Kakashi was furious, and the guy simply ignored his orders.

Several Yannin didn't even think that there were Konoha's ninjas here. They had sacrificed most of their troops as pawns just to confuse Konoha.

So after seeing Obito appear again, these rock ninjas looked very flustered.

But after the fight, they immediately calmed down.

"Haha, I was taken aback, it turned out to be Chunin strength!"

Kakashi, who had been in the dark all the time, heard what they said, and his heart skipped a beat.

"How is it possible, they are all Junin!"

Thinking of the opponent's strength, Kakashi hesitated whether to go out to save Obito.

Behind them, a faint shadow kept looking at them.

It's cold...

However, Leng Tian didn't intend to intervene at this time. In the original book, the opponent in this battle was the ninja army of Iwanin Village, with about a thousand people.

At that time, in order to annihilate all the enemies, a large number of ninjas had to detour around the enemy's thousands of faces, and in order to prevent the thousand-man rock ninja troops from escaping, someone had to stop their retreat.

So ninjas who do sabotage must be elite.

According to the original book, Minato led a team composed of Kakashi, Obito, and Rin to sneak into the enemy's rear area, blow up the bridge used to supply the enemy with supplies, and cut off the enemy's backup support.

At that time, Konoha was also facing a serious lack of combat power, so Minato, as the captain, planned to divide the team into two squads. One squad, Minakaze Minato, was responsible for going to the front line to support, and by the way, helping Kakashi's team lure the enemy.

The other team is Kakashi and Obito Lin, who are responsible for sneaking into the God of Destruction Kun Bridge.

It's just that now it's just monitoring the enemy's movements, and the enemy really appeared from here.

At this moment, Kakashi has two choices, one is to go out and fight side by side with Obito regardless of his own safety.

But the result of this is that both of them may die in battle, and there are people on Konoha's side reporting back, which may allow the enemy to rush into the village from here, causing even greater casualties.

The second is to ignore it and let Obito be killed or captured, and Kakashi immediately went back to report for the mission, so that Konoha could take precautions.

"Ah, Phoenix Immortal Art!"

At this moment, Obito used all his ninjutsu in the face of the four rock ninja jounin. He didn't blame Kakashi for not doing it, and he didn't want him to do it at all.

Because the strength of these four people is too strong, it is because he himself did not listen to Kakashi's order, and he came out without analyzing the strength of the enemy.

Now he just wants to lure these people away and let Kakashi and Lin go for help.

Obito faced not only the upper ninja of Iwanin Village, but also the elite who had combat experience and experienced World War II.

In particular, in order for Onogi to make the plan to attack Konoha a success, these participating rock ninjas can achieve the effect of blending with the surrounding environment and achieving stealth.

Not all rock ninjas can have this strength.

While Kakashi was hesitating, Obito was finally restrained by the four Iwanin.

"Hmph, this kid is still difficult!"

"Didn't you see his eyes? He's from the Uchiha clan. Hehe, it's really lucky. Not only can I get the latest information about Konoha from him, but these eyes are also very valuable..."

"Let's go, take him back, let the captain interrogate him!"

Hearing that Obito would be taken away, Lin was about to rush out in the distance, but fortunately Kakashi grabbed Lin.

"Make it clear, they are all Junin, and our strength may not be able to defeat them, especially when the other party says the captain, that is to say, there are at least a hundred Junin around here. Do you want to send them to death?"

Hearing Kakashi's words, Rin fell silent.

After Iwanin led the bandit away, Lin immediately wanted Kakashi to find an opportunity to ambush them with him, and try to take the bandit away.

"Kakashi, why are you still hesitating, that's Obito!"

Lin said anxiously.

It's just that Kakashi didn't move.

"In order to complete the task, the ninja will not hesitate to sacrifice his partner, this is the rule!"

After a while, Kakashi suddenly raised his head and said expressionlessly.

"What... what? Kakashi, what did you just say?"

Lynn asked in disbelief.

"I said that ninjas are props used to perform tasks, and emotional roots are superfluous things."

After hearing Kakashi's words clearly, Lin almost couldn't stand still.

"Why, Kakashi, why did you make such a decision, Obito violated your order without authorization, but he is also our important companion, have you forgotten what Mr. Leng Tian taught us, the team, the strength of the team?"

Hearing Lin's words, Kakashi's face was heavy, and finally he shouted angrily: "Of course I know, but I understand the importance of the mission better. My father also performed the infiltration mission as the captain. At that time, he had already caught the Sand Ninja Rizhu , but he is faced with a choice, whether to save his partner or continue the mission..."

Speaking of this, Kakashi raised his head and stared at Lin with a firm face and said: "In the end he gave up the mission to save the life of Lord Shinnosuke, but the Kingdom of Fire suffered a huge loss because of my father's decision.

We were forced to start a war to get the previous results, but what about Shinnosuke?

He was completely disabled, and in the end my father and him could only live as one person, but even so, what did my father gain?

Therefore, as the captain, I should follow the rules to handle affairs! "

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