Kakashi listened to Naruto and Sasuke's words in the earphones, nodded, and said with a serious face: "Stand by, stay where you are, this time you must not let it escape..."


Kakashi immediately asked again.

"Sakura reports, Sakura reports, the target has appeared, the target has appeared..."

"Okay, keep paying attention, keep paying attention..."

Kakashi said again.

A black shadow cautiously appeared in the forest, its eyes flashed, and it seemed that something was wrong, and it immediately rushed in another direction.

At the same time, Naruto immediately shouted in the earphone: "Very good, the target has been fooled, we have reached the encirclement, please act!"


As soon as Kakashi finished speaking, Naruto was like a civet cat, silently grabbing the target with one hand.

"Meow meow!"

Sakura and Sasuke also appeared at the same time.

Sakura glanced at it, and said to Kakashi with certainty: "Sensei, I'm sure it's the lost cat of Daimyo's wife..."

Hearing Sakura's words, Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief.

This cat, I don't know if it has become a spirit, it is even more careful than a ninja, and its sensitivity is even faster than that of ordinary Chunin.

Still got caught.

I heard that it escaped from the daimyo's wife many times before, and there are not many records of ninjas failing to capture it.

"It seems that Naruto and the others are becoming more and more proficient at cooperating, and more importantly, they don't have a trace of impatience. It's incredible..."

Originally, Kakashi thought that Naruto and the others were getting impatient after performing so many low-level tasks, but Naruto and Sasuke completed them very seriously every time.

There is no complaint at all, and what I pay attention to every time is not the mission itself, but the tactics of cooperation, familiarity with teammates, and even cultivation during the mission.

Especially the last time I helped farmers plow the land, no new class in the group wanted to receive it, but when Hokage-sama gave it to them on purpose, Naruto and Sasuke did not hesitate at all.

This surprised all three generations.

"If it wasn't for this graduation, I would never have known that I was cheated so badly by these two boys..."

Sandai was so surprised that he almost dropped his pipe on the ground.

Even the discipline of the two made himself ashamed.

But what surprised Kakashi even more was that the two practiced with their hands when performing tasks.

You must know that it is very difficult for a ninja to plow the land with his hands.

"For me and Sasuke, we wasted too much time because we had to avoid those surveillance eyes. Now we have to hurry up and use our own methods to temper our strength..."

When he heard Naruto's words, Kakashi himself could only say that his mentality was far worse than theirs.

No, not even the entire ninja school has anyone who can compare with them.

Under their leadership, Sakura slowly began to improve her strength.

Speaking of looking for the lost cat of Daimyo's wife this time, Naruto and Sasuke have actually caught it three times.

For the first time it can be said to catch up with it.

But Naruto and Sasuke were very dissatisfied.

The second time, Naruto asked himself to be within ten centimeters of the cat, but he didn't even notice him.

This shocked Kakashi for a while, because he remembered the teacher's title, Shenyin.

Could it be that Naruto has obtained this part of the teacher's inheritance?

It was later that Kakashi found out that this was a request made by the two of them when they told Minghu Saori about this mission.

Just learn the cat's steps and see how it cancels out the sound.

Failed several times, even as a jonin, he couldn't do so well in the face of wild animals.

But Naruto and Sasuke are so patient, they observe the cat's every move and learn.

Slowly, in my eyes, their movements and the movements of the soles of their feet are so light.

It's just that this time they didn't catch the cat, but let the cat continue to escape, and trained it to be sharper and smarter.

Until the third time, when I asked them to cooperate, Naruto and Sasuke immediately understood that this was the tactical cooperation after I let them familiarize themselves with the seventh class.

There is no trace of flawed action.

Kakashi quietly looked at Naruto and Sasuke in front of him.

It's just too good.

"Now we have completed the first goal that Aunt Saori set for us, right?"

Naruto asked indifferently.

"It's about the same, but Aunt Saori seems to be ordering a new weight ring for us..."

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