Seeing Saori's stern face, Kakashi also said with a serious face: "Not only do you want them to grow up safely, but Hokage-sama is also the same, so you ordered me to be their instructor..."

"Then you should do your best, Kakashi-sensei!"



Naruto kicked off the quilt and got up from the bed.

He took off his nightcap, rubbed his eyes, looked at himself in the mirror, and smiled, especially the Konoha forehead guard in front of the mirror.

"Hee hee, today you Uzumaki Naruto is a Konoha ninja!"

"Naruto, what are you doing, eat quickly..."

Kushina's voice came from downstairs.


Naruto came downstairs excitedly, and found that the food this morning was really rich.

"Mom, what are you?"

Naruto rubbed his eyes, a little in disbelief.

In his memory, his mother never seemed to cook such a rich breakfast.

No, it should be no matter whether it is breakfast, lunch or dinner.

"Congratulations, Naruto, you can finally become a qualified ninja starting today..."

Kushina smiled.


Naruto showed emotion.

"Okay, you must eat all of them!"

Kushina looked at Naruto with a smile on his face, but there was some moisture and sadness under the corners of his eyes, but it disappeared immediately without Naruto noticing.

"Yes, I started!"

Naruto picked up the chopsticks on the table and started to move immediately.


After taking the first bite, Naruto almost threw up.

"What's the matter, Naruto, is it not tasty?"

Kushina asked seriously.

"No, no, I forgot to brush my teeth in the morning..."

Naruto said in a concealed manner.

But with Kushina staring at this meal, Naruto felt more fortunate than fighting Mizuki.

Finally finished his breakfast, Naruto ran out for his life.

"I will never eat a meal at home again when I can take on the task..."

Naruto ran out.

At this time, a raised wall has been swimming with Naruto.

"Konohamaru, have you had enough trouble?"

Naruto opened his mouth wide, pointing at Konoha Maru's poor cover-up.

"Haha, as expected of Big Brother Naruto, it's amazing that you can even discover such an advanced camouflage technique like me. I must defeat you first!"

Seeing Konoha Maru's serious face, Naruto covered his face helplessly, as if he was really speechless at accepting such a little brother.

"I'm sorry Konohamaru, I'm a ninja from today, I'm no longer a student of Ninja School, so I can't play with you anymore..."

Naruto said here, pointing to the Konoha forehead protector on his forehead.

"Ah, Brother Naruto has become an official ninja?"

Only then did Konohamaru find out.

Hearing Konoha Maru's words, Naruto narrowed his eyes with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm going to attend the briefing today, and I'll be able to take on quests like other ninjas later..."

Naruto said solemnly.

"So Konohamaru, don't go on like this anymore, you must speed up your learning, you must not be complacent about the seduction technique, and your concealment technique, this item is for you..."

After Naruto finished speaking, he threw the advanced ninja tool he got from Saori to Konoha Maru.

Konohamaru held the ninja tool known as the color-changing cloak with excitement and said happily: "Brother, do you really want to give it to me?"

"Of course, I'm just asking Aunt Saori for one..."

"But I heard that this color-changing camouflage ninja tool is worth 1 million..."

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