Leng Tian directly slapped his empty palm and swung it over.

Seeing the failure of the negotiation, Heijue shouted loudly before disappearing: "Hinata Lengtian, you will definitely regret it!"

"Hmph, you think that Konoha's hole cards only have Kushina and Kyuubi, but my hole card also has a Kage-level peak powerhouse Senju Naoki..."

Looking at the direction where Hei Ze disappeared, Leng Tian walked towards Uchiha Madara again.

At this moment, Uchiha Madara has lost his life, only the Sharingan has not been completely closed.

Leng Tian acted directly, sealing Uchiha Madara's eyes, holding the eyes that Uchiha Madara got from who did not know, Leng Tian looked at Obito who was in a coma again.

Then Leng Tian looked at the tree between the pillars on the high place.

"I hope it will go well..."

Leng Tian once entered the manager of the tree between the pillars, knowing that it can save people.

Therefore, in cold weather, Obito is connected to the tree between the pillars.

Soon Obito, who had been breathing weakly, began to calm down from his injuries.

"very good……"

After seeing that Obito's situation had stabilized, Leng Tian finally entered the middle of the tree between the pillars.

"The first of the eight disintegration techniques is opened!"

Leng Tian said softly.

At this moment, the Qi and blood in Leng Tian's body began to connect with the tree between the pillars...

After performing the first eight-door disintegration technique, the power of qi and blood in Leng Tian's body began to burn, but it had almost no effect on Leng Tian.

Especially in the tree between the pillars, it is replenished instantly, almost without any consumption.

second door

third door


The seventh door!

When Leng Tian opened the seventh door, although he already possessed the strength of a shadow-level powerhouse, he was still terribly shocked.

However, in terms of strength, Leng Tian didn't feel that his strength had improved too much.

In fact, Leng Tian has already noticed this problem.

That is, the eight disintegration techniques have an upper limit.

I read the Kaihuang mode in the original book before, after opening the eight doors, it will increase to [-] times the strength of the shadow-level powerhouse, but that is the power to open the eight doors.

If you already have the strength of a shadow-level powerhouse, before you open the eight gates, even the seventh gate will not be so powerful.

Because this is limited.

And what limits the power of the Bamen Dunjia is the power of the blood.

If it were Uchiha Madara who used the eight disintegration techniques, the power of opening the seventh door would not be any different from that of Kai.

It's the same even for Senjujuma, but the persistence time will be longer, only the eighth door is different.

The eighth door is to infinitely improve all the potential of the whole body, which has already surpassed the limit of the body.

Leng Tian can only be regarded as an elite jounin in his normal state, unless he opens Tenseikan, he can be promoted to the strength of a shadow-level powerhouse.

In the demon mode, he reached the peak of the shadow level.

So Leng Tian doesn't agree with this kind of strength at all, he needs to improve, to improve even stronger...

But what restricts Leng Tian is the limit of blood inheritance, and his own blood can't make Leng Tian's cells divide more times.

Because this will speed up the life consumption in cold weather.

So Leng Tian was planning Uchiha Madara's Hashirama Tree very early on.

Only with the tree between the pillars can Leng Tian have the opportunity to open the eighth door of the eight disintegration techniques, so that his chakra can be multiplied and multiplied, and he can use the monster mode even without absorbing the chakra of the tailed beast.

So in cold weather, Chakra needs to be stronger.

Compared with others, Leng Tian's biggest advantage is knowing the plot.

So he decided to open the eighth gate with the help of Uchiha's Hashirama Technique here, so that the chakra in the body can be raised to a higher level.

The tree between the pillars made by Uchiha Madara is stronger than that of Danzo.

Of course the time is longer.

"Eight disintegration techniques, the eighth door opens!"

Leng Tian took a deep breath and finally opened the eighth door. After opening the eighth door, Leng Tian felt his whole body become different...

The chakra in the body is like a volcanic eruption, and a steady stream of chakra flows out from all parts of the body.

And Leng Tian used these to enter all parts of his body. What he needed was not the power of the eighth door, but to use the eighth door to temper his blood and body.

The Chakra in Leng Tian's body also began to improve continuously, breaking through from the elite Jonin's Chakra to the Kage-level, surpassing the Kage-level again and even reaching the peak Kage-level Chakra. The amount of Chakra has not stopped at all, and continues...

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