As expected of the children of the teacher and Senior Brother Nasuki, I underestimated them too much...

At this time, Sakura, who was hiding aside, was completely stunned. Is this Naruto's strength?And Sasuke is so handsome too?

But Sakura suddenly thought that they all got the bell, so wouldn't that mean she was the one who was eliminated?

Thinking of this, Sakura's heart flustered.

This is how to do?

At this moment, Kakashi suddenly yelled towards the place where Sakura was hiding.

"Come out, Sakura..."

Hearing Kakashi's voice, Sakura realized that Mr. Kakashi had discovered her a long time ago.

Feeling apprehensive, Sakura slowly walked in front of Kakashi. This time, Sakura no longer felt superior to Naruto beside her.

She could feel that compared to her strength, she was the lowest one. Naruto and Sasuke had much higher awareness of cooperation and fighting than her...

"Okay, now I will announce the result..."

At this time Kakashi said suddenly, hearing Kakashi's words, Sakura fell into despair...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Next, I will announce the result..."

Hearing Kakashi's words, Sakura suddenly felt uneasy, wondering if she had lost her chance.

"Sakura, are you still looking forward to staying at this time? You are far behind Naruto and Sasuke, and you can't even help them..."

Thinking of this, tears appeared in Sakura's eyes, and even a voice in her heart told her to raise her hand and give up.

This is enough to win Sasuke's favor.

Just when Sakura couldn't help but give up, Kakashi suddenly announced: "I declare that the result just now doesn't count!"




This time including Naruto, the three of them raised their heads in surprise.


Naruto was the first to refuse.

At this time, Kakashi said with a serious face: "I changed the mission. Before twelve o'clock, you must protect the bell from being taken by me... This is the final qualification, and there is still half an hour before twelve o'clock. , you will not dare to accept it..."

Seeing that the time on the clock was indeed half an hour away, Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other.

There was a slight imperceptible wink in the eyes of the two of them.



Sakura was delighted to have this opportunity, but after hearing Naruto and Sasuke's words, her heart sank immediately.

"Yeah, Kakashi-sensei, Naruto and Sasuke have both got the bell, so if you quit, you should..."

Sakura held back her tears and continued.

At this moment, Naruto suddenly grabbed Sakura and ran into the forest immediately.

Sakura was stunned.

At the same time Sasuke started to seal.

"Tiger print!"

Sasuke's different seals began to combine, and the chakra in his body had begun to gather.

Kakashi was even more taken aback, this kind of seal, could he be able to perform this kind of ninjutsu at such a young age?

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

Sasuke suddenly spit fire escape ninjutsu at Kakashi.

Even if Kakashi faced the fireball technique, he couldn't avoid it temporarily.

It's just that after Kakashi unleashed the fireball technique, he found that Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura had long since disappeared.

At the moment in the forest, Sakura still has a puzzled look on her face.

"You idiot, Kakashi-sensei is obviously giving you a chance..."

Naruto looked like he hated iron but not steel.

"Yes, but you are all qualified..."

At this time, Sakura will not feel that she is good enough.

"Even if you quit, it's useless. The task decided by the teacher will not be changed. We can only strive for the most powerful conditions..."

At this time, Sasuke also caught up with Naruto, and said next to Sakura.

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