This made them panic suddenly, especially when they saw that yellow flash on the battlefield.

"No, it's a yellow flash..."

A rock hidden ninja shouted loudly.

These ninjas in Yannin Village now have a deep understanding of the yellow flash, and in their eyes, this man's ninjutsu is simply impossible to resist.

And these Konoha ninjas who followed Minato already knew how powerful Minato was, and they were already cheering.

"Haha, Iwanin must be panicking now, I didn't expect the yellow flash to come here!"

Soon the ninjas in Yannin Village began to surrender.

After all, Yan Shinobi said before that he could give up the mission when he encountered a yellow flash.

"We won, we won the war!"

Seeing the surrender of these rock ninjas, all the ninjas in Konoha cheered.

It's not easy to win this war, it's not easy.

First, Onoki had already made the layout, and then he was caught off guard. At the worst time, Mist Ninja came.

In such a difficult situation, they finally won, and all the Konoha ninjas were cheering.

Only Minato and Lengtian remained flat.

Minato felt that the strength of these rock ninja positions was too simple.

To put it bluntly, their strength is even weaker than that of Jounin, no, even Chunin.

With such strength to attack Konoha, even if there are not many people in Konoha, it is not something they can resist, after all, there is Kushina there.

"Did you find something wrong in the cold weather?"

Seeing Leng Tian's calm face, Minato immediately expressed his doubts.

"Maybe you can ask them..."

Leng Tian asked knowingly.

Even if they didn't say it, Leng Tian already knew that there was a rock ninja rushing towards Konoha from another direction before that.

"What did you say, there are [-] people who separated from you and headed towards Shenwu Kunqiao?"

After knowing the situation from Yan Shinobu, Minato said anxiously: "I didn't expect Onoki to have this trick, we were completely fooled!"

"It's okay, I can hurry back..."

Leng Tian said indifferently that he had kept part of the chakra of demon attributes just for this moment.

"But in cold weather, Kakashi and the others may be in that direction..."

Minato said slowly after a long while.

Hearing Minato's words, Leng Tian's figure paused, and said without changing his voice: "I know..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Minato frowned, looking at Leng Tian who had turned into a monster and soared into the sky, he didn't know what to think.

Before determining the direction of Yan Ninja, Leng Tian suggested that Minato place some ninja guards at some key points leading to Konoha.

Among them, Shenwu Kunqiao is one point.

It was because of this that Minato felt that something was wrong, Leng Tian's expression was too dull.

"Hinata Lengtian, what are you planning? Why can't I understand you after the Kingdom of Rain?"

Chapter 62 Shenwu Kun Bridge

The bridge of God without Kun.

Kakashi, Obito, and Rin are staying here, and all three of them feel very bored.

"Teacher, really, why don't you let us join the battle? You must know that our strength has already grown!"

Obito said with a dissatisfied face.

Hearing Obito's words, Kakashi said with a serious face: "Obito, the teacher told us and others to stick to each location to believe us, and at the same time, we must also prevent Iwanoshi from attacking from here!"

Hearing Kakashi's words, Obito said with a face full of blind worship: "I said Kakashi, you are so smart, if the teacher comes out, can those iwa ninjas be hidden? The teacher will definitely lead Minato-sama and the others to find them. Rock Ninja Force!"

At this moment, Lin stood up suddenly, and said to the two seriously, "Shh, I heard a voice..."

Hearing Lin's words, Obito and Kakashi were both startled at the same time, and they seemed to show disbelief.

When Obito spoke before, although Kakashi showed reproachful eyes, he still firmly believed in the teacher's ability in his heart.

But now Lin actually said that he heard other voices. Could it be that Yan Ren really escaped the teacher's eyes and ears? How is this possible?

In fact, they couldn't help but not believe it. Under the leadership of Lin, they bent down on the hillside, and a small team of Iwanin was carefully touching it.

"It's strange that Iwanin really appeared here?"

Kakashi frowned.

Just as he was thinking, Obito opened Sharingan and rushed forward first.


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