"Hehe, don't worry, I know it's because I have fought with your father. I know these tricks of the Zong family very well, and I may not understand them to others, but here, hehe, even Hinata Hizuru may not be able to do it." Can beat me!"

Although the words in Minghu Shazhi's mouth were soft, they were extremely arrogant, with an aura of turning over me.

"Okay, go back quickly, come back tomorrow..."

After sending Neji away, Saori sneered: "I've seen enough, come out, Kakashi..."

Chapter 94 Reappearance of the Art of Flying Thunder God

Kakashi's figure slowly walked out following Saori's words.

"Sister Saori, long time no see..."

Hearing Kakashi's insincere words, Saori sneered.

"Long time no see? Where does this start? As far as I know, you have been monitoring me for a long time. Isn't it a bit unreasonable to see you for a long time?"

Kakashi smiled wryly.

"As expected of the teacher's proud disciple, the skill of listening to the wind and distinguishing the position has surpassed me and Lin, hehe, it seems that this skill is better mastered by girls..."

Hear Kakashi's words.

Saori seemed to be thinking of Mr. Leng Tian again.

"You finally showed up today, what is the reason?"

Hearing Saori's question, Kakashi said with a straight face.

"Actually, do you want to ask me something?"

"whats the matter……"

Saori asked calmly, as if she had already guessed Kakashi's question.

"Before I say it, I first want to explain that I was only ordered by Danzo before, and I had to do this, but this time it was purely because something troubled me for a long time..."

Hearing Cassie's words, Saori finally smiled.

"It turns out that you have come out from Anbu, congratulations, I don't have to keep a straight face so that those people don't embarrass you, I know what you want to ask..."

After Saori finished speaking, her voice suddenly disappeared.

"Is this what you guessed?"

Kakashi was taken aback, as if he couldn't believe it, his Sharingan had been opened since just now, but even his Sharingan couldn't keep up with the speed of Saori Yuyin.

Saori appeared behind him almost instantly, which made Kakashi think of a possibility.

"Flying Thunder God Art, how can you do it?"

Kakashi was horrified in his heart. Only two people, the Second Hokage and the Fourth Hokage, could master this Flying Thunder God technique.

After that, no one in Konoha knew this kind of ninjutsu.

The reason why Cassie guessed that Saori knew this ninjutsu was because he was ordered to monitor Saori when he was in Anbu.

But Saori suddenly disappeared several times, not to mention the previous battle between Naruto and Mizuki. He found that the figure hidden in the dark was very similar to Saori, and he was able to disappear suddenly under the writing wheel, Kakashi thought. Only one ninjutsu comes to mind.

"I really didn't expect that you actually mastered the technique of Flying Thunder God?"

Kakashi sighed, as if he still couldn't believe it.

Anyone who has experienced the Third World War knows how powerful the flying thunder god technique is, not to mention that this ninjutsu is associated with the prestige of the yellow flash.

As long as he appears on the battlefield, no matter how many opponents there are, he can fight more with less, and there is no one who can compete.

Not to mention the first ninja war, the second generation of Hokage played to the extreme, frequently appearing in some battlefields, and did not lose the slightest advantage in the competition with the three Kage-level powerhouses.

In the end, Hokage, who faced most of the rebels in Golden Horn and Silver Horn alone, died with them with a single enemy.

It can be said that this ninjutsu is accompanied by a great reputation, and its power has long been seen by all.

Kakashi couldn't figure out how Saori learned this ninjutsu

Saori, on the other hand, looked towards the sky with a melancholy and complicated look on her face.

When fighting against Mist Ninja, Saori has been fighting side by side with Hinata Nysai, and the two have established a very deep friendship, and there is even a feeling of affection in it, but Hinata Nysai is very clear that Saori's affection for him is to regard himself as For cold weather.

And at that time, the day was so bad that he had already accepted the family marriage, and at that time there was already Neiji Hinata.

It was Hizashi who helped Saori get out of her inner demons. During the Chasing Mist Ninja Battle hosted by Namikaze Minato, Minato and Saori got along day and night. It was at that time that the two began to establish a secret relationship, and this ninjutsu was at that time Minato taught her how to have the physique to use space ninjutsu.

But these yarns will not tell Kakashi.

Kakashi didn't dare to delve into it, after all, the apprentices of Mr. Leng Tian's department are too powerful.

But now Kakashi cares about Saori's attitude towards Konoha.

After all, almost all of the teachers and disciples defected, and now the village has been monitoring Saori and Mikoto, and Saori now masters the technique of Flying Thunder God, and with the strength Saori showed before, I am afraid that he has already reached the pseudo-shadow level.

If such a person harbors resentment against the village, the consequences may be unimaginable.

Seeing the solemn look on Kakashi's face, Saori understood Kakashi's concerns.

"I don't have other ideas, I just want to protect the children of the teacher and comrades-in-arms, so that they will not be swallowed by the darkness of Konoha, as long as Naruto and Sasuke don't have an accident, I will not shoot.

But if someone wants to make a fuss about them, I will make them regret the first time..."

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