Only then did Leng slowly close Tenseigan.

But the demon core in his body dimmed again.

"I'm afraid it's still because of my bloodline problem..."

Although Leng Tian is the same even when facing Naoshu, and even surpasses Naoshu, but it may be difficult for him to use the fairy mode freely like Naoshu.

Especially every time he has to absorb the Chakra of the Tailed Beast in order to use the demon mode.

"The power of my bloodline is still too little, I must make it stronger..."

Thinking of something in the cold sky, I looked into the distance.

"Oshemaru, I will rely on you from now on..."

After the news that Konoha had defeated Mist Ninja on this front came back, the third generation was overjoyed.

"It's finally over, as long as Konoha is given some time, the front line will definitely be able to defeat Iwanin!"

And what makes the third generation even more happy is...

Orochimaru is finally back!

Not only Orochimaru, but he also took a few subordinates with him, but the third generation didn't have time for him to continue to rest, so he directly asked him to go to the front line with Mist Ninja with a secret order.

"Thank you for your hard work, it's cold..."

Orochimaru said after handing over to Leng Tian.

"Master Orochimaru, I want you to help me with one thing..."

Leng Tian said seriously.

"Oh, what's the matter?"

Orochimaru asked curiously.

The strength exposed by the cold weather this time can be said to have shocked the entire ninja world.

Especially defeating two tailed beasts in a row, not only that, but also defeating the seven fog ninjas.

In addition to this impressive record, even Nasoki and Minato may not be able to achieve it, and even Sannin may not have this strength.

So now the entire ninja world is a legend, and the ninjas standing at the pinnacle of today's ninja world, in addition to the fourth generation of Mizukage, are Senju Nawaki and Hyuga Ryoten.

It is still unknown who is the strongest among the three, but there must be one of the number one ninja among them.

After Dashewan knew about Leng Tian's entrustment, he was slightly surprised, as if he couldn't believe it.

"Are you sure you want to do that?"


Leng Tian nodded.

"Okay, I'll prepare it for you..."

Orochimaru stuck out his tongue, narrowed his eyes, not knowing what he was doing.

a month later.

Kirinin began to retreat steadily. During this month, Orochimaru did not give Kirinin any breathing time, and then ordered the follow-up Konoha ninjas to pursue the victory.

But this also caused the sacrifice of many Konoha ninjas, especially after these people were from famous families.

Many patriarchs hope that Orochimaru can give up this pursuit during this period, as long as the situation is controlled within a certain range.

Not only them, but even Danzo discouraged his allies.

But Orochimaru didn't care at all, only Leng Tian knew the reason, the third generation talked about the selection of Hokage's position to Orochimaru, whoever solves one of the fronts first will be the next fourth Hokage.

It is precisely because of this that Orochimaru exerted all his strength, regardless of the intentions of Konoha and other famous families, and ordered the team to separate and keep killing the retreating Mist ninja.

"No, Mist Shinobu!"

One of the Konoha pursuit teams, Captain Konoha shouted.

He knew that the technique of concealing the fog is the most common concealment technique of the fog ninja. The fog ninja has been trained countless times, but Konoha has not, so the Konoha ninja suddenly couldn't see anything...


In the thick fog, one of the Konoha ninjas was killed by the Kirigakure ninja from behind,

And the method he used was very special, a lot of bone spurs appeared directly from his arm.

The thick fog cleared, and the ninja slowly appeared.

In a white kimono, besides him, there are many other people dressed like him, all appearing from the thick fog.

The most powerful clan among the Mist Ninja, the Kaguya clan is here.

"It's really a bunch of trash, and you actually asked me to come to support..."

One of the middle-aged members of the Huiye tribe showed a look of disdain,

While he was speaking, he seemed to sense something and waved his hand again.

"Bone vein ten fingers piercing bullet!"

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