"Teacher, it seems that you need my help..."

At this moment, a laugh came from another part of the battlefield.


Several figures appeared on the battlefield.

All are red clouds.

Seeing this outfit, Orochimaru recognized it first.

"Akatsuki organization? Thousand-hand rope tree?"

The people who came were Senju Naoki and his newly formed team, among whom were Yahiko and three people.

Senju Nawaki is the one who knows the relationship between Leng Tian and Kushina, and they were actually around at the beginning of the war.

However, he didn't make a move until he saw Leng Tian make a move, and Sheng Shu didn't show up.

Leng Tian was in this state, only Sheng Shu had seen it once, and that was in the country of water, Leng Tian, ​​who besieged the teacher with Mizukage, went out.

It was at that moment that Mizukage was defeated, and it caused disagreements within Akatsuki's organization.

Unlike Shengshu, Orochimaru has also seen Leng Tian in this state, but that was during World War II, the peerless powerhouse who appeared at that time.

He looked exactly the same as Leng Tian now.

"Could it be that the cold weather appeared at that time?"

Orochimaru thought for a while.

However, the scene did not give everyone extra time to think, because Kushina had already fallen into a crazier state.

Among them is the pair of eyes that Kyuubi saw Leng Tian.

In the next instant, the sixth tail behind Nine Tails was completely solidified, and even the seventh tail also appeared phantom.

A more powerful chakra came from Kyuubi.


Tailed beasts don't really need powerful ninjutsu, their own destructive power is the most powerful ninjutsu.

The appearance of the seventh tail made Kyuubi completely escape from Leng Tian's suppression and began to move, and this time Kyuubi was also attacking towards Orochimaru.

Obviously, even in the state of rage, Kyuubi thought that as long as he was in Konoha's army, Leng Tian would not dare to use such a wide range of ninjutsu.

"Not good, Nine Tails is rushing over!"

"Everyone hurry up and be thorough!"

"All Jonin will use the earth escape technique together with me, you must block it!"

Orochimaru showed a terrified expression, and even he began to bite his fingers, planning to perform psychic spells again and use Rashomon.

At this moment, a loud shout came from another direction.

"Immortal method! Mingshen Gate!"

Taking advantage of Kyuubi's lack of time to worry about this side, Naoki channeled a red gate-shaped pillar, which fell from the sky and just pressed on Kyuubi's body.

Being suppressed by Nine Tails, it couldn't come out for a while, and it felt that its chakra was sealed.


Just when Kyuubi was still trying to break free, Leng Tian had already fallen, and his palms were pressed against the Myojin Gate.

"Tanseikan mode! Star attraction!"

Through the Myojin Gate, Leng Tian crazily inhaled Nine-Tails' Chakra into his body, and even Nine-Tails' infinite Chakra began to be insufficient.

And this state finally let Kushina regain control, and Kyuubi was forced to withdraw into Kushina's body...

Chapter 37 War Stalemate

It has been many days since the battle of the rock ninja ambush, and both sides have dispatched tail beasts, which makes the other big ninja countries attach great importance to it.

After all, this pillar of manpower is a weapon for the five major countries to restrain each other, and it is also a weapon to deter other small countries.

It's as if there is a peak kage-level powerhouse like Amayage Hanzo in Amane Village, but he doesn't dare to disrespect the five great powers. human column.

So even if the Land of Rain has a powerful Kage-level powerhouse, Hanzo would not dare to attack the Land of Earth even if he joined hands with Konoha to defeat the Land of Rocks with the intervention of Iwa Ninja Village when he attacked the Kingdom of Kawa.

For the same reason, even if the Land of Rocks ambushed Raikage, they still dare not start a war against the Land of Thunder even though they were already damaged, because of the tailed beast.

This is the status of the Tailed Beast in the war among the Five Great Nations.

So when Kyuubi rioted, Konoha was even more nervous.

Although Kyuubi was suppressed afterwards, after learning of this incident, the Third Hokage immediately asked Kushina to come back, and Leng Tian also came back at the same time.

At the same time, Anbu and the elders actually had a lot of complaints about Orochimaru's almost ambush and loss of troops.

But the same is true for the corresponding rock ninja side.

The most outstanding person in this battle is Jiraiya's disciple Namikaze Minato.

After Jilai was tricked out by Heiyan, he was still able to lead the people to guard the station.

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