"Three generations, don't worry, I will definitely manage this kid well!"

"Iloka, in fact, I want to find you now. I just hope that you can pay attention to Naruto's actions. After all, I heard that he has been in the village recently asking who his father is. For the time being, we can't let him know about his father. ...

Especially since we haven't found out what happened back then, let alone let other people influence that child casually, do you understand? "

Hearing Hokage's words, Iruka seemed to think about the manager when he was a child, and said with a serious expression on his face: "I understand Hokage-sama, I will take good care of that kid!"

As if thinking of something, Iruka whispered, "Master Hokage, although we won't say anything, but Kushina..."

"She doesn't know much about what happened back then, don't bother her, we already owe their mother and child too much..."

The third generation said that it is even more lonely here.

The Konoha twin stars that once radiated the entire ninja world were lost in this way.

"Is the Konoha Gemini a curse? Shinnosuke and Shirato, Hinata Ryoten and Namikaze Minato..."

At this moment, after Naruto finished writing, he immediately used the hiding technique to hide.

For other ninjutsu, Naruto is not good at using it, but he is the best at hiding.

Even his teacher Iruka can't find it sometimes.

Naruto removed the cover-up items from his body and sniffed.

"The ninja equipment that Aunt Saori gave me is really useful!"

Naruto looked at the ninja in his hand. Compared with other ninjas that are not popular, his color-changing ninja can change color according to the surrounding environment, and the slowing down is very realistic. was discovered.

"Hee hee, give Sasuke one next time..."

Naruto said softly thinking of his good friend Uchiha Sasuke.

At this moment, Naruto suddenly saw a shadow in his shadow.

Looking up, Iruka was looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Hi, Iruka-sensei..."

Naruto greeted stiffly, but already wanted to slip away under his feet.

"Bastard, do you still want to run?"

Iruka grabbed Naruto directly.


Naruto didn't understand that the mother who treats everyone coldly is very polite when she treats Mr. Iruka.

Naruto asked his mother several times, could Mr. Iruka be his father?

After all, apart from Sasuke, the best friend in the village, Mr. Iruka treats him the best, but he was hit by his mother.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

It's just that every time mother Jiuxinna said this, she stopped talking.

"Teacher, are you really not my father?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't dare to compare with that person, and don't embarrass him, you kid!"

Iruka finally couldn't help but said.

This made Naruto's eyes brighten, and he asked: "Teacher, you really know who my father is, tell me quickly, who is he, why did you abandon my mother and me, and who is he?"

"Asshole, I don't know!"

Iruka said bluntly, seeing Naruto's suspicious gaze, Iruka said with a face full of temper: "You kid did such a good thing, no one has ever dared to do such a thing on Hokage Rock, hurry up and give it to me!" I'll clean it up, otherwise you don't want to go back..."

"Tch, you only have this ability, and you will bully me, a kid, why are you still a Chunin?"

Hearing Naruto's ridicule, Iruka clenched his fists tightly, telling himself to be calm, to be calm.

"Damn it, I still can't help it, you are so annoying..."

Hello everyone, now the protagonist of the master has entered Naruto, and the following plot will follow Naruto to unravel what happened twelve years ago, as well as the stories of Hinata Lengtian, Obito, Minato, Nawaki and others. Destiny, I hope you like it... There are a few book friends who have subscribed recently. I don’t know if it’s a bad idea, so I boldly changed the plot. I hope you like it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Bang! Bang!"

Iruka hit Naruto hard on the head.

Iruka then dragged Naruto into the school.

"Everyone, stop. The students in Class [-] will be assessed today, and they will leave school later..."

Irukala dragged Naruto and said to the students in the class.


There was a sound of mourning.

Hearing Iruka's words, all the students in the class complained endlessly.

"Teacher, I have to go back and help my mother buy vegetables?"

Sakura pleaded.

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