He is also one of the four major guards of the daimyo and is a very powerful ninja.

"In fact, when Konoha Anbe sent back the report, we also noticed these illegal businessmen. Princess Tsunade, you also know that these businessmen are eager to make more money as long as they see benefits. They just want to use the Land of Earth and Fire I want to steal chickens and mix some low-quality materials to fight for more profits!"

Hearing Kurosawa's words, Tsunade nodded and said nothing.

But Kato Dan, who was behind Tsunade, frowned and said: "Master Kurosawa, is this really the case? As far as I know, all materials in the Land of Fire must pass your inspection. How do they pass these inspections? What about the ones at the front?"

Hearing Kato Dan's words, Kurosawa's face changed, but he still said calmly: "Kato Danjou Shinobi, what do you mean by that, do you mean that the officials of our country of fire deliberately colluded with these traitorous businessmen? "

Kurosawa's words already had some anger.

Tsunade waved at the other party, and at the same time gave Duan a wink, stopping him from continuing.

"Then can we interrogate those businessmen?"

Tsunade continued to ask.

"Sorry, they all committed suicide in fear of crime!"

Kurosawa said lightly.

After Tsunade and Duan walked out, Duan couldn't help but said to Tsunade: "They did it on purpose, I'm sure there must be a conspiracy!"

"I also agree, let's look at Leng Tian from now on, we're only on the surface, and it's Leng Tian and the others who are really investigating..."

Duan nodded helplessly.

When Tsunade and others walked out, Kurosawa's face turned gloomy.

"Is everything arranged?"

Kurosawa said silently to the empty hall in front of him.

"As you ordered, everything was settled!"

A crisp female voice came from the hall, and then a woman appeared in front of Kurosawa.

There was no sign at all, as if it appeared suddenly.

"Your rock hidden ninjutsu is becoming more and more proficient..."

Kurosawa said suddenly.

Hearing what Kuisawa said, the woman covered her face and didn't say much. Finally, she looked at the serious Heisawa and sighed softly, "As for it, you want me to deal with all the traced businessmen, not even their family members. Let go..."

"Hmph, if you want to achieve great things, you can't have the kindness of a woman. Let alone those chess pieces, as long as you and I can restore the ownership of the Land of Fire to the Daming Center, we can all sacrifice..."

Kurosawa's face was extremely severe, which made the woman just sighed deeply again.

She is very clear about Kurosawa's purpose, that is, she hopes that with the help of the Three Wars, the daimyo can regain the ruling power of the Land of Fire.

Even before, Black even had the idea of ​​assassinating three generations in order to let the daimyo rule the land of fire in a legitimate way.

Kurosawa's biggest goal is to replace Konoha with ninjas from the Land of Fire.

Thinking of this, the woman said softly: "Do you think Konoha's people will track down here?"

"Don't worry, you have erased all traces, and then they will have to follow my script, and they will leave after getting a scapegoat..."

"hope so!"

Hearing Kurosawa's words, the woman didn't have his confidence, and said with a worried face.

"You don't seem to believe me. In fact, even if they find something suspicious, so what, the frontline battle is so fierce, they won't have too much time to waste, don't worry!"

Kurosawa looked outside the door, revealing a sinister smile, he believed that Tsunade would take the bait...

Chapter 41 Target Locking

When Tsunade told Leng Tian the information he got, Leng Tian fell into thinking.

"Why is this Kurosawa like this? Doesn't he know that Tsunade-sensei represents Konoha?"

Kushina said angrily, from Kushina's point of view, if there is such a big mistake in the supplies of the Fire Nation, the Fire Nation should assist this matter as much as possible, why does it seem to be very hostile to Konoha's ninja?

Seeing Jiu Xinnai's angry look, Leng Tian and Teacher Duan looked at each other and smiled.

"In fact, the daimyo's ninjas and our Konoha ninjas have always been at loggerheads, especially this matter, which belongs to the management of daimyo ninjas. The third generation's letting Tsunade appear here is an act of face-slapping and questioning, Kurosawa It's strange to have a good face!"

Hearing Teacher Duan's words, Jiu Xinnai suddenly realized.

"However, what Kurosawa said doesn't seem to want us to take care of this matter, and these adulterated material merchants were all killed. If it is said that this matter is so simple, I absolutely don't believe it!"

Leng Tian said slowly.

"I think so too, but the problem now is that with the death of these merchants, we have no clues..."

Tsunade also showed embarrassment, and it was precisely because of this thought that Tsunade did not continue to stay with Kurosawa.

"No, the clues are not so easy to break. First of all, if these merchants can pass the inspection, they must have someone to help them.

We can first see who has accepted the supplies of these merchants, and secondly, we need to know who handed over Konoha's order to these merchants, I believe they must have a problem..."

Leng Tian told everyone his thoughts.

Hearing Leng Tian's thoughts, Duan first showed excitement.

"Haha, Leng Tian is right, these people will definitely not move casually..."

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