Although the Uchiha clan still hides it deeply, he learned something from sister Mikoto, especially the Kaleidoscope Sharingan that faced sister Mikoto at the beginning, that kind of power scared him, and he finally understood why the Uchiha clan is so crazy.

Mikoto's sister's power is simply the ultimate weapon of the Uchiha clan, and now he has it too.

"Oh my god, I actually got the Kaleidoscope Sharingan..."

As long as he thought of this, Obito fell into a panic.

Seeing Obito's shocked appearance for a moment, Leng Tian knew that he still had a long time to sort out what was going on here.

But time was running out.

What Hei Jue said before leaving made Leng Tian faintly uneasy.

"Obito, I want to rush back to Konoha immediately, you should find a place to hide first, don't let Konoha's people find out for the time being, do you know?"

"Teacher, can't I go with you?"

Obito asked in surprise.

"Your eyes, I don't know how you will explain your eyes to Konoha, besides, Lin and Kakashi must think that you have sacrificed at that time, and I haven't figured out how to make you safe for the time being. ..."


Obito showed a puzzled look, not understanding why the teacher would do this.

"Obito, maybe you don't understand the meaning of the name Uchiha Madara. I don't want others to know about this person. If I report the truth, I'm afraid Konoha and the Uchiha clan will cause chaos, and you may even be in danger. In such a situation You'd better hide, I will arrange your whereabouts later..."

Hearing the teacher's words, Obito nodded, he believed that the teacher's judgment would not deceive him.

"Then teacher, I will leave with you..."

"it is good!"

Obito was also worried about whether Lin and Kakashi had escaped and would not be caught up by Iwano.

Leng Tian and Obito chased Konoha all the way. On the way, they also encountered lone Iwanin. These Iwanin were to help the Iwanin who attacked Konoha leave a chance to retreat.

They were setting up some traps, and they were first surprised when they saw the cold weather and Obito coming at high speed.


"Kill your people!"

After Leng Tian finished speaking, his physical skills erupted, and he punched the rock ninja from the air, and sent the other rock ninjas flying. Then, before the other rock ninjas could react, he used the hard fist in the soft fist to knock them out. Shinobu are all wiped out.

Leng Tian's strength once again made Obito excited, and it was the first time he had seen the strength of the teacher's serious fighting.

Is this the real strength of the teacher? Whether it is bodywork or speed, it is already faster than ordinary ninjas using instant body art, and the power of body art is comparable to that of some ninjutsu.

"This is the true strength of a teacher!"

Seeing that Leng Tian defeated Iwa Ninja so easily, Obito was very excited. Now he believes that the person the teacher defeated before was Uchiha Madara.

Not only because of this pair of kaleidoscope sharingan, but also because the teacher's strength is already the most powerful ninja he has ever seen.

Not even the patriarch of the clan, nor any ninja you've seen on the battlefield can stand up to Sensei.

"Perhaps even the third generation is no match for the teacher..."

The closer he got to Konoha, the more Leng Tian found signs of a fight.

"How come, didn't Kakashi and the others already send out the information?"

Obito said in surprise.

"Even if they send the information, Konoha only has some old and weak soldiers who can't resist effectively at this time, not to mention Konoha only has one hole card..."

As soon as Leng Tian finished speaking, he stopped, and Obito also hurriedly stopped. Now that he has the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, his strength has greatly increased, and he has already heard the voice in the distance.

In front of them, there were several Yannin who were constantly treating him, and his companion looked anxious.

"Fortunately, Konoha doesn't have many people, otherwise we probably wouldn't even have a chance of surviving..."

"Yeah, just one person can kill all of us, who is that person?"

"Don't you remember the words that the leader yelled in surprise when he was about to die, it seems to be Konoha's rebellious ninja Senju Nawaki?"

"Is that person the Thousand Hand Rope Tree?"

The two rock ninja said with a look of fear.

In the battle that day, the man immediately stood in front of Muye Village with a horizontal knife, and rushed towards them alone.

They thought this man was a lunatic, but they didn't expect that the elite unit of the dignified Iwanin elite would lose to him and be killed.

"It's strange, why there is no news from Kushina, Nakoki shouldn't have appeared so early, if Kushina can solve it, she won't make a move, what happened here?"

Thinking of this, Leng Tian rushed over immediately, and these rock ninjas were pressed by Leng Tian without even realizing it.

Seeing Leng Tian's white eyes and that aura, they all associated with one person, that is the hermit of Konoha.

For them, the place where the Leaf Hermit appears is the enemy's grave.

Leng Tian didn't talk nonsense, and directly appeared Tenseigan to check the information in their minds. After checking, his face changed greatly...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The reason why Leng Tian changed drastically was because Jiu Xinnai was taken away.

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