This trick not only fooled Shengshu's team, but also delayed Leng Tian's search and rescue time.

It's just that the two elders of Yunin didn't expect that the strength of Naoshu team, let alone the strength of Scorpion and Izumo, they were completely comparable to themselves.

In order to seize the power of Yun Nin this time, one of the elders voluntarily died.

And he also achieved his goal, buying time for his companions.

It's just that when the last elder took the magic weapon to the corresponding location ten, he found that all the cloud ninjas here had been killed.

"how is this possible?"

For this plan, they pretended to be Iwa Shinobi along the way and barely exposed, why did this accident happen in the end.

"Who is it, stand up for me!"

Almost no one knows the location here, the Elder Yun Nin immediately thought of something, but he was speechless until he saw the true face of the enemy.

"It's really you!"

"What you plan, we have known for a long time, don't do fearless resistance and hand over the vase..."

After seeing the true face of the enemy, the Elder Yunyin looked around and ran away immediately, but he couldn't compete with the person in front of him at all.


In the end, the elder used all his strength, but he couldn't even touch the hem of the two enemies' clothes!

"As expected of the child of the third generation of Raikage..."

This is the scene played back in Leng Tian's mind.

After a day of tracking, Leng Tian finally caught up with Brother AB in a canyon.

No, it should be said that Yunyin's AB brothers have been waiting here for the cold weather,

At the place where Elder Yun Nin died before, both of them left a mark on Leng Tian.

"It's really you, haha, we meet again in cold weather!"

Lei Yingai from the next four generations stood up, revealing an inexplicable smile.

Seeing the more developed muscles on Ai's body, Leng Tian nodded: "It seems that your cultivation level of Thunder Escape Chakra Mode has reached the fourth stage..."

"Brother, is he the partner you mentioned?"

Behind Ai is the rapping Kirabi in the original book.

The two are the Yunin AB brothers who became famous after that.

Bi looked at Leng Tian with disbelief and said, "Brother, he is very weak, can he really help us?"

Looking at Brothers A and B standing in front of him, Leng Tian repeated again: "Ai, I don't have time to talk to you, if you want to cooperate, hand over the vase first..."

"Don't worry, last time we didn't fight due to environmental constraints, why don't you try Leng Tianjun's strength today?"

Ai moved the muscles in his body, and his joints clicked.

And Kirabi next to him also shouted: "Yes, the strength of the people who cooperate with us must be passable, are you ready? On the other side, we are going to attack!"

"The fourth stage of Thunder Escape mode!"

Ai roared loudly, and a wave of light blue thunder-attribute chakra covered his whole body. This was the strongest posture when encountering thunder force in a cold sky long ago.

However, Ai's Chakra is still growing,

"Ah, the fifth level!"


The power of thunder and lightning surrounded Ai's body, and this time Ai raised his head proudly and said, "This is the highest secret art of Lightning Dungeon Chakra!"


A large amount of thunder-attribute chakra floods Ai's whole body, bringing effects not only in high speed, endurance, strength, and healing, but also in the substantial growth of chakra in the body, which is ten times that of before.

At this moment, Ai's strength has completely reached the shadow level.

What's more, there is an eight-tailed manpower column behind him. The two of them don't seem to be looking for a partner at all, but they seem to want to kill Leng Tian.

"Yeah! Big brother is so powerful, I finally used this trick, and I did it too, in eight-tailed state!"

Kirabi raised his left hand high, raised his index finger and little finger, and made a rock gesture.

A stream of fiery red transparent chakra emerged from his body surface, wrapping his body like a mass of foam, and the form of eight tails emerged from behind him!

"Gudu! Gudu!"

After Kirabi used this form, behind him, five huge octopus tentacles formed by condensed fiery red chakra appeared. These transparent tentacles have some sucker-like protrusions, which are similar in shape to the eight-tailed octopus. The tail is exactly the same.

This is the state in which Kirabi used the eight tails for the first time in the original work!

After turning into a beast, his strength has almost reached the level of artifacts.

As for why he said this, it was because Bi was too young at this moment, and he was still unable to fully exert the strength of Hachio.

Slightly more powerful than Yan Nin's Mu.

But there is one difference, that is, Kirabi is not alone, and his eldest brother, with the cooperation of the two, can completely reach the strength of the middle-level movie class, and it is almost comparable to the peak movie-level.

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