With his flick, ten finger bones scattered in all directions, hitting the Konoha ninja who was about to escape with the help of the fog.

"Let's go, let Konoha know how powerful our Mist Ninja clan is..."

As the man's voice fell, the entire Kaguya clan's ninjas disappeared into the fog again...

Chapter 57 The Kaguya Clan


There was another scream, and the Konoha ninja who was chasing was attacked again.

Orochimaru received the following report, and ordered coldly: "Go ahead, no matter what, you can't let those misty ninjas go!"

Hearing Orochimaru's words, some famous Konoha families around them immediately loosened.

Originally, Konoha had already won a complete victory, driving away Mist Ninja, not only the three tails of Mist Ninja were killed, but more than half of the seven Mist Ninja members were killed or injured.

But Orochimaru must lead his troops to pursue.

In the end, he ran into the Hui Ye Clan who came to rescue him.

You must know that the Kaguya clan is the most powerful clan among the Mist Ninjas, and their blood succession limit is not even lower than that of the Hyuga clan with the strongest Konoha physical skills.

What's more, their weapons are their bones, they can attack anytime and anywhere, and they are simply impossible to defend against.

If Konoha's Hyuga clan is the most powerful in physical defense, then they are the most terrifying in attack.

Many Konoha ninjas have already fully experienced the power of the Kaguya clan. If it weren't for the branches of the Hyuga clan by their side, their Konoha ninjas would have died more.

After all, the front is already covered with thick fog, which was caused by the continuous release of ninjutsu by Mist Ninja.

And the closer to the coast, the thicker the fog.

Among them, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan stood up and said carefully: "I don't think Orochimaru should chase anymore. They are running away anyway. Our main enemy this time is Iwa Shinobi. Now that the threat here has been lifted, I think it is better It's better to go back to Konoha..."

Hearing what the patriarch of the Uchiha clan said, Orochimaru looked at Danzo, and Danzo's face turned black.

One of the masters of the Kaguya clan had injured Danzo before, and when he was dying, all his bones flew to Danzo. Even though Danzo had hidden very quickly, he still injured one eye.

Danzang saw Orochimaru's eyes looking at this side, stood up and said: "I support Orochimaru's order, why the fog ninja dared to attack our Konoha this time is because during World War II, we did not let the other four countries know Our Konoha is amazing..."

Speaking of this, Danzo said coldly: "During World War II, Iwanin who provoked this war did not hurt his muscles and bones at all. Instead, we were used. Because of this, they felt that our Konoha's strength was not as good as before. War, it is not as good as in the first generation, we will let them know this time, Konoha is still that Konoha!"

At the end of the talk, Danzo shouted loudly: "If you dare to enter our Konoha, you must pay the price. None of the Kirin who landed this time will be left!"

Although Danzo is a conspirator, everything is based on his own purpose, but there is one thing, he is the same as the third generation for Konoha.

Although the methods of the two are different, they will never show mercy to enemies who dare to attack Konoha.

The final result was set like this, no matter how much the price was paid, these attacking fog ninjas must be killed.

The fog is getting thicker and thicker. The Konoha ninjas are all searching and advancing as a class, but as long as they are discovered by the Kirigakure ninjas, it will be a fierce battle. Although Konoha has the upper hand, the Kaguya clan of the Kirigakure is really too powerful. Every time you make a shot, you can't guard against it. This kind of blood succession limit is really terrible. Many Konoha ninjas died at the hands of the Kaguya clan.


The group led by Saori was suddenly attacked when they were advancing, and it was not Kunai who attacked them, but some bones.

Seeing this, Saori and her team knew immediately who they had encountered.

Sure enough, a ninja slowly appeared, wearing a white kimono, who else is tender except Kaguya clan.

"You really dare to chase after me, it's really haunting..."

The ninja of the Kaguya clan also showed an angry look.

Because not long ago, the patriarch of their Huiye clan also died in battle.

And he died in the hands of Danzo, so he chased after Konoha ninja, not only not angry, but also a kind of madness.

"Go to hell! I'm going to kill you all! Shigumai's ten fingers are pierced!"

With his flick, ten finger bones scattered in all directions.

"Hmph, Thousand Faces Umbrella!"

Saori was also not to be outdone, and dozens of kunai flew out from the thousand-faced umbrella, colliding with the opponent's bones.

Saori glanced at it, and the Kunai who was ejected back, so many Kunai and hidden weapons that he sent out, were actually not as good as the other party's bones.

"It's such a terrifying power, it's worthy of being the strongest attack group by Yuwei Wunin!"

It's just that Saori can only block the bones in front of her, but the murderous Kaguya clan is already impatient, especially after the leader of her clan died in battle.


The Kaguya clan flashed into the middle of the Konoha ninja with a teleportation technique.

"Dance of the corpse, veins and willows!"

In an instant, his body seemed to bloom like a flower, and countless sharp bone spurs suddenly flew out from his palms, elbows, shoulders, knees, and back.

"Ah! Ah!"

The bone spurs instantly stabbed the surrounding Konoha ninjas.


Several Konoha ninjas tried to endure the pain and get out of the way, but this ninja from the Kaguya clan rushed forward.

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