Perhaps this senior of the Thousand Hands originally created this kind of ninjutsu to evolve his own physique just like Hyuga Tennin.

Just like when the Senju Clan and Uchiha Clan only inherited Otsuki Kaguya’s Chakra, Blood Succession Limit, and Reincarnation Eyes, but the body and white eyes did not inherit or could not reach the physique of the Otsutsuki Clan. Thinking of this kind of practice Method to enhance the power of blood.

Like the Hyuga Clan, they were misunderstood by younger generations, thinking it was a powerful ninjutsu.

After getting used to the power at this moment, Leng Tian looked to the other side, put Obito into the tree between pillars to heal before, and now Obito is almost healed.

The only thing is that the left eye is gone.

"The teacher said that he will give you a pair of kaleidoscope writing sharing eyes..."

Leng Tian transplanted Uchiha Madara's eyes into Obito's eyes.

For Leng Tian, ​​Madara's eyes are on Nagato at all, and these eyes are definitely not his.

It is precisely because of this that Leng Tian dared to help Obito transplant with confidence.

However, Obito rejected the eyes that had just been transplanted to Obito.

Leng Tian frowned, a little puzzled, even when it was transplanted to Kakashi, there was no such situation, why did he find this kind of rejection in Obito.

Originally, Leng Tian planned to wake up with soil and was preparing, but what Hei Jue said before, has been echoing in Leng Tian's heart, it seems that there is really a danger that he does not know about Konoha.

So I plan to go back as soon as possible.

Seeing Obito's repulsion, Leng Tian input a trace of chakra, and finally found out that it was caused by the big difference between the two eyes under internal inspection.

It seems that Obito's Sharingan is naturally rejected by Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Thinking of this, Leng Xia made up his mind to install Uchiha Madara's other eye into Obito's eye, and sealed Obito's eye by himself...

Chapter 69 Konoha Crisis

After Leng Tian helped Obito put on Uchiha Madara's eyes, Obito finally woke up slowly.


Obito was surprised when he saw Leng Tian, ​​and then touched his face, especially his eyes.

"my eyes……"

Obito said in surprise.

"I'm late, but I feel that there should be nothing wrong with your aura, so I want to save you immediately, but you were taken away by another person halfway. I followed him and fought here. After that, I Replaced yours with his..."

Hearing the teacher's calm narration, Obito's heart was turned upside down.

"Replace my eyes?"

Obito finally understood why his eyes were intact, but he had replaced one of them with Kakashi.

Thinking of this, Obito is full of excitement.

"I survived, I finally survived!"

Obito jumped up happily, and with this jump, he found that his injuries were all healed, the only thing was the scar on his face.


It wasn't until this time that Obito was surprised to find that the surroundings were unusual, especially the huge stone statue in front of him and the carvings of the first Hokage.

"Teacher, what exactly is this place..."

Obito asked curiously.

He felt that this place was unusual, especially since there were still sculptures of the first generation here, who exactly did the teacher fight with.

"This should be where Uchiha Madara is hiding. What you saw just now is Uchiha Madara's tree created by Uchiha Madara using the first generation of cells. It is thanks to it that you can get better so quickly..."

"Uchiha Madara?"

Obito repeated it, feeling like he had heard the name somewhere before, then Obito suddenly widened his eyes and looked at his teacher with his mouth open.

"Old... teacher, did you just say Uchiha Madara?"

Seeing Obito's surprised look, Leng Tian smiled and nodded.

Seeing the teacher nodding, Obito said incredulously: "This is impossible, Uchiha Madara is the strong man who founded the village with the first generation, and in the final battle with him, shouldn't he be dead?"

"In fact, he survived with the help of the cells between the pillars, and planned a lot of things, but it's just a dream..."

Obito couldn't understand the meaning of the teacher's words, and was still in shock, when suddenly he remembered something.

"Teacher, you just said that my eyes were taken from the enemy, could it be..."

Seeing Obito's expression, Leng Tian said indifferently: "You guessed right, you got it from Uchiha Madara..."


Obito was taken aback, and then his eyes changed, and suddenly he felt a powerful force burst out of them.

"This power..."

Seeing that Obito had opened the kaleidoscope Sharingan in an instant, Leng Tian was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Quickly turn off the kaleidoscope Sharingan!"

"Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye?"

Today's Obito is no longer a member of the Uchiha clan who didn't know anything before. Since Mikoto's incident broke out, Obito has quietly asked some questions.

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