"Yes, maybe they didn't expect us to investigate from this aspect..."

After finishing speaking, Tsunade nodded in agreement.

Leng Tian suddenly said to Tsunade and Duan, "Mr. Tsunade, Mr. Duan, I need you to leave the capital temporarily. Only in this way will they think that we have given up the investigation, and they will continue to show their flaws. I have a hunch that so many The adulteration of merchants is definitely not for a little profit!"

"Okay, let's listen to you, I want to find out who is plotting against Konoha behind the scenes!"

After hearing Leng Tian's words, Duan looked serious. Although Konoha has been targeting Tsunade, Duan still cares about Konoha, especially now that Konoha is fighting Iwanin, he absolutely does not want anyone to be around at this time The rear made trouble for Konoha.

Kyoto, the home of the Minister of Logistics.

"How about it, have all the clues been processed?"

The logistics minister of the Land of Fire asked cautiously.

"Don't worry, we have already dealt with it, and I guarantee that Konoha will not be able to find out, and I have already received the news this morning that Tsunade has left..."

"Why did Tsunade leave just like that?"

The logistics minister asked with a look of surprise.

"Hmph, what do you know, the relationship between Tsunade and Konoha has reached a freezing point, and her younger brother is listed as a traitor, do you think she will investigate carefully?"

The person who spoke had a look of disdain.

Obviously, he is clear about some of Konoha's internal information.

"Then can I continue to recruit some merchants to take Konoha's orders, and earn enough money!"

After hearing the news, the head of the logistics department showed a look of financial obsession.

"Of course, aren't we going to take advantage of this opportunity to make a lot of money?"

The person in the shadow said lightly.

"The other departments?"

"With me here, their files can be exchanged. What are you afraid of?"

"Okay, okay, I'm going to find a new round of businessmen and continue our plan to make a fortune, haha..."

After Kurosawa left from the Minister of Logistics, the mysterious female ninja who appeared before appeared in front of Kurosawa again.

"Why do you want to push him out? Isn't Tsunade already gone? Even if you want to drag down Konoha's strength, you have to wait until it subsides for a while to act. Didn't you tell Konoha Kyoto that there is a logistics problem so early? People who come here once are not as good at fighting as Tsunade!"

"Hehe, hehe..."

Kurosawa looked at the woman in front of him and smiled sinisterly: "Huofeng, sometimes I really don't know what to say about you, do you think Konoha is so easy to forget?"


Hearing Kurosawa's words, the female ninja named Crossfire Phoenix showed a puzzled expression.

"Hmph, who are the three generations of Naruto? He is the hero of the ninja world. He is not only talking about strength, but also commanding on the battlefield. I don't believe this is the style of the third generation. He won't know that his disciple has a grudge against Konoha. , may not investigate seriously?"

Hearing Kuisawa's words, Huofeng was puzzled for a long time and said, "Could it be?"

"That's right, maybe Tsunade doesn't know, there must be someone behind her investigating, but one is in the light and the other is in the dark. I saw Tsunade's casual expression at that time, and I knew better. There must be someone in the dark. Investigate, if we don't give them a reasonable answer, will they leave?"

Kurosawa said unhurriedly.

"But what if your guess is wrong?"

Huofeng said suspiciously.

"Then it means that Konoha's front line is too dangerous to take care of the rear. After Konoha's strength is greatly damaged, it will be the moment for our daimyo ninjas to rise!"

When Kurosawa said this, he showed a look of excitement, as if he had already seen a bright future.

Leng Tian and Kushina began to hide after Tsunade left, they disguised themselves and started receiving messages.

For Leng Tian, ​​as long as he turns on the wind ear, he can receive nearby news.

Although Tsunade and the others left, after confirming that they had shaken off the stalking ninja behind them, they fought back and forth again, and went straight to the gate where the supplies were released. They wanted to learn more about the inside story from these people.

"Oh, have you been so bored lately?"

A few Fire Nation soldiers dozed off boredly. They don't need to go to the battlefield, but even if they do, it's useless.

"I don't know what the caravan will come next time, otherwise I won't have enough money this month..."

Another complained.

"You still complain, haven't you heard that something happened to those businessmen in the capital?"

"Ah, then will they find us?"

"You are stupid, these caravans are all let us go directly by the superiors, what does it have to do with us, we are just following orders..."

The two soldiers chatted casually.

At this moment, a faint voice came from behind them: "Can you tell me who made you do this?"

A broken voice appeared behind them, knocking them unconscious before they could react.

It didn't take long to get the answer.

Seeing that they were Konoha ninjas, the two soldiers directly told what they knew.

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