Kakashi said solemnly that at this moment he has regarded the test he gave Naruto and Sasuke as a task.

"Yes, but did the teacher forget something?"

Naruto said in no hurry.

Seeing that Naruto didn't panic at all, Kakashi was surprised for a while, and at this moment Kakashi found that there was one box missing from the lunch box.


"You gave all the bells to Sakura..."

"Bingo, unfortunately there is no reward..."

Naruto suddenly laughed, and now Sakura should have left with a lunch box, as long as they wait for a few minutes, they have completed the task.

"Ha ha……"

"Ha ha……"

Kakashi and Naruto stared at each other.

"Hehe, I still have a trick..."

When Kakashi said this, he suddenly put Kunai on Sakura's neck, and shouted: "I know you are nearby, Sakura, but Naruto said you had left long ago. In fact, this is a cover-up. Now I let you Take the bell and change Naruto with me, or I will kill him, the task and Naruto's life, you choose the same..."


Naruto suddenly yelled.

"Hmph, it's my assessment now, I set the rules, and you may encounter such a situation in a real mission, how will you choose then?"

When Kakashi said this, there was even a hint of throbbing in his emotions.

It seems that he thought of what happened to his father Bai Ya, and also thought of the action that he, Obito and Lin blocked Iwa Shinobi back then.

This was originally an exam question that shouldn't exist in this mission, and it was even a difficult choice for Naruto and the others.

But Naruto and the others performed really well this time. The better the ninja, the more situations they will encounter in the future, and this is undoubtedly the most difficult...

"Sakura, please don't come out... Kakashi-sensei is testing you!"

Naruto is not stupid, this is not the time to pretend to be stupid.

Time, time is less than five minutes...

The two sides are deadlocked here, three minutes, two minutes...

Just when Naruto smiled and Kakashi sighed in his heart, a solid figure appeared in front of them!

In the evening, at the home of three generations.

"I see……"

After Sandai listened carefully to Kakashi's report, he smiled.

"They have long been qualified as ninjas..."

"That's right, being able to hide the Anbu of the village and not even be found has proved their ability, especially if they haven't fully exerted their full strength today..."

Kakashi said seriously.


The third generation was really surprised, passed the level twice, and really won Kakashi the last time. Although there was a reason for the trick, it was also very remarkable.

Even in this way, they haven't forced out their full strength. What are they still hiding?

"What did you guess?"

The third generation asked seriously.

"One is when Sasuke and I fought close to each other for the first time, the taijutsu he used was very similar to Akai's. It was the ninjutsu developed by senior Matt Dai..."

Hearing Kakashi's words, Sandai became nervous.

"You mean they have mastered the Eight Dunjias?"

Kakashi shook his head: "The Bamen Dunjia is not so easy to master. I don't think they can master it at this age. I just guess that they may have learned Kai, no, it is some fighting skills of Senior Matedai..."


Sandai breathed a sigh of relief, he still remembers the scene when Senju Nawaki betrayed the village.

"The second is their combat awareness and some observation skills. It's not like they figured it out by themselves. I guess someone should be teaching them!"

Speaking of this, Kakashi is the most confident.

"who is it?"

Three generations asked.

"Minghu Shazhi..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Naruto report, Naruto report, has entered the nine o'clock position!"

"Sasuke reports, Sasuke reports entering the predetermined point..."

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