Hearing Naruto's words, Iruka turned around quickly, and Mizuki, who was about to sneak attack just now, was shocked.

He thought he hid well just now and was planning to sneak attack.

"It really is you, Mizuki? Why, why did you instruct Naruto to do this?"

"Ha ha!"

Hearing Iruka's question, Mizuki smiled triumphantly.

"Why, of course it's because you want to gain great strength. Besides, Naruto is not suitable to stay in Konoha at all. You don't know the monsters in his body?"

Mizuki said with a look of disdain.


Iruka yelled, interrupted Mizuki's words, and looked behind him worriedly.

"Haha, so you are still worried about this matter, Naruto, do you know why many people in the village are prejudiced against you? Even though Iruka treats you well on the surface, he actually treats you in his heart There are big opinions, and even want to kill you, do you know that?"

Mizuki said with a proud face.

"Mizuki, what are you talking about?"

Iruka looked at Naruto's reaction worriedly. Sure enough, Naruto looked stunned, as if he didn't believe Mizuki's words at all, which made Iruka breathe a sigh of relief.

In Hokage's office, Kakashi had a cautious look on his face.

"Master Hokage, do you think Mizuki will reveal who Naruto's father is?"

"We must not let him expose this secret. I don't want Uchiha Itachi to escape from the village, especially since he still has Kyuubi in his body. Kakashi should go and deal with it as soon as possible!"

Sandai said to Kakashi beside him.

"Understood, Hokage-sama!"

Kakashi left with a blink, and quickly went to Naruto's place.

Mizuki, who was standing on the branch at the moment, continued to say indifferently: "Haha, I'm talking nonsense, Naruto, do you know that there is a huge secret in your body, don't you think it's strange, why everyone hates you, why everyone hates you are far away from you, why is your home the farthest from Konoha Center?"


Naruto asked with a nervous expression on his face.

"Naruto, don't listen to his nonsense!"

Iruka quickly stopped Naruto.

"Leave here quickly, go to the third generation, return the book of seals, hurry up, there are many powerful ninjutsu in it, and you must not hand it over to an ambitious guy like Mizuki..."

When Iruka spoke, he kept staring at Mizuki. Also as a teacher, he knew Mizuki's strength very well, but thinking of Mizuki's purpose all along, it was hard to guarantee that he did not hide his strength.

"Haha, it's so funny, I'm going to talk nonsense. Could it be that the Nine-Tails sealed inside Naruto's body is a fake? Could it be that your parents were not killed by Nine-Tails during the Konoha Nine-Tails turmoil twelve years ago?"

Mizuki said arrogantly, not caring about the flustered expression on Iruka's face.

Naruto, on the other hand, was dumbfounded.

Nine tails?

"Mizuki-sensei said that I have Nine-Tails sealed inside me?"

Hearing Mizuki's words, Naruto opened his mouth wide.

In Hokage's office, Hokage slammed his fist on the desk.

"The traitor in the Mizuki pavilion dared to disobey the Hokage's secret order and tell this matter. I don't know if Kakashi can arrive in time and stop Mizuki from continuing to talk. Don't let Naruto know about his father... "

While Sandai was thinking, the scene in the crystal ball changed.

"hurry up!"

Iruka pushed Naruto away, and the whole person fought with Mizuki.

Both sides first tried it with Kunai.

But Mizuki glanced at Naruto who was sitting beside him without any reaction.

"Qianqian, your reaction is really disappointing, Naruto, you really disappointed me, you have insulted your father's reputation, you are not worthy to be that person's child, go to hell!"

Just as Mizuki finished speaking, the windmill shuriken shot out from Mizuki's back.

It is not without reason that Mizuki can become Konoha's teacher, that is, his kunai skills are very talented.

Yes, it is talent.

At the beginning, the third generation chose Mizuki as Konoha teacher because of Mizuki's talent in suffering.

And Mizuki's teaching did not disappoint the third generation. In the original work, it is Mizuki's credit that Naruto, Sasuke, even Sakura, and the rest of the Twelve Xiaoqiang's kunai skills are so qualified.

It is precisely because of Mizuki's outstanding performance that he has received awards from the third generation several times, allowed him to enter Hokage's office many times, and checked the sealed book by chance.

Iruka didn't expect Mizuki to suddenly attack Naruto while fighting him.

"Mizuki, you are despicable!"

Iruka didn't care about Kunai behind him, and immediately flew towards Naruto.


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