But Leng Tian's body began to be unable to hold on, and the power of his blood began to dissipate...

Chapter 68 Bloodline Promotion

After Leng Tian opened the eighth door, a large amount of Chakra erupted in his body. In fact, Leng Tian had discovered something a long time ago, that is, the Eight Disintegration Technique, which is actually a practice method to quickly increase Chakra.

It's just that some people's blood cannot withstand such a powerful chakra, like Kai, although he has cultivated enough to open the seven doors, he can only use it for a while because his body cannot meet this standard.

In fact, in the Fourth World War, Obito, Danzo, and Uchiha Madara all fused the cells between the pillars to be able to bear other blood.

The Thousand Hands Clan and the Uzumaki Clan themselves have the characteristics of being tolerant of other bloodlines.

It's just that this secret has never been discovered because of the non-intermarriage of the Qianshou clan.

Otsutsuki Kaguya has surpassed the limit of blood successors, and the characteristic of blood successor snare is because of the blood of Senshou and Uzumaki clan.

This is basically a powerful blood-successive snare, but it is a pity that this feature was officially listed as a research by Orochimaru after the Third World War.

However, Uchiha Madara also achieved this kind of achievement, so he was able to fight against the ninja army alone, and even the five ninjas with ease.

In addition to Uchiha Madara's own strength being higher than them, there is also the reason for the blood of Senshou in his body.

Leng Tian is now tolerant of the Senju bloodline. In fact, both the Hyuga clan and the Senju clan are descendants of Otsutsuki Kaguya, and their bloodlines are flexible, but because of the ninja war, each family will not give each other. this opportunity.

Moreover, the ordinary Thousand Hands Clan or other Blood Successor Ninja bloodlines may not be able to play out.

This time, Leng Tian fused directly with the Thousand Hands Column, which is more powerful than the trees of the Thousand Hands prepared by Danzo.

Opening the eighth door, Leng Tian's whole body's energy and blood consumption was astonishingly large, but the tree in the column seemed to meet the other party, and began to replenish frantically.

Eight disintegration techniques, every time a cell in Leng Tian's body is destroyed, the tree between pillars will repair one, and the amount of chakra in Leng Tian's body begins to double.

However, the Eight Disintegration Techniques are too heaven-defying, and even members of the Qianshou clan could not open the last one.

It also led to the decline of the Thousand Hands Clan because of mastering a forbidden technique.

But even so, the Qianshou clan's influence in the village is very strong, but they are only incarnated among the villagers of Konoha.

Otherwise, in the original book, Tsunade left the village for more than ten years but still got love. It is not just a simple problem that a village was founded by the Senju clan, or that Tsunade is the granddaughter of the first generation.

In fact, many civilians in Konoha are villagers from the Thousand Hands clan.

Just when the trees in the pillars began to shrink, Leng Tian's body began to rupture continuously. Obviously, the trees in the pillars could no longer help Leng Tian.

At this time, Leng Tian finally opened Tenseigan, and turned on the demon mode.

Tenseiken itself is to master the power of death and life, which belongs to the power of creation, so no matter how much damage it suffers, it can be repaired.

This physique is actually not only the power of Tenseikan, but also the blood of the Otsutsuki clan.

It's like the sealed Kaguya, and the Momoshiki who was defeated by Sasuke and Naruto in the theatrical version are all resurrected because of the power of blood.

Under the reincarnation, the blood in Leng Tian's body finally blocked the consequences of the Bamen Dunjia.

But Leng Tian can control Bamen because he is not used for fighting.

If you fight like Yekai mode, I am afraid that even Leng Tian will not be able to control the eight disintegration techniques that open the eighth door.

Several hours later, the eighth door began to close slowly. No, it should be said that there is no more eight doors. At this moment, the cold day exhaled a mouthful of milky white turbid air from his nose, and he felt refreshed and indescribably comfortable. He even found that his body had undergone tremendous changes.

All the wounds in his body were gone, even the wounds he had received before, but the most important thing was that he found his forehead in cold weather.

His curse mark on his forehead is gone!

"To do this to such an extent, I actually added the curse seal."

Leng Tian touched his forehead, and there was a piece protruding from Leng Tian's forehead at the moment, like a sarcoma, but Leng Tian knew that it was an eye, an eye waiting for his transplant.

"As long as I put Uchiha Madara's eyes in my body, there may be a chance for reincarnation eyes..."

Leng Tian knows the true form of Datongmu.

In addition to this, Leng Tian felt that his own strength and chakra had become different. First of all, he was now fully able to use the demon mode.

No need to absorb the Chakra of the Tailed Beast anymore.

In addition to these and his strength, Leng Tian squeezed it hard and hit it directly.


A loud bang.

The rock in front of him was smashed by Leng Tian's punch, which was almost equivalent to the power of a B-level ninjutsu.

As for the comparison among the eight gates, Leng Tian compared to himself: "I'm afraid this is equivalent to the power to open the fifth gate among the eight gates of Dunjia?"

Leng Tian successfully used the eighth door of the eight disintegration techniques and the tree between the pillars to improve his blood, and even raised his body to a higher level like rebirth.

Even if Leng Tian only uses ordinary moves now, it is equivalent to the power to open the eight doors and five doors.

But there is one thing, Leng Tian is no longer able to use the Eight Dunjia Techniques.

In other words, even if Leng Tian opened the Eight Gates Disintegration Technique, it could only be at this level.

"Is this progress or regression?"

Leng Tian shook his head, he didn't know whether to be lucky or regretful, but he was mostly lucky because he found out that the eight disintegration techniques might not be that simple.

Through the previous practice improvement, Leng Tian finally knew that the original purpose of these eight disintegration techniques was probably to enhance the power of the bloodline.

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