This is a remarkable feat. If the garrison is not defended, there will be no subsequent counterattack.

The second credit is to overcome all opinions. After Orochimaru detoured and cut off the Iwanin front, he led the troops to regain most of the area occupied by Iwanin.

During this period, dozens of battles were fought, and the speed of advancement was so fast. In the end, Orochimaru's troops were rescued and the situation on the battlefield was changed. This made Yellow Flash's reputation as famous as Orochimaru and Jiraiya for a while.

However, there is only a trace of information about Leng Tian here.

It's not that Orochimaru didn't take credit for Leng Tian this time, but it was covered by the village.

Originally, Orochimaru still wanted Leng Tian to divide Minato's military exploits, but he didn't know why this happened. What surprised Orochimaru even more was that the village asked that in addition to Kushina return to the village, Leng Tian also had to go back as soon as possible.

Among the ninjas who took Kushina back, there was also a jounin from the Hyuga clan.

Obviously, Hokage was also surprised by Leng Tian's strength in the battle of Nine Tails, and had to let the Zong family dispatch, after all, the Zong family controlled the bird in the cage.

In addition, there are some root members who are active in Orochimaru's troops, and they collect information about the Senju Rope Tree.

Especially the kind of ninjutsu that can suppress the Nine-Tails is the biggest target of their collection.

Leng Tian glanced at Kushina, and said goodbye to Orochimaru and Minato.

"Right now Iwanin and we are both in the rest period. I believe that the next war will enter a stalemate. Master Orochimaru, Minato, I believe that I will come to war again soon to fight with you..."

When they parted, Leng Tian said with a smile on his face.

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Minato and Orochimaru looked at each other and smiled.

"Of course I welcome a ninja with your strength. I believe that unless Tsuchikage comes personally this time, no one will be your opponent..."

Orochimaru asked half as a compliment, and half as a test.

Leng Tian knew what Dashewan was thinking, especially when he saw the Jonin from the clan around him quietly approaching him.

There was a hint of disdain at the corner of Leng Tian's mouth, and he said lightly to Orochimaru: "Actually, my strength is only due to the evolution of my white eyes, just like the Uchiha clan's Sharingan evolved into a kaleidoscope Sharingan, but It's a pity that the Zong family's white eyes can't evolve successfully no matter what..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Orochimaru's eyes suddenly glowed, this is a big secret.

At the same time, the Jonin of the Hyuga clan was even more shocked.

In fact, he came this time because the Zong family knew about Leng Tian's strength, especially the strange pattern of Leng Tian's battle report sent back.

They all want to know what happened.

In fact, they also had a slight guess that there might have been some changes in Leng Tian's white eyes.

Now from Leng Tian's own mouth, how can this not make the members of the Zong family ecstatic, but Leng Tian said that the Zong family will not be able to evolve successfully anyway, which makes the Zong family hold back a sigh of relief.

"What do you mean, you can succeed in a branch family, why can't the main family not, the bloodline of the main family and the purity of Baiyan are not comparable to your branch family!"

Although Orochimaru didn't know why Leng Tian said that, he still said quietly to Leng Tian: "If you have any trouble, you can go here, this is my secret base..."

After finishing speaking, Orochimaru spit out a scroll from his mouth and put it in Leng Tian's arms. Obviously Leng Tian's strength had made Orochimaru determined to win over.

A joke, this is a movie-level powerhouse.

No, it should be a peak movie-level powerhouse.


After the three generations came back from knowing the cold weather, they were handed over to the Hyuga clan.

Before Leng Tian came back, the Hyuga clan had already put pressure on the third generation, demanding that Leng Tian not be allowed to go to the battlefield until he had obtained Leng Tian's secret.

The head of the Hyuga clan.

All the elders of the sect looked at Leng Tian with full faces.

Since Leng Tian became a Jonin, the Zong family lost control of Leng Tian, ​​and Leng Tian's outstanding performance has also won Hokage's attention.

Not only with Hokage, but also the support of the commander of the dark army, Bai Fang, and Shinnosuke, who is known as the most popular, is also optimistic about Leng Tian. Even if his master Tsunade leaves, even if his apprentice becomes a rebel, Leng Tian's position is still stable. .

He has even become a very important figure in Konoha's senior management.

At that time, even the Hyuga Clan had to look at Leng Tian's face, especially his improvements in Rouquan and Huitian, which made the clan envious.

The patriarch of the clan regretted countless times that he should not give up such a genius among geniuses. Leng Tian's talent is completely a replica of Hinata Tennin.

This also made Hinata Liangzhi and his son's life in the clan very sad, and the patriarch had even withdrawn all his rights.

Hyuga Ryotomo originally thought that his clan status would be lost, because he had heard the patriarch and other elders discuss that Leng Tian's descendants should inherit the clan.

And his branch will become a branch, because of this, Hyuga Conscience and Hyuga Mori live in panic all day long.

Unexpectedly, things turned around one after another. First of all, the captain of Anbu and the next Hokage replacement Shinnosuke both lost, one committed suicide, and the other quit the ninja world.

Then Leng Tian and Hokage's high-level Danzo broke out again because of the rope tree incident, and it was even heard that Leng Tian was even feared by Hokage.

This allowed Hinata Conscience to see the opportunity to bring down Leng Tian again.

Because there is a rebellious apprentice at the SSS level, Leng Tian has not been able to gain the trust of the village's senior management, and he is always on guard against him.

This can be seen from the erasure of Leng Tian's credit in this battle, especially in the suppression of Kyuubi. Although Leng Tian showed great strength, he also got the help of one person, Senju Nawaki.

What is the relationship between these two people and when did they contact each other? This is what the Anbu of the village has always wanted to interrogate.

But the third generation rejected Anbu's proposal first, because Leng Tian's strength is not something they can interrogate at will. If Leng Tian makes a big fuss, I'm afraid no one in the village can be his opponent.

Even Kyuubi can defeat, Sandai doesn't think that he is Leng Tian's opponent in his current state.

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