After summoning this, as long as the cold weather is undefeated, the stone statue will not disappear. Even if the stone statue is broken, it can still be restored quickly.

Now it's two-on-two again.

"how can that be?"

Not only that, Leng Tian was surrounded by various chakra energy balls.

"The silver wheel is reborn!"

Leng Tian casually pointed, and a huge tornado hit Sanwei.

Leng Tian then flew over, he wanted to separate Liuwei and Sanwei.

Glancing at the stone statue that has found Liuwei, this is almost equivalent to a clone of Leng Tian, ​​a clone that is infinitely immortal and unbreakable. As long as Leng Tian's chakra is not over, it will not disappear.

Leng Tian finally understood the horror of this move.

Sanwei was directly blown hundreds of meters away by this huge gust of wind, you must know that this is Sanwei's body.

After Leng Tian flew away, the ninja in Konoha was stunned.

One of them quietly asked the ninjas of the Hyuga clan around him.

"You Hyuga clan still hide such a terrible state..."

Everyone is a disciple of Mingmen, so for Hinata's transformation, the first time I thought of the white-eyed mode state.

It's just that these branch disciples looked stunned, and it was the first time they saw Leng Tian in such a state.

"Could it be that our Hyuga Clan hides such a terrible pattern, why didn't we find out how Leng Tian used it..."

All these years, they have vaguely known that the Zong family's attitude towards Leng Tian is full of hatred and fear.

It's just that they don't know the specific reason.

Only Rizai, who had been underground all the time, saw the giant statue summoned by Leng Tian, ​​and his eyes flashed with excitement.

"Is this the Tenseikan mode Leng Tian talked about?"

Leng Tian and Ri Zhai have performed several missions, and once very cryptically raised their eyes at Ri Zhai, which is not the final change.

The day difference has been making jokes about the cold weather, and he didn't understand it until now.

"If I can also evolve white eyes, then can I break the fate of the Hyuga clan's separation..."

The shocking movement from the rear of the battlefield can be seen even by Danzo in front.

"No, their target is actually our supplies..."

Danzo and several heads of Konoha's famous family reported at the same time.

At this time, the seven Mist Ninjas on the battlefield finally came to the battlefield, but they were very embarrassed.

After letting them there is Matt Dai...

Chapter 54 Killing the Three Tails

"Haha, Konoha, you guys are finished. Do you know that this time our Kiriginin's Liuwei and Sanwei are attacking your back, and now it's still unknown who will die in this battle!"

He Zhuo said with a smug face, but he still had lingering fears about Matt Dai behind him.

Originally, Matt Dai was conceited that he had to use all his strength to survive the six people, but with the timely arrival of Saori and another team, it finally made it impossible for the six Wunin to kill Matt Dai.

In fact, when they were about to defeat Matt Dai, Matt Dai raised again and opened the seventh door.

For this reason, two of the six people were seriously injured and had to withdraw from the battlefield.

"Boom boom boom..."

When the battle was fierce in the front, Leng Tian and his psychic beasts also fought fiercely with Liuwei and Sanwei in the rear.

Especially Liuwei, who has used all his strength to tear the stone statue in front of him, but it is a pity that he can recover immediately every time he tries to think about it.


At the same time, there is also Sanwei who shouts hateful.

The golden wheel storm condensed in the cold weather fell one after another, each time before Sanwei dodged, it exploded again and again.

Sanwei wanted to attack but was blocked by a repulsive force, and he couldn't even get close to Leng Tian.


Once hit hard by cold weather.

And Leng Tian pressed down with one palm, a force of gravity emerged from Leng Tian's hand, even if it was as strong as Sanwei, he would be firmly held down.

The higher the three tails go, the greater the pressure. This is because Leng Tian can control the trajectory of the moon according to Tenseikan, and simply controlling the gravitational and repulsive forces of the nearby ground makes the space under the palm [-] times the normal gravity.

Sanwei's body was still sinking, and the sinking was getting deeper and deeper, and finally he was directly trapped in the big pit!


Mitsubishi was really angry.

The majestic tail beast feared by the five great powers was actually gestured by Leng Tian with one hand.

"Damn, what is your state! What kind of ninjutsu is this?"

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