Just when Sasuke was in doubt, he was suddenly caught at his feet!


"Earth Dungeon Beheading Technique!"

Under Sasuke's scream, Kakashi had already buried Sasuke under the ground.

Seeing Sasuke staring at him coldly, Kakashi squatted down and smiled and said, "You've done a good job..."


Sasuke ignored Kakashi, and Kakashi didn't care, but when he pulled Sasuke to search for the bell, his face changed, but at this time Sasuke smiled...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Naruto heard Sasuke's reminder, and already knew that Sasuke was caught by Kakashi.

"I didn't expect Jonin to be so powerful that he could find us so soon. We must find a way to buy time for Sakura..."

As if thinking of something, Naruto smiled and ran in another direction.

After hearing Sasuke's cry, Sakura wanted to rush over, but she remembered Sasuke and Naruto's reminder that she was the last key, as long as she could delay until noon, she would pass the level.

Thinking of this, Sakura had no choice but to harden her heart, and rushed in another direction.

"You don't have any, so you gave Naruto all the bells? It's a gamble, but I can tell you, even so, you can't hold on until noon..."

After Kakashi searched Sasuke's body, he smiled and left.

He has a ninja dog, plus the Kunai who has just got Naruto and Sasuke, the ninja dog can completely track their breath.

It was only when Kakashi walked further and further out of the range of the training ground that he was surprised.

"Isn't this the starting point? The good boy actually thought of hiding in such a place, and wanted to use the darkness under the lamp to hide?"

Kakashi nodded in his heart, if he didn't let the Ninja Dog appear, he might really ignore this point.

But when the tracking dog got closer and closer, Kakashi suddenly changed his face and jumped over immediately.

Sure enough, in the place where he hid his lunch box, Naruto was eating.


Kakashi was really speechless.

"Ah? Teacher, you are here..."

Naruto looked at Kakashi with a bright smile on his face.

"I don't remember giving you a lunch box?"

Kakashi said with a grin.

"One of the ninja's rules is to observe carefully enough and use what can be used, just like the lunch box my teacher prepared for me, isn't it just a resource?"

Hearing Naruto's eyes open and talking nonsense, Kakashi's forehead was already sweating.

"Okay, are you going to hand over the bell yourself, or should I search for it myself?"

Kakashi said nonsense.

"Bell? Kakashi-sensei, I don't understand what you're talking about?"

Naruto was still eating his lunch box.

"Hmph, you kid is trying to delay time, there is still a quarter of an hour before noon, you have no chance Naruto..."

After Kakashi finished speaking, he came to Naruto vigilantly, but beyond Kakashi's expectation, Naruto didn't resist at all.


Searched all over Naruto's body, but there was not a single bell.

This surprised Kakashi.


Is it hidden?

Kakashi stared at Naruto intending to see Naruto's flaws.

It's a pity that Naruto has a calm expression on his face, or he didn't answer Kakashi's question.

"Teacher, your lunch box is delicious, can you buy one from me some other day?"

"Hey, how do you know you bought it?"

"Hehe, isn't this nonsense, there are cards from merchants on it..."

Naruto took out the card and flashed it.

"No, he is delaying time..."

Thinking of this, Kakashi suddenly said: "Ninja Dog started searching for the smell of the bell..."

"No, Kakashi, I can't feel the breath of bells around me at all..."

"Hehe, Naruto, don't think that if you hide the bell, you will pass the level. Although this level says that if you don't grab the bell before twelve o'clock at noon, you will win, but if you are all caught by me during the mission, it is equal to the bell. The task of the task cannot be handed in smoothly, and it is also a failure..."

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