At this moment, Leng Tian broke out with a stronger speed and rushed to Konoha with the fourth generation...

At this moment in Muye Village.

Three generations and many Konoha ninjas have been guarding the front line of the village, and not far from the village, there are two Akatsuki members standing.

If you look at it, it is Obito and Rope Tree.

I just don't know why, but Naoki's pair of kaleidoscope sharing sharing eyes are very different at the moment, and Naoki's eyes are also a little different.

Behind them is Heijue slowly appearing.

"Master Madara is really amazing. I met Leng Tian a long time ago and might transplant his eyes, but it's a pity that it's not Leng Tian himself, but he controlled Obito and his students. I wonder if Leng Tian will regret that day Transplant the kaleidoscope Sharingan to my students, haha..."

Chapter 79 Konoha 59 Years (Revised)

"Twelve years have passed before I knew it..."

In Hokage's office, Sarutobi Sasuke sat on a chair, looking at the Hokage stone statue on Hokage Rock outside the window, with a complex expression on his face.

"Three generations of adults, three generations of adults!"

While the third was looking at the fourth Namikaze Minato on Hokage Rock, suddenly a few Chunin rushed over outside the door.

"what happened?"

"It's that brat, he entered the door of my restaurant this morning, put a big bucket of water on top of my door, and drenched me all over..."

"What are you, I'm unlucky, the walls outside the house are all painted into ghost faces!"

Hearing the reports of these people, Sandai shook his head.

"What about Naruto Uzumaki?"


Several people shook their hands and said, "We don't know, he disappeared after school!"

"Hey, go and call Iruka..."

The third generation waved their hands helplessly, as if they also had a headache for the Uzumaki Naruto they were talking about.

At this moment, on the road past Hokage Rock, a boy with red hair was running with paint in his hand.

"Boy, stop for me!"

"Naruto, let me tell you, I will never let you play a prank this time!"

A few ninjas quickly chased after Qianmian's boy.

"Give way, let everything go, I'm on my way..."

The red-haired boy running across thousands of faces, forgot to take a look at Shinobi who was following behind, and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"Bang!" Naruto disappeared.

"Hey, where did that guy go?"

Several people inquired around, and found that they had lost it.

"How about we go back today?"

"No, I have to catch that kid, and does that kid still owe me money for ramen?"

The owner of Yile Ramen Restaurant who was running in the front said with an angry face.

"But now is a good time to do business, we can't stop making money for that kid, can we?"

Several store owners looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't know what to do.

"Actually, why don't you ask Naruto and his mother, Ms. Kushina?"

One of the bosses who had just been owed by Naruto to join the ranks of asking for salary asked.


Several other bosses quickly covered his mouth.

"Because I had this idea before, that kid became twice as stupid, especially when my business was the busiest, a beauty transformation technique came and sent all my customers to the hospital!"

"Well, I still remember that it was last year, I went to Miss Kushina to get the money that Naruto owed me in my ninja tool shop, but as soon as I went out, the kid stared at the door with several kunai , if Anbu who was passing by didn't save me, I would have booked a day on the door..."

"What are you talking about, that kid alone is already annoying, and there is another kid who can always breathe fire and also booed, the two people are simply the devil kings of the world..."

"But Boss Yile, we can't chase this kid every day, right? You know that once that kid runs to the forbidden area of ​​the Uchiha clan, no one can enter."

Hearing what his colleagues said, Boss Yile was just about to end today's arrest when he saw one of his companions pointing to Hokage Rock and said in surprise: "Then, is that that Naruto kid?"


"How dare he?"

At this moment, on Hokage Rock, a red-haired child was writing big characters on Hokage's head.

"Three generations of idiots, idiot Konoha!"

The third generation happened to see the words written by Naruto, and almost spit out the freshly brewed tea in his mouth with a puff.

Iruka, who was next to the third generation, saw this, and his face was full of anger.

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