Orochimaru appeared here just as the four Kaguya elders were fighting Leng Tian.

The appearance of Orochimaru was like the last grass that finally crushed the Kaguya clan.

However, the situation of this battle did not appear in the report, and no one even knew about it except for the three people who survived the scene.

Although Konoha's army didn't know that Leng Tian and Orochimaru wiped out all the high-level members of the Kaguya clan in one fell swoop.

But they can feel the danger and resistance of the recent forward pursuit and laughed a lot.

At the same time, some disciples of Konoha's famous sect began to snatch military achievements...

At this time, Orochimaru's ruthless governance, although it has won the benefits of the civilian army, has offended Konoha's famous family thoroughly. It is reasonable to say that the shadows in the Naruto world are still chosen by these few people.

Even the moment of crisis can be assigned by the previous generation of shadows.

This is why no one cheered after Orochimaru led the team back, and even the senior management of the village did not have a good impression of Orochimaru, and Orochimaru could not get their support.

Just as Leng Tian and Konoha's other teams continued to pursue Mist Ninja, Konoha sent an order.

Although in the land of rain, Jiraiya and Namikaze Minato began to defeat Iwanin, but it is strange to know from a prisoner that the most powerful Iwanin has gone to Kusanagi Village before them. The opportunity shattered Konoha Village in one fell swoop.

In order to find out where these Iwanin disappeared, Hokage asked Leng Tian to go back immediately and help Minato to check the Iwanin troops that disappeared in Kusanin Village...

Chapter 61 The Disappearing Rock Ninja

Wuyin Village, Shuiying Office.

Mizukage is in a very bad mood at the moment, and his whole body is gloomy. He already knew the news that the seven Kirigakure ninjas were killed and injured.

Although I knew that there might be some price to pay this time, I didn't expect it to be so heavy, not only the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, but more importantly, the three tails.

This is something that has never happened.

"Hey... It seems that I really underestimated Konoha, and Ohnoki may have underestimated Konoha's strength!"

Mizukage sighed, the war was not the same as what he and Onogi planned, and he couldn't accept the continuous loss of the elite of Mist Ninja.

In particular, he sent the Huiye clan to support him, but he did not expect that the leader of the Huiye clan would die in battle, which made the Huiye clan disobey the order and dispatch the whole clan.

Simply ignoring his majesty.

"Mizukage-sama, it's not good, something happened to the Kaguya clan!"

Anbu Anbu, Kirigakure, entered the office, holding a scroll in his hand with an urgent secret order added to it.

"What? The five elders of the Huiye clan all died in battle. How is this possible? Even if the five of them work together, I won't be able to get away. Tell me exactly how many people Konoha has used."

Seeing the contents of the secret letter, Mizukage stood up in shock.

"Mizukage-sama, the elders of the Kaguya clan were not surrounded and killed by the ninjas of Konoha, but encountered Hinata Lengtian, and they were all defeated by Hinata Lengtian!"

When the Anbu staff said this, their faces were full of shock.

Hearing this, Mizukage pondered for a long time, and ordered again: "Go, order the patriarch of the Snow Clan to come here immediately, it's time for the Bing Dun Clan to contribute..."

After the Kirinin Anbe staff left, the sorrowful cloud on Mizukage Mizukage's face disappeared and a smile appeared instead: "Huh! That's great, now I see what qualifications the Kaguya clan has to challenge me, it's time to deal with these two The family is gone, Konoha is really doing a really good job!"

After Leng Tian left, he didn't know that Wu Ninja sent the Bingdu Clan, and it was they who snatched Bai Yan, and even fought with the Uchiha Clan to lose both sides.

Now the cold weather has appeared in the country of grass.

Before Konoha discovered that the strength of Iwanin in the Land of Rain had decreased, Jiraiya and Minato immediately seized the opportunity and defeated Iwanin in the Land of Rain.

But this time Jiraiya and Minato didn't feel that they had won, because they had already experienced the power of Onogi once.

Sure enough, during the interrogation, it was discovered that part of the main force had disappeared.

And at the same time, the ninjas of the country of grass discovered the traces of rock ninja.

This made Jiraiya and Minato understand at the same time that the other party wanted to attack the empty Konoha at this time.

Jiraiya had to send Minato to dispatch troops to the country of grass because he still had to be wary of the remaining rock ninja.

After Hokage received the news, he immediately thought of Leng Tian, ​​and now only he has the ability to discover the location of Iwa Shinobi.

In fact, Leng Tian already knew that it was exactly the same as what was said in the original book.

Leading the retreating forces from the Land of Rain to the Land of Grass immediately, and setting up a defense line, Konoha endured all the preparations to find traces of Iwa Ninja in the cold weather, so that they could be wiped out.

Leng Tian and Minato stand on the defense line of grass. Unlike the original book, where Minato has to withdraw from the two battlefields, they hurriedly set up formations. This time, with the help of Leng Tian's windy ears, they knew each other's position in advance.

It's just Leng Tian standing in the Country of Grass, looking into the distance alone, not knowing what he was thinking.

"It's cold, what's wrong?"

Minato came out from behind Leng Tian. After the first battle in the land of water, Minato's reputation became more and more famous. It can be said that everyone in the world did not know the king overnight.

After the second generation of Hokage, Flying Raijinjutsu re-entered the ninja world.

Leng Tian looked at the distance lightly, revealing a complex look, but he didn't show it, but turned his head and said to Minato: "Iwanin is here..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Minato's expression finally became serious.

Watching the water gate go down to prepare to command the battle, Leng Tian murmured looking into the distance and said softly: "The battle of Shenwu Kunqiao is still going to happen. After bringing the soil, it's up to you. You must survive..."

When Leng Tian cleared up his emotions, Iwanin and Konoha had already started fighting.

Iwa Shinobi didn't expect that Konoha had already ambushed nearby, and was ambushed as soon as he touched it.

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