"How can it be, Mizuki-sensei, Sasuke has already used two avatars, and they can still maintain it all the time, where is Naruto, where is Naruto?"

Hearing Iruka compare himself to Sasuke, Naruto's face turned darker.

Even Minato felt a bit uncomfortable and said to Iruka in a low voice: "Mr. Iruka, don't you know the secret of Sasuke? After all, his brother is a peerless genius who opened his eyes from birth. Even if Sasuke can't compare His elder brother, but also a genius younger brother, how could he be so bad?"

Hearing Mr. Mizuki's words, Iruka suddenly flew into a rage: "Yes, Sasuke's bloodline is very powerful, but what about him, Naruto's should not be bad, right? You know that guy's strength, don't tell me, The father you think will be inferior to Sasuke, don't forget that he is..."

"Okay, Mr. Iruka, let's not talk anymore. I can't tell you. Naruto has been eavesdropping. I follow your opinion. Naruto is not qualified..."

Naruto had heard the two teachers quarreling, especially when he talked about Sasuke's father, he pricked up his ears, which was more important than whether he graduated or not.

You must know that Brother Uchiha Itachi disappeared because he was looking for his father, and Sasuke wanted to know who his father was just like him.

Walking out of the examination room in frustration, Naruto punched the wall.

"Damn, damn!"

Naruto looked impatient, especially after seeing some children around happily getting their graduated ninja badges, he was even more impatient.

"Master Hokage, today I..."

In a hidden place, Iruka stood in front of the Third Hokage with a face full of shame.

"It doesn't matter, you are right, Naruto can't graduate with this grade, otherwise I'm sorry for his father and his mother..."

Sandai said here with a sigh.

Why is this happening? He is obviously the son of a generation of geniuses, and he has another powerful bloodline in his body, so why is it so unbearable.

"Is it really impossible to overcome the influence of Nine Tails like Kushina..."

Three generations regretfully shook their heads.

In fact, every time the graduation exam, the standard is different. For someone like Sakura who only needs one transformation technique to pass, because she is a commoner, the standard will be much lower. Although there is no longer an elite class and a commoner class, But it can be seen clearly at a glance on the graduation standard.

Konoha has different cultivation efforts for different children.

Just when Naruto's expression was lost, Mr. Mizuki suddenly appeared in his ear and whispered a few words in his ear...

Chapter 82 The Shadow of Orochimaru

"Naruto, in fact, Teacher Iruka also values ​​you. After all, you have noble blood flowing through your body, and your father is an indomitable figure..."

Hearing the front, Naruto didn't react yet, but the words behind it had already made Naruto prick up his ears, with an anxious expression on his face.

"Mr. Mizuki, do you know who my father is?"

Naruto had an excited look on his face.

Seeing Naruto's excited expression, Mizuki nodded, just when Naruto was about to blurt out a question, Mizuki said suddenly: "But I can't tell you yet!"

Naruto's face immediately turned red, as if he was even more excited.

Mizuki smiled triumphantly in his heart, and whispered in Naruto's ear, "Actually, I still have a secret to tell you. Do you want to know how powerful you really are?"

Sure enough, Mizuki's words made Naruto stunned, his real strength, isn't his own strength like this, he can't even do a mere clone technique.

Mizuki seemed to have already understood what Naruto was thinking.

"Actually, Mr. Iruka and I know Naruto's true strength, but you haven't discovered it. Let me give you a hint. In the Naruto office, there is a first-generation forbidden scroll. I believe it will be very helpful to you. , as long as you learn the above ninjutsu, not only will you pass the graduation exam easily, but your true strength will also be developed..."

"The Book of Forbidden Art from the First Hokage?"

Naruto muttered to himself, and then his eyes lit up...

In the middle of the night, the Uchiha family resides.

The once glorious Uchiha clan had almost no voice at the moment. From Sasuke's childhood, he only knew that the Uchiha clan had almost all died in a big battle.

It's just that he didn't know what kind of a big battle it was, how it could be so intense.

And no matter how he asked his mother, she never said anything, and sometimes even showed hatred and grief.

And who their father was made Miqin's dismay even more. When he asked his elder brother when he was a child, his mother always refused to tell her. In the end, they had no choice but to say that their father also died in that battle.

It's just that my brother suddenly told himself two years ago that their father was not dead, and that he was going to find his father because it was a taboo in the village...

After leaving this information, my brother left the village, but surprisingly, my brother was not planned to be a traitor...

This kind of thing in itself violated the village regulations, but no one mentioned it. Since then, Sasuke Uchiha has always wanted to know who his father is and why he didn't come back.

Did he abandon them? Sometimes Sasuke even hated his father very much. In his opinion, it must be because their father was very noble. He would not marry a ninja as his wife, so Konoha helped him cover it up.

That's the answer he got from the books he bought from Konoha's unscrupulous peddler.

Sasuke wondered if his father would be a nobleman like a daimyo...

But tonight, suddenly several mysterious people found him, wanted to take him to find his father, and told him that as long as he followed them, he would know who his father was...

Who are these people, and why can they take him to find his father, and their strength is too scary. Although he has just graduated and became a ninja, his strength and vision have already surpassed the ninja.

In Sasuke's eyes, these people are likely to be Jonin.

I can't resist them...

At this moment, a soft but extremely firm voice sounded from behind him.

"It's rare that Oshemaru-sama can still think of us, but you can't bring Sasuke to meet his father at all, and I won't let him meet his father, you get out of here..."

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