In my mind, I beat Naruto beside Iruka hard.

It's all you kid who skipped class, why are we the ones who are unlucky.

"Naruto is the one who caused everyone to suffer again..."

Shikamaru said indifferently.

Inokacho and the other two stared at Naruto with disdain.

"Which one of you is talking bad things about Naruto, I won't let him get out of Ninja School today..."

At this moment, a cold voice came from beside them.


Seeing that it was Sasuke who spoke out, several people dared not speak out.

"Good buddy, you still support me!"

Naruto gave Sasuke a thumbs up.

But Sasuke pretended not to see.

"very handsome!"

Sakura's eyes are shining, she is very jealous of Naruto in her heart, why is their relationship so good.

Is it because their mother gave birth to them at the same time?

After three ninja wars, all villages have been severely exhausted. Even a powerful ninja school like Konoha can no longer distribute elite classes and ordinary classes like the ninja schools before World War II.

So when Iruka tested the transformation technique, some people could finish it quickly, while others needed to prepare for a long time, which delayed the time after school.

"It's all Naruto's fault!"

"Yes, if it wasn't for him, I would have gone home and finished eating!"

"Well, the next Uchiha Sasuke..."

Seeing that the teacher finally called Sasuke, the other children in the class finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I saw that Sasuke's seal gesture was so fast that even the companions around him had already changed without seeing it clearly, and he could still maintain the transformed Chakra.

There seems to be no pressure at all.

This made Iruka nod in satisfaction, but when he thought of the blood in his body, his heart was full again, hoping that he would not be like his father and brother...

"Okay, you are all qualified, you can leave..."

Iruka said slowly.

Hearing Iruka's words, the friends around were all excited.


Naruto clenched his fist first and was about to leave, but was held back by Iruka.

"Naruto, you haven't transformed yet?"

Iruka said with a gloomy face.

"Haha, I thought the teacher forgot about me, so I'll transform right away!"

It's just that Naruto was stopped by Iruka as soon as he made the seal gesture.

Naruto looked at Iruka's stiff smile, and asked a little strangely, "Mr. Iruka, what's your expression?"

"What kind of expression, just don't let you give me some strange ninjutsu transformation..."

"Ah, what you're talking about is sex (seduction), right? That's art..."

Naruto said indifferently.

"That's right, the last guy who sold this art at the gate of the school has been caught by me and sent to prison. Why do you want to be with him?"

Iruka grinned.

"Old, teacher, I just bought a copy, and I'm just curious, even three generations have said it's not surprising..."

With the stabilization after the war, although the villages have been greatly damaged, the stable environment has allowed the villages to develop rapidly and steadily, especially the business has developed to a certain extent, and various things are like The developed ninjutsu has mushroomed like mushrooms.

Needless to say, the good ones, but the bad ones, such as (yellow) (gambling) (prostitution) all appeared in Konoha, and a group of them were severely suppressed for Hokage.

It's just a bit late, as some daredevils have already seen it all, and being the naughtiest Naruto in school is the first to buy a Playboy magazine.

But the guy who dared to sell this in the ninja school also ended badly, and was imprisoned by Naruto on espionage charges.

"Naruto's side, that side hasn't been wiped clean yet, wipe it vigorously..."

At dusk, on the Huoying Rock, two figures stood there and kept walking.

It was Iruka and Naruto.

"Why are the two of us here, teacher?"

Naruto said with a resigned face.

"You said it!"

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