Minato's windmill shuriken pierced Iruka's body.

"Why...why? Iruka-sensei, why do you want to protect me?"

Naruto stared in surprise at the blood pouring out of Iruka's body.

"Because you are my student, Naruto, I'm sorry, in fact the teacher really hated you for a while.

But what the teacher hates is not you, but the nine tails in your body. It caused the death of the teacher's parents, and it made the teacher's originally happy childhood become lonely.

Just like you, because you don't get the love of your father, you always like to do pranks, in fact, to win everyone's attention! "

Hearing Teacher Iruka's words, Naruto's surprised face finally changed, and there was a look of excitement in his eyes.

"Because you are the same as I was back then, and I was also doing things that I didn't know what to do at that time, in fact, it was for everyone's attention.

When I was a child, I was very afraid of being alone, because when I returned home, I was the only one there, and I didn’t know who would approve of everything I did.

Naruto, I'm sorry, I knew you felt the same way as me, but sometimes I just turn a blind eye and don't hear it, Mizuki is right, I'm not a qualified teacher, Naruto, I'm sorry..."


Naruto shed tears with excitement, because his actions were finally discovered or understood by others.

Inside the crystal ball, Sandai let out a long sigh.

"I'm sorry for you, Kushina will probably never forgive Hokage in this life, is it because of this that Minato you are so generous to die, because do you know how much harm it will cause to their mother and child at that moment?"

The third generation's eyes were a little moist, and he seemed to recall what happened back then...

"Damn it, I won't let your painstaking efforts be in vain, and I won't let you and the people Leng Tian worked so hard to protect be led astray by people like Mizuki. I won't let anyone who wants to hurt Naruto, I swear!"

Three generations muttered to themselves, looking at Mizuki in the crystal ball full of killing intent.

At this moment Mizuki heard Iruka's words, not only wasn't half moved, but showed a hint of ridicule instead.

"Huh, Iruka, your disguised Virgin's heart is really touching, but in my eyes, it's just disgusting. Naruto, you and your mother are both nine-tailed manpower pillars. You are all different performances in Konoha. You can't get any recognition in Konoha, don't you want to know who your father is, just hand over the scroll behind you, and I will tell you..."

Mizuki didn't care about the injured Iruka at all, but looked at Naruto.

At this moment, everyone in the field looked at Naruto, waiting for his decision...

Chapter 86

Everyone was waiting for Naruto's reply. At this moment, Naruto suddenly carried the sealed book behind his back and straightened the goggles on his forehead.

It's like tidying up the forehead that symbolizes Konoha's beauty.

"I don't allow you to hurt Iruka-sensei, if you want my sealed book, come and get it!"

After speaking, Naruto dodged and ran towards the forest behind him.

"Tch, a waste who can't even use the clone technique dares to speak so brazenly, do you think you have the strength of your father?"

He heard Mizuki chasing after him and kept talking about his father.

Naruto finally couldn't help but turned around and asked, "Who is my father?"

"You are not qualified to know his identity..."

Mizuki frantically threw Kunai at Naruto, and Kunai changed direction directly in mid-air and threw it from another direction.

As expected of a person valued by three generations, only Leng Tian and Minato could use this kind of skill so easily.

Just when Mizuki thought that Naruto couldn't see through his Kunai's route at all, and would definitely be hit...

Naruto's eyes suddenly flashed blue and white, and Mizuki's Kunai was suddenly magnified and slowed down in Naruto's eyes, and Naruto instantly knew the direction of Kunai's rotation.

Naruto didn't have time to think about what happened just now, so he dodged in an instant.

This surprised Mizuki.

"how is this possible?"

Not only Mizuki, but also the third generation stared wide-eyed, looking at Naruto in the crystal ball and didn't know what he was doing.

"It's really good luck, but it doesn't happen every time!"

Mizuki threw out the windmill shuriken behind his back again. This windmill shuriken was big, turned fast, and powerful. Even Iruka just now couldn't dodge it.

But when Mizuki hit Naruto, with a bang, Naruto's figure disappeared, leaving only a piece of wood.


How can it be?

Although the number of avatars in the ninja graduation exam is second only to the difficulty of the avatar technique, especially in combat, it can be said to be more difficult than using the avatar technique in the exam.

"How, how did he do it?"

Naruto took advantage of the moment Mizuki was stunned, and hid with ninja tools.

Although the concealment technique is very low-level, if there are high-level ninjutsu props, many people will not find out so quickly if they blend into the surrounding environment.


Mizuki also knew that Naruto should be nearby, and he also knew that he was able to play pranks all the time because he got a very precious ninja tool from Minghu's house. It is said that Saori got it from a fog ninja on the battlefield.

"Asshole, bastard!"

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