At the same time, Leng Tian finally opened Tenseiyan.

"Finger magic power!"

Leng Tian was not only defending, but also using the bones shot out by the Hui Ye clan to bounce them back with the power of snap fingers.

You must know that the rebound power of Leng Tian's trick is comparable to that of Minato's Kunai.

The flying fingertips were bounced back in an instant, and shot at the four elders of the Kaguya clan.

So fast, it made it impossible for one of the elders to react in time.


After being hit, he instantly felt a shock on his body, almost like being hit by acupuncture points. Although it was only for a short while, it still surprised him.

"Everyone be careful, this guy is not simple, he seems to know some weird ninjutsu, I could barely move just now!"

Hearing the Fifth Elder's words, the First Elder of the Hui Ye Clan was surprised.

At the same time, he also discovered Leng Tian's eyes.

"your eyes?"

Hearing that the opponent found his Tenseigan, Leng Tian smiled faintly.

"Now that you've discovered it, let's show you how powerful the eyes beyond the white eyes are!"

Leng Tian stopped suddenly, and then pressed down with both hands, forming a soft fist posture.

It's just that he still has a certain distance from the four elders of the Huiye clan, but even so, Leng Tian still started to play the Soft Fist Baguazhang.

"You are already within the range of my Rouquan Baguazhang! Attracting stars, no one will run away from now on!"

"Three hundred and sixty-one palms of eight trigrams in soft boxing! Attracting stars!"

Following Leng Tian's lightning-fast swiping, the surrounding air flow was driven, and without Leng Tian's slap, the four elders felt the acupoints all over their bodies become unstable at the same time.

Then there is a suction force, the chakra in the body is flowing out...

"What kind of ninjutsu is this?"

The four elders of the Huiye clan were shocked at the same time.

But the cold weather doesn't end there.

"Four palms! Eight palms! Sixteen hundred and twenty-eight palms..."

Every time Leng Tian swung it across the air, a palm print would appear on the body of the Hui Ye clan opposite him.

The further back, the more the four elders couldn't help themselves.

The key is that not only are their bodies controlled by a suction force, but there is also a repulsion force and suction force appearing together in the space around them, making it difficult for them to move an inch.

"Damn! The gravity here is almost thirty times higher!"


The dignified Huiye clan used forbidden techniques, but they were defeated by Leng Tian before they could fully exert their power.

If you say it out, I am afraid that the entire ninja world will be shocked.

However, just when Leng Tian thought that the opponent should have no physical strength and continue to fight with Chakra, the four elders of the Kaguya clan still did not fall down, but their eyes became more crazy.


They rushed even faster!

This is the ability of the unsealed Kaguya Clan, which can be performed not by Chakra, but by the power of blood.

Seeing this, Leng Tian frowned, and at the same time, the thought in Tou's heart became clearer.

"The ability of the Kaguya clan is definitely more than that. Maybe my guess is correct."

Unlike other opponents, the higher the strength of the Hui Ye clan, the happier Leng Tian was.

He had already used the power of Tenseiyan just now, just like the repulsion of Liudao and Shenluo Tianzheng, Leng Tian also used the force and suction of Tenseigan to create this Tai Chi domain.

There is also a more powerful Dou Zhuan Xing Yi.

Not only that, these elders have completely given up ninjutsu and chakra, but because of the blood succession limit, they can use the blood succession limit more freely.

At the same time, Leng Tian found that these people were hardly afraid of any pain.


Afterwards, the four elders of the Hui Ye Clan all danced around Leng Angel again..."

And the weapon they used was the backbone.

"Hmph, I want to see how hard your bones are!"

"Bone veins!"

The four elders of the Hui Ye clan kept making their weapons and speed faster, but in the face of Leng Tian's powerful reincarnation, none of these could fool him.

Leng Tian slowly realized that after Elder Hui Ye used the forbidden technique, their bodies had started to get injured continuously and couldn't hold on.

"It seems that even if I don't come, Lord Leng Tian can still suppress them..."

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