Mizuki began to break out in a cold sweat, but he didn't expect that there would be so many changes in the plan, and now the ninjas in the village were all looking for Naruto.

If anyone finds this place, then he will be finished.

Mizuki is not sure that he can escape Anbu's pursuit.

"(Damn), the reason why Lao Tzu has done so many things is because he wants to leave the village without being suspected. Otherwise, if he escapes with the sealed book, the Anbu people will be a big trouble!"

Thinking of the urgency of time, Mizuki showed a sinister smile.

"Hmph, I have plenty of ways to lure you out..."

Mizuki yelled deliberately: "Naruto, come out for me..."

Then make some noises and stay away from this place.

Naruto stood up from the grass, he was actually hiding not far from Mr. Mizuki just now.

It's just pretending to be a grass and blending with the surrounding grass.

He remembered what Aunt Saori said, don't blend into too many environments, but just one or two single ones, so that you will be in the dark under the lights instead.

"Another point is the breath-holding method. I gave a method that can control the blood flow in the body. This method..."

When saying this, Saori's face showed a look of reminiscence.

It is precisely because Naruto learned these things that he was able to escape with the help of concealment after pranks.

It's not the kind of high-end ninja tool that Mizuki thought of.

Just when Naruto was sure that Mizuki was far away and was about to leave, the voice of Mr. Iruka came from a distance...

"Naruto, Naruto, where are you?"

Hearing Mr. Iruka's voice, Naruto was overjoyed at first, and then hurriedly stood up: "Mr. Iruka, are you okay?"

Seeing Naruto, a light flashed in Iruka's eyes...

Just when everyone was busy looking for Naruto, another big clan in Konoha, the Hyuga clan, was also brightly lit.

"I heard that Naruto is making trouble again?"

"That's right, I heard that's the case, Patriarch, I don't know how you have considered the things I suggested before?"

Hyuga Moori looked up at Hyuga Hinata above.

Now the patriarch of the clan has changed to another person, that is Hyuga Hyuzu.

"Although Naruto is Lengtian's child, he is also a nine-tailed manpower pillar. I planted a curse seal on him, not to mention Kushina's disapproval, even Hokage and Konoha's upper class would not agree. This kind of opinion You don't have to say anything in the future!"

"Hmph! Could it be that the tradition of our Hyuga Clan has been broken like this? You are still the patriarch of our Hyuga Clan. It's a shame!"

Hinata Mouri said coldly.

Now he doesn't have the slightest strength at all, and he is only left to linger, but he just doesn't want the child of Rixiang Lengtian to have a better life.

"Hyuga Mori, you heard me clearly, Naruto is not a member of our Hyuga clan, nor does he have the characteristics of our Hyuga clan, so I don't think your stupid words can let other elders pass!"

Hinata Hizuru pointed at Hinata Mori word by word, and the pressure on him suddenly fell on him.

These people, as well as the patriarchs who pushed him down, were the ones who had forced his younger brother to death before. As a result, Hinata Hyuzu hated him even more.

Hinata Mori did not expect his proposal to be shelved in this way, and he had discussed this matter with several elders.

He even came up with many good reasons, such as taking advantage of Naruto's status as a member of the Hyuga Clan to put pressure on the village and receive management from their Hyuga Clan.

After planting the curse seal at the same time, it means that Kyuubi is controlled by their Hyuga clan. Thinking about the incident back then, didn't the Uchiha clan dare to do this because of Kyuubi's help?

It's just that he didn't expect that the several elders who had already made sense at the clan meeting were all silent.

"These old guys!"

Hinata Mori feels that it is still necessary for his father's generation to come forward and jointly put pressure on Hinata and Hinata.

"Hmph, even if he is not all from the Hyuga clan, but he also has the blood of our Hyuga clan flowing through him. Maybe if he had white eyes that day, wouldn't it make our clan's ability go outside, just like that of the Uchiha clan? Like Kakashi?"

Hinata Mouri said with a sarcasm.

"Kakashi is a transplanted sharingan. Unlike Naruto, his eyes don't even have the characteristics of our Japanese family!"

Rito Rizu shouted.

"Okay, but don't forget Hinata Lengtian's evolved white eyes back then. If Naruto had it, do you think you still have a chance to control it? We have already missed one opportunity, and we must not miss another one!"

Hearing Hinata Mori's words, the hearts of several elders of the Hinata clan who were not firm in their positions became hot.

Seeing the expressions of several elders of the clan, Hyuga Hyuzu had no choice but to say: "If Naruto has the characteristic of white eyes, I will find a way to put pressure on the upper layer of Konoha..."

After the meeting, Hinata Maori approached several patriarchs and suggested: "Huh, Hinata Hinata is too indecisive, and it was the same with the Nissai back then. The separation is just a tool. I don't think we need to go through the upper level of Konoha at all. When the time comes, act directly and forcibly, Curse Seal!"

The elders of the Hyuga Clan looked at each other and nodded...

Chapter 87 The Voice from Nine Tails

Seeing Naruto handing over the sealed book behind him, Iruka had a happy smile on his face, but the next moment Naruto suddenly released Kunai, and the finished product shot out in glyphs.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Iruka stepped back quickly.

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