeing that it was their self-coming, he finally couldn't hold on anymore and passed out all of a sudden, but before he passed out, he wrote an order underground, and the front line was temporarily commanded by Minato and Leng Tian.

Leng Tian and Minato rushed over, but they didn't expect the battle to be so intense.

Tuying's vanguard suffered a great loss in this battle, and he lost his son even more.

As for Konoha, although the supplies were delivered, Jilai also fell into a coma, and Minato and Lengtian took command temporarily...

The third ninja world war fell into such an intense level at the beginning, which was beyond the imagination of both Konoha and Iwanin...

Chapter 29 Divergence

After returning to the garrison, I counted all the losses and found that although Iwa Ninja's vanguard was defeated this time, Konoha also suffered a lot of losses.

"What should we do, this time we have to wait for Master Orochimaru to come and stick to the station?"

Kushina asked.

Minato and Leng Tian glanced at each other and fell silent.

The current situation is that Konoha has suffered huge losses, and it will also face continued sneak attacks from Iwanin.

This time, because of the existence of materials, Konoha couldn't give up the station even more.

Leng Tian and Minato immediately understood the weight of their responsibilities, not to mention that Zilai had already entered a deep coma because of using the fairy mode, and he didn't know when he would wake up.

"Should we just wait for Oshemaru-sama to come as soon as possible?"

Minato thought for a long time and asked.

Leng Tian already knew the identity of the person killed by Jiraiya, and kept thinking about it.

"Maybe the problem isn't that bad..."

"Why is it so cold, do you have an idea?"

Minato asked.

"Right now Iwanin probably doesn't know that we have defeated the vanguard, and we can have the opportunity to attack them, so that they can't figure out our information..."

Leng Tian said quickly.

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Minato's eyes flashed: "Time difference?"

"Yes, just to check the time. Iwa Shinobi has not received the news of the defeat of Heiyan and others. As long as we use their sneak attack when their morale is unstable, we can definitely expand the results of the battle. Maybe it will win enough for Oshemaru-sama. time……"

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Minato and the others were a little moved.

However, the Anbu ninja who came with Kushina raised objections.

"No, our current strength is small. What if we are going out to attack and Iwanin attacks our garrison? There are still supplies here. If the supplies are burned, Master Orochimaru and the follow-up troops will be miserable. ..."

The dark army leader was also aware of the situation in the village, and knew that Konoha's supplies had been affected because of Tsuchikage's plan.

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