So he handed Leng Tian over to the Zong family.

"Only our clan can do it, because he has a caged bird on his forehead..."

It is also for this reason that the three generations handed over Leng Tian to the Zong family to take away.

"I hope there will be a satisfactory result..."

Sandai looked out the window and murmured.

Chapter 38 Big Lie

The Kingdom of Fire, the capital city.

This is the most developed place in the country of fire, and it is also the place where the daimyo of the country of fire lives. As usual, there are hundreds of meters of traffic coming in and out, and there is an endless stream of people.

It seems that the ongoing Third World War has nothing to do with this place.

Among them, there are two people who are unusually eye-catching. Although they are wearing ordinary people's clothes, one of them has white eyes, and the other has red hair. People nearby have been staring at them.

These two people are Hinata Lengtian and Kushina who were sent by Naruto to carry out the task.

The reason why Hinata Lengtian and Kushina appeared here was because of logistics problems on the front line. The war was stalemate, but as the logistics began to slow down, Konoha entered the predicament of being unable to proceed to the next step in the Land of Rain.

Originally, the three generations thought that the crisis had been solved by attacking those collaborating businessmen, but they did not expect that when the war was at its most critical, a logistical crisis would still erupt.

As for why Leng Tian and Jiu Xinnai appeared here, we have to start with Leng Tian going back to accept the censorship.

Ryosuke Hinata thought he had finally found a chance to suppress Leng Tian.

Especially when Leng Tian's white eyes changed, he knew that the patriarch must get this secret.

I thought that Leng Tian would not say it easily, the patriarch was already ready to use force.

Leng Tian is indeed the pinnacle Kage-level powerhouse, but in the eyes of the Hinata Soong Clan, it doesn't matter if you are the number one ninja, as long as you have a bird in a cage, the Zong Clan can kill you at any time.

This is also Leng Tian's means of threatening the clan.

Unexpectedly, Leng Tian was very cooperative and revealed the secret of Baiyan's evolution.

"My white eyes evolved successfully under the influence of the curse seal. I would also like to thank the third elder for casting the curse seal on me. If not, I'm afraid I would not have succeeded..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, the patriarch looked shocked, and asked solemnly: "You mean that Baiyan needs the stimulation of the curse seal to evolve successfully?"

Leng Tian nodded with a smile.

He believes that Hyuga's patriarch can't judge the truth, of course he has a basis for saying this, and the key is the moon messenger who was once imprisoned by them.

They should have already understood that the one with the curse mark on their foreheads is the real clan, and the division is for the purpose of preserving the bloodline.

Sure enough, when Leng Tian said it, the patriarch Hyuga fell into silence, even though Hyuga Conscience was the first to not believe it, he still wanted to use the power of the spell seal to test it out.

But at the moment when Leng Tian opened Tenseiyan, Hyuga Ryosuke was shocked to find that his white eyes were actually restricted.

It was the suppression of eyes that was more advanced than his own. Under Leng Tian's white eyes, Hinata Conscience's white eyes couldn't even hold on and closed directly.


Leng Tian snorted coldly, Hinata Conscience felt a heavy blow, his brain seemed to be hallucinating, and he passed out directly.

Leng Tian didn't even make a move, and directly made a Jonin-strength Ryotomi Hinata faint, which horrified all the clans present.

Even the patriarch Hinata's expression became uncertain.

After Baiyan evolved, he could actually ignore the power of the curse seal.

At this time, Leng Tian said proudly: "The power of Tenseiyan has already eliminated the curse seal. The curse seal itself is to stimulate the white eyes. After the evolution is successful, the curse seal will disappear naturally. You don't even understand that Hinata Tennin created The real purpose of the curse seal!"

If it was a cold day, it would be unbelievable for the Zong family at the scene. At the same time, they also knew about the moon messenger.

It's just that they always thought those words were ridiculous, but now under Leng Tian's eyes, they feel extremely dazzling.

After Leng Tian left, everyone looked at the patriarch. If it was true what Leng Tian said, then wouldn't they have no chance to evolve white eyes at all.

Do you want to engrave a bird in a cage like a cold day?

After Leng Tian left, he showed an uncomfortable expression in a secret place.

In fact, everything he said just now was lying to the clan. The bird in the cage has other secrets, but it is not the key to the evolution of the white eyes. His white eyes evolved successfully because he absorbed the chakra of the tailed beast.

In fact, after Leng Tian evolved into Tenseiken, he already had a natural suppression of ordinary white eyes. In addition, it took a process to activate the bird in the cage, so Leng Tian was able to use the secret technique of Tenseikan to punish Hinata Conscience and frighten the clan in one fell swoop.

The reason why Orochimaru gave Leng Tian the address of the secret base before leaving was to allow Leng Tian to hide it when it was critical.

Orochimaru knows the style of these famous families too well. After Leng Tian returns, once they get the secret of Baiyan's evolution, they will not let Leng Tian live. Such a powerful Tenseikan can only stay in the village.

So once Leng Tian is controlled by the caged bird, Leng Tian's eyes are destined to be gouged out and appear on the clan's body.

This is the so-called famous door.

Of course Leng Tian knew, but just because he knew he couldn't show the slightest timidity, otherwise he would be discovered his only weakness.

In fact, Leng Tian has been unsealing the curse seal all these years to the end, and it is also because the power of this curse seal is not as effective on Leng Tian as before.

"There is still one final seal left, and it must be untied as soon as possible. Only then is the time for me to settle accounts with you!"

Of course, the Third Hokage will not let Leng Tian lose his eyes, but he also wants to know if the Hyuga clan can have a way to control Leng Tian, ​​after all, Leng Tian's power is too strong now.

Three generations don't want too many accidents in their plan.

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