But it also breaks the cold-weather magnetic field.

Tongcao and others finally had a chance to escape.

"He Zhuo!"

Several people called He Zhuo's name loudly.

Leng Tian never thought that He Zhuo would use this method to break his barrier.

Just when Leng Tian was about to finish off the remaining three Mist Ninjas and seven people, there was a scream from behind.

Glancing at Maitedai, Leng Tian directly hit Maitedai's acupuncture points, ending his eight-door Dunjia.

"Don't turn it on anymore, your body has already started to collapse..."

After talking to Matt Dai, Leng Tian told Saori to be optimistic about Matt Dai, and he was not even interested in watching Danzo and the others, so he rushed directly to the rear.

There, Liuwei finally broke through the entanglement of Leng Tian's stone statue, and rushed towards the materials behind Konoha.

And Leng Tian's stone statue was directly hugged by Liuwei's six tails, and there was a huge bubble outside, preventing the stone statue from recovering so quickly.

In this way, Liuwei has a way to escape.

"Hurry up, hurry up, I must burn Konoha's supplies before that guy!"

Chapter 56 Six Tails Escape

Sensing the danger in the rear, Leng Tian directly soared into the sky and flew to the rear, which surprised the children of the Hyuga clan on the battlefield even more.

When will their Hyuga Clan have the ability to fly.

But the head of the Hyuga clan and the elders of the clan couldn't hide the horror in their eyes at this moment.

They knew that during World War II, there was a peerless strong man who swung Fengying back with one hand.

Could it be that the person back then was Hinata Lengtian?

Ever since he appeared on the battlefield, Leng Tian hadn't planned to hide his identity. As he continued to use his Tenseigan at this moment, it was no longer blue and white, but turned into azure blue, which meant that his Tenseigan had gone a step further.

In the original book, Naruto's son also opened Tenseiyan, but it was only immature blue and white.

And Leng Tian is already at the same level as Datong Musheren at this moment.

The only thing missing is blood.

Up to now, it is still not possible to use the monster mode freely in cold weather.

Leng Tian's Tenseigan at this moment has completely seen the scene dozens of miles away.

Under the dark blue pupils, Liuwei is destroying supplies, and his speed is completely driven by Chakra.

It's as if Sasuke used Susano to fly in the air in the future.

Just when Liuwei had already destroyed part of the supplies, he suddenly felt threatened and raised his head to look at the sky.

In the sky, Leng Tian's pair of icy reincarnated eyes are staring at him coldly.

When Liuwei saw Leng Tian's faintly shining Tenseiyan, he suddenly felt depressed.

It seems that these eyes have appeared in its long-term memory, and Leng Tian's reincarnated eyes at this moment have a kind of suppression of the tailed beast. This suppression seems to come from the depths of its soul, just like meeting a natural enemy.

"Damn it, Hyuga Lengtian, how much strength are you hiding!"

Leng Tian's Tenseigan has been in an incomplete state before, so the tailed beast's fear of Leng Tian's eyes is not deep.

But now Leng Tian's eyes have completely reached the perfect shape, and they are eyes at the same level as the six reincarnation eyes.

Such a powerful momentum, of course, suppressed Liuwei.

Just like dealing with Sanwei, Leng Tian pressed down with both hands.


A powerful repulsive force was released from Leng Tian's hands, and in the area controlled by Leng Tian, ​​the gravity of the entire space became as high as a hundred times the gravity.

Rao Liuwei also feels unable to move an inch...


Yu Gao still doesn't know what's going on with Sanwei, but he knows that Leng Tian's appearance here must have defeated Sanwei, and his strength has not decreased at all.

Thinking of this, Yu Gao already felt fear in his heart.

"I'm afraid unless Mizukage-sama comes in person, no one can fight him!"

After having this thought in his mind, Yu Gao suddenly roared angrily.

Gathering a large amount of chakra in the body is the most powerful trick of the tailed beast, the tailed beast jade, but compared with other tailed beasts, Yugao and the tailed beast have a very high degree of fit, even the same as the five tails of Iwanin Village.

So this time Yugao spit out continuous tailed beast jade!

Compared with the Tailed Beast Jade that suppressed Three Tails in the cold weather before, this time Liuwei's is even more difficult to resist.

But under the cold weather, all of them bounced back.

But just as Yu Gao thought, although the Tailed Beast Jade was useless against Leng Tian, ​​Yu Gao finally rushed out.

When Leng Tian looked at the place where Liuwei was just now, Yu Gao had already escaped, and he understood the form earlier than Sanwei.

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