
As one person yelled, Detonation Talismans suddenly surrounded Scorpio and Izumo.

When Izumo opened his eyes, he realized that Xie Hu was in front of her.

"Scorpion, are you injured?"

"Hee hee, the two little guys are so inexperienced, the old man has been waiting for you to take the bait..."

An old man stood out from the grass.

He is one of Raikage's seniors. Although his grades are very old and his strength has declined, his strength is still higher than that of Jonin.

However, this person has always been cautious by nature, even if the person chasing him seems to him to be no threat at all.

But he still ambushed the detonating talisman.

Just when the cloud ninja elder thought that the scorpion had been injured, a sand ninja suddenly appeared behind the scorpion.

"Hehe, do you think an ambush can hurt me? I'm a puppet master!"

Hearing Scorpion's words, Elder Yun Nin's face suddenly changed drastically. He suddenly found that Scorpion was not injured at all, but because of the explosion just now, he didn't even notice that Scorpion's puppet was behind him.

"You, you are not..."

The Elder Yun Nin suddenly glanced behind him, then was too surprised to speak.

"It's my turn to make a move..."

Scorpion manipulates Kazekage to deal with the Elder Cloud Ninja. Although the Elder Cloud Ninja is good in strength, he is facing Kazekage, who is known as the most powerful Kazekage of Sand Ninja.

And there was Izumo interfering on the side, and he soon fell into a disadvantage.

After Scorpion used Kazekage's blood succession limit, he completely suppressed the cloud ninja elder, and soon he exposed his flaws, and Scorpion did not let it go

"do not want!"

Elder Yun Nin yelled.

"go to hell!"

Looking at the golden sand surrounding him, the elders of Yun Ren Village showed a look of despair.

"Hmph, overestimating yourself!"

Scorpion said disdainfully.

Just as he finished speaking, there was a sound behind him.

Scorpion and Izumo immediately became alert.

"it's me!"

A muffled voice sounded behind them.

This startled Scorpion and Izumo.

The voice actually sounded from behind, when did this person come behind them.

The strength of this person is probably only comparable to their boss Senju Naoki.

When Scorpion and Izumo looked back and saw that it was cold, they were relieved.

"Where's Kushina?"

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Scorpion and Izumo looked at each other, and immediately pointed to one of the directions and said: "Another person fled from this direction with a treasure bottle, and we were stopped here by the remaining old guy... "

Hearing Scorpion's words, Leng Tian nodded and said to them: "The next thing I can do by myself, you go back to Konoha, I'm worried that someone will be unfavorable to Shengshu..."

Hearing that something was going to happen to the boss, Scorpion and Izumo looked at each other before disappearing from Leng Tian's sight.

And Leng Tian immediately chased after him, but soon he found another Elder Yun Nin.

It's just a pity he's dead.


Under Tenseigan, Leng Tian discovered an unexpected scene.

Jiu Xinnai was robbed halfway, and he was an acquaintance, it was Brother AB...

Chapter 73 Ai Hebi

Yunyin Ninja's plan this time is very seamless. They summed up the experience of previous failures, deliberately selected the most suitable time, and calculated every step very accurately.

Even if Konoha ignored Iwanin's attack and came to retake Kyuubi, it counted.

And their plan did pay off.

First of all, after confirming that Kyuubi's human pillar was Konoha's last hole card, and then Konoha couldn't react in time, he used the magic weapon of six paths.

As expected, Konoha was unable to regain the Nine-Tails Manpower Pillar under the siege of Iwanoshi.

Unexpectedly, Konoha actually hid a strong man like Naoshu, but even so, they have already succeeded more than half.

So when Naoki sent his team to chase after him, the two Yun Nin elders had already reached this point, and specially arranged for their four disciples to disperse Konoha's judgment.

The Nasuki team also fell into the trap of Iwanin, and by the time the Naoshu team reacted, it was already too late.

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