Leng Tian stood up and admitted loudly.

"You really are looking cold!"

Yu Gao's eyes shined brightly!

I didn't expect it was really him.

Yu Gao and Miyata looked at each other, showing excited expressions, originally thought that this big fish would be obtained by the seven people of Kirinin, but they didn't expect it to be here.

"Hahaha... I didn't expect that you are really cold, and today is your death day!"

Miyata took a step forward and said boldly.

He has this capital, he is a pillar of manpower, no matter how powerful it is in the cold weather, can a dog deal with a tailed beast, you must know his tailed beast.

But it is the only tailed beast that can absorb the opponent's Chakra, which is very rare among all tailed beasts. It is for this reason that when he fights with the opponent, he can continuously absorb the opponent's Chakra, making the opponent's Chakra It will only become less and less.

And his partner Liuwei can absorb the opponent's blood crazily. Not only that, all ninjas surrounded by Liuwei's special foam will be regarded as nourishment and become the nourishment of Liuwei.

The two of them are said to be the most ferocious of the tailed beasts.

When the original pillars were allocated, the Mizukage of the first generation valued the abilities of the two manpower pillars and specifically requested them.

And the first generation also agreed to Mizukage because they considered that the abilities of these two manpower pillars were too brutal, and the country of water was far away from the mainland.

So people on Konoha's side don't know the abilities of these two people.

Both Yu Gao and Miyata knew that the other party had the ability to fight against O***, and this war must be resolved quickly.

So the first time the tail beast.

"Three tails!"

"Six tails!"

Turning into a huge tailed beast, all the ninjas on Konoha's side were stunned. They didn't expect that the Mist ninja touched the manpower column this time, and it was at both ends.

Not only that, what seemed to be immortal actually appeared in the weakest place of Konoha.

Now all the main forces of Konoha are in the front, and they are the only ones behind, and they are not the opponents of Mist Ninja at all in terms of strength.

Even the ninja who worshiped Leng Tian's Hyuga branch had only one thought at the moment, which was to escape.

Facing the human pillar is not something ordinary ninjas can deal with, unless a ninja as powerful as Shi Sannin.

And Leng Tian's strength has been suppressed by the village, so many people don't even know that Leng Tian's strength is already the same as Sannin, or even surpassed Sannin.

Even with Hokage, they are not giving in to each other.

"You all retreat, leave this place to me, just keep the supplies!"

Leng Tian's flat voice reached the ears of his subordinates behind him.

Hearing that Leng Tian wanted to deal with the human pillar in front of him alone, all the Konoha ninjas felt that Leng Tian was going crazy.

This is not one tailed beast, but two tailed beasts.

Even a shadow-level powerhouse might not have the confidence to come here in person.

This is Mizukage's self-confidence. It is precisely because of the deployment of all manpower pillars that they are comparable to Kage-level powerhouses that Mizukage did not appear here.

In the eyes of Yu Gao and Miyata, Hinata Lengtian has become their main meal, so as long as Hinata Lengtian does not evacuate, those Konoha ninjas behind him will not bother to retreat.

Anyway, as long as this Konoha Shenyin is killed, these people can kill them however they want.

"Haha, there is no one in this area now, you can let it go completely, but Hinata Lengtian, you don't naively think that we will fight you one by one?"

Yu Gao said to Leng Tian condescendingly.

"Hmph, I'm more than enough to deal with the two of you!"

A cold light flashed in Leng Tian's eyes, and his eyes turned into Tenseikan.

Not only that, a powerful chakra burst out from his body.

"Monster mode!"

The green chakra covered the whole body in cold weather and flew directly into the air.

Yu Taka and Miyata, who were still irritated by Leng Tian's boastful words just now, were about to shout angrily, but were stunned by the Chakra on Leng Tian's body.

I couldn't believe it when I saw the cold weather.

"This is not the ability of the Hyuga Clan, you are not Hyuga Lengtian!"

Yu Gao said in disbelief.

"Hmph, your fog ninjas are really outdated!"

Leng Tian was looking at Liuwei and Sanwei in the air at this moment.

"The art of psychic!"

Leng Tian didn't even need seals to summon a large stone statue that could suppress Nine Tails. This large stone statue was summoned by Leng Tian for the first time.

Just like Rope used the celestial technique to suppress Hanzo, this trick also has high requirements on Leng Tian's Chakra, but since Leng Tian absorbed the Five-Tails Chakra and Nine-Tails Chakra, he has completely Have the ability to make it out.

Unlike in the anime, the stone statue in front of him does not resemble Hamura, but resembles Leng Tian.

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