According to the science of the previous life, this is undoubtedly looking for death, but the Kaguya clan itself belongs to the Hamura clan like the Hyuga clan.

In addition, Leng Tian also merged with the blood of the Qianshou clan, so it is not uncommon to be able to merge with the Huiye clan.

Three days and three nights passed.

Leng Tian went out from Dashewan's laboratory.

And he can feel one thing, that is, he succeeded, but he didn't use bones as weapons like the Kaguya clan.

In fact, this time Leng Tian finally understood that the Hui Ye Clan had completely misused the power of Blood Succession.

This is actually a bloodline that helps them evolve their bloodline and make themselves stronger, but the Kaguya clan thought they were smart and didn't use it correctly.

"Or could it be the guiding role of Hei Jue behind?"

It is not an exaggeration for Leng Tian to know that the entire Hokage is actually the Li family of the Otsutsuki family.

The day after Leng Tian married Kushina, Orochimaru's secret base broke out.

In fact, Leng Tian wanted to remind Orochimaru a long time ago. It's not that Hokage doesn't know his every move, but it's just to restrict Danzo.

But Orochimaru got very precious data from Leng Tian, ​​so he must experiment.

And he discovered a reincarnation technique, the secret art of the soul.

The third generation personally led people to hunt down Orochimaru, and the battle with Orochimaru made everyone see the strength of the third generation.

Leng Tian didn't intervene, and deliberately found a reason to perform missions with Minato.

Now Minato is almost going to become Hokage, and Leng Tian will be Anbe's shadow by then.

Three generations can imagine that under their leadership, Konoha will be strong, and some things and people that hindered before, three generations have to deal with it by themselves.

It's just that in the face of the former students, the best students, the three generations were moved with compassion.

And Orochimaru just seized this opportunity and escaped.

When the third generation continued to chase, they were stopped by someone.

Looking at the person wearing the red cloud ninja costume, Sandai was shocked: "Why are people from Akatsuki here?"

Now Konoha knows a lot about Akatsuki's organization, knowing that Nawaki can be said to be the number two figure among Akatsuki, but from the end of the third war, Nawaki and Akatsuki had conflicts.

"Could it be Nawaki's Akatsuki who rescued Orochimaru, or the original Mizukage's Akatsuki who rescued Orochimaru?"

Suddenly, a bad premonition came to the mind of the third generation.

But these three generations have to be put at the end, because the fourth generation has officially entered the stage.

The fourth generation of Minato officially became the new Hokage.

This means that Konoha will open a new chapter.

After the fourth generation became the new Hokage, they and Leng Tian continued to round up the rock ninja scattered in the country of fire, and some fog ninja.

For these people, the fourth generation personally formed a part of the elite ninja.

Among them are the children of wealthy families such as the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan.

This is also the attitude of Konoha Mingmen towards the fourth generation, and they all support it.

And according to what Leng Tian knew, Onoki also tried every means to protect these elites back to Yanren Village.

After all, they were able to attack Konoha, and even planned to face the tailed beast long ago. The strength of these ninjas are all jounin.

Ordinary Konoha ninjas are hard to spot them.

"I don't know if it was because of this mission in the original book that Ohnoki hired Akatsuki to launch an attack against Konoha, but now that there is no Obito's rebellion, Nashaki has taken away so many elites from Akatsuki, even though Ohnoki targeted Konoha again. Ye, Kushina is safe too..."

Just when Leng Tian was thinking, he saw Uchiha Shisui behind him, Obito's younger brother.

In fact, in the original book, Leng Tian wondered if there was a relationship between Obito and Shisui, and they were half-brothers.

In fact, in the original book, after the sacrifice of Obito, the fourth generation accepted Shisui as a disciple, which is part of the consideration.

Zhishui's talent is astonishing, he was outstanding in the three wars, and graduated with the highest record.

This time, Genin was promoted to Chunin, which was his first mission.

With protection from cold weather and Obito in the dark, Zhishui survived several dangers.

And Shisui is very smart, as early as when Obito helped him for the first time, he already felt it somewhat.

Within a year, the Kingdom of Fire wiped out almost all Iwanin and Mistnin.

Just when Leng Tian and Minato finally found the hiding place of Iwanin and Mistnin, and were about to wipe out the rest in one fell swoop, they received an emergency call for help from the third generation.

"Akatsuki attacked Konoha..."

What made Leng Tian and Minato even more frightened was the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

"how is this possible?"

They both knew what it meant at the same time.

And Leng Tian felt even more panic in his heart, Nine Tails, how could it be possible, who could trigger Nine Tails in Kushina's body.

Who is it?

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