Seeing that Naruto didn't take the opportunity to escape and hide, but continued to attack him.

Kakashi shook his head, this kid still needs to practice well in terms of observation and calmness.

In Kakashi's eyes, Naruto should learn to judge his opponent and his own strength at this moment, instead of relying on his blood.

At this time, he remembered Obito back then, but at this moment, Kakashi suddenly felt something was wrong.

Naruto's attack speed suddenly increased, and his reaction became more agile. The most important thing was his combat awareness.

Kakashi was even confused by Naruto's sharp improvement for a while.

Suddenly, Naruto jumped up and kicked him with a whirlwind kick. If it was before, Kakashi only needed to squat down, and Naruto would fly out by himself because he couldn't control his strength.

But this time Naruto controlled the strength just right, and there was still three points of strength left. As soon as Kakashi blocked it, Naruto turned around and quickly kicked with his legs.

"Damn, how could this kid suddenly know so many moves..."

Kakashi is too familiar with this move, just like Kai.

At the same time, with the help of Kakashi's strength, Naruto suddenly borrowed his strength in the air and attacked the bell on Kakashi's waist.

Kakashi stepped back immediately.

The bell that no student could touch before was finally caught by Naruto!

Sakura, who was watching from the side of the woods, almost dropped her jaw in shock. Is this Naruto?

How do you have such a high physical skill?

It's too different from just now, isn't it?

"You are not Naruto, who are you?"

As soon as Kakashi landed, he suddenly asked intently.

Hearing Kakashi's words, Sakura's face was even more puzzled, and she didn't understand why Mr. Kakashi said that?

"Naruto" in front of Kakashi showed a smile, and ended the ninjutsu with a "bang", revealing his true face, it was actually Sasuke.

"Sasuke... so it's you!"

Kakashi didn't seem to have many surprises, but he was relieved.

No wonder I felt something was wrong just now, it turned out that Sasuke and Naruto had secretly switched identities.

And Sakura was even more taken aback, wondering when Naruto and Sasuke switched identities in front of him.

What did Kakashi suddenly think of at this moment?

Looking behind him, just under his feet, a camouflaged turf was suddenly lifted, and a figure jumped out of it.

This figure seems to have been premeditated for a long time.

The target went straight to the bell on Kakashi's waist.


At this time, Kakashi finally showed his Jonin ability, turned around with difficulty, and avoided it by using a little under his feet.

But on the other hand, a kunai flew out behind this figure, as if tied by a rope, it passed through Kakashi's waist in an instant, and another bell was taken away...

For a while, the scene was eerily quiet.

Who is not Naruto who appeared in front of Kakashi?

It's just that Naruto's patience, his skill, and his final means of controlling Kunai are not something that a low-level ninja can do.

Not to mention Naruto's completely different character and skill.


Kakashi was speechless in surprise.

"Haha, Mr. Kakashi, you were careless. You said that the ninja rule should not let down your vigilance at any time. At the same time, you must know the opponent's strength, right..."

Hearing Naruto's confident words, Kakashi was still a little uncertain at this time.

"None of the ones that came out of the water just now are my body, all of them are my shadow clones, the only entity is Sasuke, he changed into my appearance to confuse you.

So your opponent has changed since then, not only you are observing us, we are also observing you, we are not so stupid, thinking that two jinnin can deal with you and one jinnin, can this task be completed , It all depends on your mood, so the only thing you want to get with your skills is to confuse you and make you make mistakes in judgment... Haha! "

Naruto said confidently while holding the bell in his hand, and at the same time Sasuke also raised the bell in his hand.

Seeing the bells on Naruto and Sasuke's hands, Kakashi smiled happily.

Konoha Anbe, and Danzo's Gen, must have been fooled by the two people in front of them.

They simply hid their true strength.

At this time, Sasuke also said coldly: "From the time we were sensible, we felt that there were people around us watching us.

So I discussed with Naruto that we should practice only in places where no one is around, so as to create an illusion for those who monitor us.

Every time Naruto pretends to be a prank, in fact, he regards this as practice, secretly observes and monitors people, and tries to get rid of them. Our strength is not as simple as you know, Mr. Kakashi..."

Hearing what Naruto and Sasuke said, Kakashi was really stunned this time.

These two boys were beyond his expectation, they actually deceived the whole village, even Hokage-sama was bewitched.

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