"The age of division?"

Hearing Uchiha Madara's words, Leng Tian was taken aback. This is the first time I heard of it. After all, only things about the Warring States Period were mentioned in the original book.

In fact, since Otsutsuki Kaguya came to this world and began to rule all the people with her force, it was the era of great unification.

Then Ninzong lived in seclusion, and the era of great unification slowly passed and became an era of division. At that time, the Hyuga clan and the Kaguya clan took the stage.

Just like the Senju Clan and the Uchiha Clan, whichever force invites the Hyuga Clan, the other party will definitely invite the Kaguya Clan.

Only the Kaguya clan can fight against the Hyuga clan, and only the Kaguya clan can fight against the Hyuga clan.

It was not until Ninzong was born and entered the Warring States Period that this period of history began to change.

And in the turning point of these two times, a genius appeared in the card, that is Hyuga Tenshin.

Hyuga Lengtian quietly listened to Uchiha Madara's narration of this history...

At this time, Leng Tian smiled and said nothing.

"You don't seem to be planning to make a move?"

Uchiha Madara said slowly.

"You don't have much time. Using such a powerful Chakra just now has speeded up your time. I don't think it's necessary..."

Leng Tian's Tenseiyan had already seen through Uchiha Madara's current state.

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Uchiha Madara showed a smile in his eyes.

"That's right, but little guy, don't think we'll just forget about it and we'll meet again..."

Uchiha Madara tilted his head after speaking, and a generation of strong men left here.

Leng Tian knew what Uchiha Madara meant, after all, he had read the original.

"Unfortunately, your era is over anyway..."

Leng Tian said softly.

Chapter 67 The Eighth Gate

Speaking of this, Leng Tian raised his head and glanced to the side. Hei Jue just emerged from the ground at this moment, trying to take away Madara's body, but found that Leng Tian was staring at him.

This made Hei Jue startled.

"Let go, that's not something you can move..."

Hei never dared to move when he heard Leng Tian's words, he saw eyes that he never knew from those eyes.

You must know that he has another identity, that is, Otsuki's third son. It can be said that the entire history of the ninja world is Otsuki's family history, and the development of the ninja world is also developed on the basis of Otsuki.

Although there have been quite a few Blood Inheritance Boundaries, for Hei Jue, they are just more or less inherited some of his mother's abilities.

But Leng Tian's eyes were not.

He had never seen her mother have those eyes.

And as the closest family to the mother line, white eyes are one of the characteristics of the mother, but the mother has never evolved the white eyes.

Could it be that the mother's white eyes were surpassed by the boy in front of her?

As long as he thought of this, Hei Jue couldn't stop the panic in his heart.

So under Leng Tian's reincarnation eyes, Hei Jue didn't even dare to look directly at him.

"Maybe Uchiha Madara can let it go for a while, what really needs to be understood is what those eyes represent..."

Thinking of this, Heijue is not entangled with Leng Tian, ​​after all Leng Tian has already proved himself with his strength.

Although Uchiha Madara's situation at the moment is dimmed, and he is preparing other plans, even if it is such a person who can see through it so easily, there are probably not many people in the entire ninja world.

Hei never intended to continue to confront Leng Tian, ​​but he did not forget to add obstacles to Leng Tian.

"Hehe, Konoha's Hyuga Lengtian remembers you, and I will always pay attention to you in the next few days. Iwa Ninja's sneak attack troops have already entered the hinterland, and I believe they will enter Konoha soon. You Do you think that the empty Konoha can withstand Iwanin's attack at this moment?"

Hearing Hei Jue's words, Leng Tian smiled lightly.

"I'm afraid I've disappointed you, Konoha is not as easy to destroy as you think..."

"Hehe, so I don't think that one Nine-Tails can solve so many Iwanin troops, and I have more sources of information than I know. How can I answer a question for me? I can tell you a key news..."

Hei Jue negotiated with Leng Tian.

Hearing Hei Jue's words, Leng Tian frowned.

He didn't know whether to believe Hei Jue's words or not.

In the original book, this person was a character who existed for thousands of years, and separated the two children of Liudao.

Let the Uchiha and the Senju Clan become rivals afterwards, and even fooled Uchiha Madara, Obito, and even Nagato.

Therefore, Leng Tian is very cautious about his words, especially his earth escape power, which is directly inherited from Datongmu's bloodline. It can be said that the descendants of the Qianshou clan are not as good as him.

Can such a person be believed?

The answer is no!

"Bagua empty palm!"

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