"Naruto! You?"

Iruka was surprised and just about to ask, when he was surprised that Naruto had come to him.

"How fast?"

Iruka also shot at the same time, but at this moment Naruto's eyes changed to blue and white again.

Iruka's attack intentions were all expected by Naruto.

Easily avoiding Iruka's attack, Naruto lowered his head and hit Iruka's stomach with his right fist.


Iruka stepped back several times directly, and could no longer maintain the transformation technique, and finally became his original identity.

It was Mizuki.

"Why? How did you find out I was fake?"

At this moment, Naruto's expression was extremely silent, even a little cold.

This surprised Mizuki, and what surprised him even more was that he saw Naruto's eyes glowing blue and white.

"This this……"

At this moment in the crystal ball, the third generation can't watch all the scenes, but he also feels something wrong from Naruto's body.

"Could it be Nine Tails?"

The third generation's face darkened instantly.

Naruto didn't speak, and continued to attack.

Mizuki snorted coldly, although he was surprised in his heart, for a Naruto who is not even a ninja who wants to fight him, this is not courting death or anything.

"Humph, Naruto, you are too arrogant, even Iruka may not beat me in physical skills, let alone delusional..."

It was only after Mizuki and Naruto fought that he was surprised that he couldn't easily hit Naruto, thinking that Naruto would attack and defend him from time to time.

Both sides come and go, constantly wandering in the forest.

"This this……"

Not to mention Mizuki, even Sandai stood up in surprise.

This kind of physical skill, no, it should be said that what is going on with such a strong fighting consciousness?

When Mizuki and Naruto were fighting, Iruka had already come here with exhausted injuries, but he also stared wide-eyed like the third generation, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

"Is this Naruto?"

Iruka was shocked.

Naruto in front of him was ahead of Mizuki every move, and Mizuki felt that every move he made was noticed by Naruto.


Mizuki retreated a long way, and immediately threw out countless kunai, but these kunai were easily dodged by Naruto, as if he already knew their routes.


Iruka didn't know how to express it anymore, just when he wanted to step forward to help Naruto, Kakashi's voice sounded behind him.

"Iruka, wait a minute, let Naruto do it himself..."


Seeing Kakashi's figure, Iruka was determined, with Iruka around, Mizuki would never run away.

At this moment, Kakashi looked at the calm Naruto who seemed to be a different person, and was very surprised. Is this still Naruto?

At this moment, Naruto didn't behave like a ninja school crane tail at all. Instead, he was like a lower ninja, no, even like a Chunin who had experienced many battles.

"Could this be your true strength?"

Mizuki used the avatar technique to confuse Naruto after Kunai shot it, but the main body had already attacked Naruto from behind.

This made both Iruka and Kakashi very nervous, and Kakashi was even about to open Sharingan.

But when even Mizuki thought that Naruto had been cheated by him, Naruto suddenly turned his head and stared at Mizuki coldly.

"You, you already found me?"

Facing Naruto's unfamiliar eyes, Mizuki jumped back in fright.

At this time, the Jingyan in Naruto's eyes began to slowly dissipate, and Naruto regained his previous expression again.

Naruto was taken aback when he saw Wuku all around him.

At this time, Mizuki has completely regarded Naruto as a lifelong enemy, an opponent who is treated equally.

"Naruto, I really have to admit that you are worthy of being that child. I underestimated you before, but I didn't expect this to be your strength..."

Hearing Mizuki's words, Naruto showed a puzzled look instead, what did Mizuki-sensei mean just now?

What happened to me just now?

"Take it, Naruto!"

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