Hearing Ebisu's words, Naruto whispered, "Is it useless?"

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

A dozen Naruto appeared in front of Ebisu, but Ebisu still smiled mockingly.

"I'm not that idiot Mizuki!"


After Naruto saw Ebisu entering his siege, he didn't rush up immediately but formed a seal again.

"Seduction technique, harem!"


A row of Playboy magazine cover girls hugged Ebisu.


Ebisu directly sprayed nosebleeds and fainted weakly.

"Tch, it's just like what Aunt Saori said, the theoretical Jōnin was actually defeated by me, the Jōnin..."

"Damn it, I can't even defeat a four-eyed person. When will I be recognized by the big guys and become Hokage!"

Konoha Maru held Kunai in Saori's hand, with a helpless expression on his face.

"Fool, there is no shortcut to becoming Hokage. To make everyone in the village recognize you is not only about strength, but also a lot of important tasks. Now I just want one person to admit that I have done my best. How can it be possible to become Hokage?" It's so easy for you to say, if you just rely on what you say, you won't be able to become Hokage for the rest of your life, understand?"

Hearing the big brother's lesson, Konohamaru showed excitement in his eyes.

"I know, big brother!"

"Okay, let's work together!"

"Well, then I'll set an easy goal first, which is to defeat Big Brother!"

As soon as Konoha Maru finished speaking, Naruto hit him on the forehead with a hammer.

"Is it that easy to deal with me? You choose me first?"

Naruto said to Konoha Maru with bared teeth and claws.

"Haha, these two brats..."

On another tree, Kakashi smiled helplessly.

Naruto Office.

Hearing Kakashi's report, Sandai also smiled and remained silent.

"Then you saw Saori make a move?"

"No, when I arrived, Saori had already taken Neji away...Master Hokage, why did you want me to monitor Saori?"

Kakashi asked.

"Since what happened to Konoha twelve years ago, I always feel that Konoha has fallen into a huge conspiracy. The incident of twelve years has always been a mystery. Before I found out, I always Can't let go..."

After hearing Sandai's words, Kakashi was silent.

There are too many mysteries about Konoha's twelve years that have not been solved yet. The sudden appearance of Kyuubi, the behavior of the Uchiha clan, and the sudden madness of that person all make them feel incomprehensible.

"I asked you to come today to tell you something..."

After hearing Hokage's words, Kakashi was dumbfounded, and said again and again: "Is this impossible?"

"I don't know either, but since Leng Tian and Minato's disciples had accidents one after another, I know something, I must investigate clearly, otherwise I will be sorry for the fourth generation of Minato!"

When Hokage said this, the whole person became gloomy.


"Don't worry, not only I asked Jirai to investigate the incident back then, but also Danzo was also investigating it, not to mention Tsunade has been looking for the trace of the rope tree, we will solve the mystery of that year one day... "

Hokage said, looking at Hokage Rock outside, he continued: "So I blocked the news, and the ninjas who participated in the war were not allowed to say anything about that year.

However, because of Kyuubi, the hero of Naruto's village turned out to be such a village, and even Konoha's children recently became hostile to him because of the influence of their parents.

At first, I was worried that there would be problems with Naruto who grew up in such an environment. Fortunately, people like Iruka and Yukushina have been taking care of him, but recently the Hinata clan has started to have troubles again, huh, Do you really think that my Hokage is a display? "

Speaking of this, the third generation turned to look at Kakashi and said solemnly: "So Kakashi, I will hand him over to you, please..."

"I will live up to Hokage-sama's entrustment, not to mention that he is also my teacher's child, I will never let anyone hurt him..."

In the evening, Minghu Commercial Bank.

"Okay, I've already explained some techniques of Rouquan and Huitian to you, and you can already learn them with your aptitude..."

Minghu Saori said to Ning Ci with a smile.

Ning Ci had launched Huitian just now. Although he was still not familiar with it, he knew that what Saori told him was right.

"Senior Saori, can you tell me why you know about the things of the Zong family, you must know, you must know that this will cause you a lot of trouble..."

Neji didn't care at all about the things about the Hyuga Clan being rumored, he just cared about the senior in front of him.

In terms of Saori, he has always respected Saori as his mother, and he really can't imagine what will happen if the people in the Zong family know about it.

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