"Hehe, I think if you don't pass the test, Aunt Kushina will give you a good review!"

Sasuke gave a rare smile.

Hearing Sasuke's words, Naruto's whole face became even more unbearable.

"Sasuke, I'll go to Aunt Mikoto's place tonight, the two of us are companions..."

Naruto said in a low voice.

"No need, don't look at what day it is today. My mother doesn't like being disturbed on this day every year. Even if I have to be careful, you should try your best..."

While Sasuke was speaking, Iruka's voice came from inside.

"Next, Naruto!"

I heard Iruka calling out his own voice.

Naruto walked into the examination room unwillingly.

Looking at Iruka and Mizuki-sensei, there was reluctance on their faces.

"Public revenge!"

Naruto muttered softly.

"Stop talking nonsense, don't think I can't hear you!"

Naruto was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect his voice to be so low that Mr. Iruka could hear him.

"Well, how is this possible?"

At this time, Mizuki-sensei next to him was also amazed, and said: "I didn't expect that Iruka-sensei could master this kind of ninjutsu. I remember that this has not been passed on to others since that one. I really didn't expect that Iruka-sensei also mastered this ninjutsu." Will it?"

When Iruka heard Mizuki-sensei's words, he turned his head indifferently.

But he still thought of that figure, the one who seemed to him to be the strongest man in the world, the one who fought against hundreds of elite jounin with all his strength.

The name that made my father stunned and couldn't help shouting, the name that made all the villagers in Konoha crazy for it.

It was at that time that I secretly ran over to find him and admired him, and it was also at that time that he passed this little trick to myself.

It's just that I didn't expect it to be so precious, and few people grasped the whole Konoha.

It belongs to a secret technique comparable to that of the Hyuga Clan's Blood Succession Gen.

It's just that the next moment Iruka's face became completely gloomy again, because that figure also brought him great pain and hatred at the same time.

Mizuki-sensei looked at Iruka's gloomy face and secretly showed a wicked smile.

"Iruka-sensei, I'm going to start!"

Regardless of these, Naruto has already begun to prepare the chakra in his body.

When the gathering was about the same, Naruto began to form a seal, and the chakra in his body began to release continuously according to the control speed of the seal.


With a sound, a clone appeared from beside Naruto.


Naruto let out a loud cry.

But Iruka's face was very ugly.

At this moment, next to Naruto is a doppelgänger who is making a grimace and lying on the ground.

"Naruto, are you going to use this funny enemy to distract you?"

Iruka suppressed his emotions and said with a fake smile.

"Haha, as expected of Mr. Iruka, he just understands my advanced tactics!"

Naruto said with a smug face.

"Asshole! Not qualified, why don't you eat (shit)!"

Iruka stood up, stepped on the table with one foot, and cursed.

"You, are you worthy of your aptitude, you, are you worthy..."

Iruka wanted to say more, Mizuki suddenly shouted: "Mr. Iruka, be careful, you can't say that person's name!"

Mizuki said with a sudden face change.

Hearing what Mizuki-sensei said, Iruka had to sit down.

"Get out, you're not qualified, go back and wait for your mother to deal with you severely!"

Hearing Iruka's words, Naruto's face became even more ugly.

"Mr. Iruka, you are targeting me!"

Naruto's face was full of dissatisfaction.

"Shut up Naruto!"

Mizuki taught Naruto a lesson, and then said to Iruka: "Mr. Iruka, why don't you let him pass, in fact, he has already completed the clone technique, almost..."

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