Although Leng Tian had cracked Onoki's plot in time, they still slowed down Konoha's collection of supplies.

The most important task at this time is to keep the first batch of supplies.

In addition, Jiraiya fell into a coma is also a major reason. Can the two little guys, Minato and Leng Tian, ​​be in charge of taking such a heavy responsibility?

The fierce quarrels and disagreements made the hearts of the residents begin to disperse.

At this time, Minato said with firm eyes: "I support Leng Tian's opinion, we should act first, and we will attack before the news of Heiyan's death reaches Tuying..."

Hearing Minato's words, Leng Tian nodded.

"No, you can't take this responsibility!"

The people in Anbu said with a firm face.

"Hmph! Then wait for the Yannin to counterattack like this. If they don't disrupt their deployment at this time, when they get the order to attack us all, do you think we can protect these supplies?"

Leng Tian stood up with a cold face and said.

"Hmph, Leng Tian, ​​your apprentice can defeat two Kage-rank powerhouses, don't tell me, as a master, you are still afraid of mere Iwanin?"

"To put it simply, when the time comes, everyone will be wary of the mouse and protect the supplies, and Iwanoshi has no scruples at all. I just want to know how you will protect it, and Jiraiya-sama has already said that Minato and I control the garrison before coma. If you don't want to accept my opinion, stay in the station, and I will go with Minato and others..."

After Leng Tian finished speaking, he stood up and went out.

"Stop, are you going to disobey the order in cold weather?"

The captain of Anbu stood up and shouted.

"Violation of orders, violation of whose orders, your orders, what kind of thing are you, and who can you represent!"

Every time Leng Tian asked a question, his aura grew stronger.

This time, the captain of the dark army finally didn't dare to speak.

In the forward position of Iwanin, a figure flashed past, attracting the attention of the nearby Iwanin, and several people immediately caught up.

Just when they chased into the forest, they found that the figure had disappeared.

Just when they were wondering, a figure flashed out from behind the big tree, and shouted at the same time: "Detonate the talisman array!"

The detonating charm buried under Iwanin's feet was activated.


Several rock ninjas were killed without precaution.

Obito opened his eyes this time, looked at the results in front of him, and jumped up happily.

"Great, the teacher's plan is a success..."

After receiving the report, the Yanren garrison immediately dispatched reinforcements to check.

At this moment, a figure flashed past, it was cold weather.

"Hehe, so it turns out that this is Iwanin's defense..."

Leng Tian sneaked into the Yanren garrison and easily obtained the defense map of Yanren.

Leng Tian didn't take the deployment map, and left directly. What Leng Tian needed was not this map, but the next plan.

In the following time, attacks occurred in the entire defensive area of ​​Iwanin. They all saw suspicious figures first, but all those who chased them were killed or assassinated.

At the same time, Konoha Anbe finally sent the news to Hokage.

"This is the battle report ahead. Although they sent the supplies to the station in cold weather, they abandoned the station and went to attack Iwanin everywhere. This made the station's defense very weak..."

"So there was an attack on the station?"

Three generations asked in a deep voice.

Orochimaru was still standing next to Sandai.

Hearing the third generation's words, the Anbu ninja shook his head and said, "Maybe it's because of Leng Tian's attack that Iwa Ninja has not attacked the garrison for the time being, but once the incident of Heiyan is reported to Iwa Ninja, the resident may be in danger..."

"But without Leng Tian successfully attacking Iwanin, I'm afraid the station will be attacked at this time..."

"But he caused the garrison to be weak, and even put Master Jiraiya in a dangerous situation!"

"These are all the results of your guesses. I only saw that Leng Tian and the others stopped Iwanin's attack, making Iwanin dare not leave the station. This bought time for my follow-up!"

Orochimaru suddenly made a sound and stood on Leng Tian's side, which surprised the Anbu ninja who reported.

"These are all the results of your guesses. I only saw that Leng Tian and the others stopped Iwanin's attack, making Iwanin dare not leave the station. This bought time for my follow-up!"

Orochimaru suddenly made a sound and stood on Leng Tian's side, which surprised the Anbu ninja who reported.

"Since the third generation has bought time for us, now we need to seize the time to drive the wrong to the station..."

"That's right, we must set the battlefield in the Land of Rain for this battle!"

The three generations said in a deep voice.

At the same time, Onoki finally got the news of Heiyan's sacrifice, which made him furious.

"Bastard, what the hell is Lao Zi doing!"

Onoki was in a frenzy. Originally, Lao Zi was supposed to support Heiyan after completing this task.

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