Just when the Konoha ninja on the opposite side thought to dodge, the palm of the Kaguya clan suddenly opened, and a bone spur protruded from his hand.

The Konoha ninja who thought to escape was directly pierced through the chest.


This Konoha ninja is also famous. He thought he had done the best no matter in evasion or distance, but he was still hit.

This is the strength of the Kaguya clan, because all your combat experience is useless when facing them.

They can shorten the damage distance to you at any time, and every part of their body can appear as a weapon.

Although they are not very good at large-scale ninjutsu, they are definitely worthy of the name as the blood successor limit known as the strongest close-up in the ninja world.

This is also the reason why Konoha's famous family is unwilling to continue chasing after knowing the Kaguya clan's appearance.

It's clearly a lose-lose situation.


Saori didn't expect the Kaguya clan's ninjas to be so powerful, the thousand-faced umbrella kept spinning, and the weapons inside kept flying out.

As for Saori's power, this ninja of the Kaguya clan also knew very well that he was unwilling to meet such a master of hidden weapons.

Therefore, when the opponent's weapons were not exhausted, the ninja of the Kaguya clan tried to hide among several Konoha ninjas.

Seeing that the other party is dodging among her companions, and using her blood inheritance to keep killing her companions, Saori can't use her hidden weapon because she is still afraid of hurting her companions.


This ninja of the Kaguya tribe showed a triumphant smile.

And his opponent, Konoha's ninja, couldn't stop him from such a powerful Blood Succession Limit. After all, this is the ninja who is known as the king of melee in martial arts, except for the ninja of the Hyuga clan.

"Get out of the way!"

Saori had no choice but to choose melee combat. Although this fighting method was to exploit weaknesses and avoid strengths, there was no way around it.

Seeing Saori join in, the Kaguya Clan ninja finally burst out laughing.

"I'm waiting for you!"

After finishing speaking, he saw his figure move, no matter how fast his speed matched Xue Jixian, the bones on his body seemed to bloom again, and in an instant, several Konoha ninjas around him were born.

It turned out that he had had a chance to deal with them earlier, but it was just to attract Saori in...

And it was too late when Saori knew...

Chapter 58 Incomplete Bloodline


Even though she knew she had been fooled by the other party, Saori didn't panic. When she confronted this ninja of the Kaguya clan, she used the thousand-faced umbrella as a weapon and tapped on the opponent's acupuncture points.

The ninja of the Kaguya tribe who was about to attack the Kaguya Clan who was using the blood continuation boundary suddenly felt a numbness in his arm, and the blood continuation boundary that was about to be used was blocked.


The strong man of the Huiye clan was startled, and immediately backed away, but this time it was Saori's turn to chase after him.

"What kind of ninjutsu are you!"

This strong member of the Kaguya clan was astonished, it seemed that the ninjutsu used by the other party, no, it should be the physical technique, seemed to restrain their blood succession limit.

"Hmph, this is my teacher's acupressure point, you must have miscalculated!"

Seeing that Master Leng Tian's tricks can restrain the opponent's blood continuation boundary, Saori resorted to all kinds of ninjutsu and hidden weapons, and when the opponent blocked the opponent's blood continuation boundary, he hit the opponent's acupuncture points again.

This made the other party passive everywhere, and the previous posture of besieging by one person was no longer there.

However, Saori also discovered one thing, that is, if the acupuncture points should be hit, they should lose their mobility, but it can only play a small role in the Kaguya clan.

That is to say, it can only be limited for a short time, and it is difficult to affect the opponent's ability to act.

Thinking of this, Saori's eyes showed a determined look, and the thousand-mask umbrella opened again to block the other party's sight.

And at this moment, the umbrella bone suddenly shot out, instantly hitting twelve acupoints of the opponent. This is why this ninja of the Kaguya clan used his bones to resist at a critical moment.

But even so, this time he was temporarily incapacitated.

Of course, this is also Saori's most powerful move. If this move doesn't work, then she will be in danger.

"It's a pity that you are the one who really deserves to die!"

Saori's voice was icy cold.


The ninja of the Kaguya clan who lost the ability to move suddenly laughed loudly, and in the midst of Saori's shock, all the bones of his body flew out.

This was the last move of the patriarch of the Kaguya clan who planned to die with Danzo at the beginning. With this move, the ninjas of the Kaguya clan would also die.

Saori didn't expect that the opponent was restrained, but she could still use this trick, and she had nothing to resist.

At this time, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of her. Saori saw this figure, and her desperate heart immediately settled down!

"The stars are moving! Rebound!"

With a soft shout, a Taiji diagram blocked all the bone attacks of the strong Huiye tribe, and all of them bounced back.

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