Sasuke said indifferently.

Sakura can no longer keep up with Naruto and Sasuke's thinking.

Weight ring, what's that?

Not only Sakura, but Kakashi was also puzzled. He remembered that Akai's disciple Xiao Li used some weight-bearing tools earlier.

Now that I think about it, they really are not the only teacher who is Saori, Senior Maite Dai is probably also teaching them.

"Okay, let's go back and teach the mission..."

Kakashi found that now he didn't even know what to say to praise.

Back at Hokage's office, Daimyo's wife embraced her cat with excitement and stroked it vigorously.

Seeing this kind of action, Sakura underestimated in her heart. With such an owner, it is no wonder that the kitten always runs away desperately.

"Xiaohu, you must have suffered a lot outside, right..."

Daimyo's wife said with a distressed face, it's just that Xiaohu surprisingly didn't fight much this time, just staring at Naruto and Sasuke, it seems that in the pursuit of Naruto and Sasuke these days, even its strength has evolved Not a lot.

It's already fully capable, take it out next time.

Not only that, without the daimyo's wife not paying attention, Xiaohu quietly raised his cat's paw and gestured at Naruto.

This made Sakura gape in surprise.

"Spirited, this cat is really smart!"

After the daimyo's wife paid the money and left, the third generation slowly said: "Ahem, daimyo's wife lost her son a few years ago, that's why she behaved like this, but your performance is also good, you can complete the task so well... ..."

The third generation stared at the mission records of Naruto and Sasuke, and all the mission issuers above were satisfied and excellent.

Although completing the task is a success, it is different if you do it with your heart or not.

Naruto and Sasuke have helped the village elders plow the land hundreds of times, so that the land can be best awakened, and the harvest in the coming year will definitely be a bumper harvest.

Even when Mao Xiaohu was carried back just now, he was surprisingly quiet.

Everyone regards them as the most satisfying ninja.

He remembered that only the Sannin and the two groups of Konoha Geminis he had brought with him had achieved such results.

"As expected of their child, after all, it is different from others..."

Thinking of this, the third generation looked at the task form and said: "Originally at your level, you can only start with D-level tasks at most, and you will have the opportunity to take on higher tasks after slowly accumulating, but your recent performance is too good. , no, it should be perfect, so I decided to give you a more difficult task..."

Speaking of this, Hokage said something to the people around him, and later he led a drunk, bearded uncle to come in.

Seeing that it was actually three little ghosts, he first said with dissatisfaction: "Is it okay for them to protect me to go to the Kingdom of Waves..."

Thanks to the monthly ticket of the succubus who relies on the fist, and thanks to the book friend 22****28 for rewarding 100 book coins! !

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hearing the old man's words, Naruto said unconvinced first: "Old man, don't be overwhelmed by your alcohol, we are Konoha's ninjas, if you don't believe us, why don't you invite us?"

Hearing Naruto's words, Dazna said disdainfully: "Is it a ninja who saved you, this little winter melon?"

"Hmph, hum, so what about a ninja like me? It's not a problem at all to deal with three or five big guys. Could it be that your opponent is a ninja?"

Hearing Naruto's words, Dazna drank a few more sips of wine, and said to Hokage with disdain: "Aren't these kids good? I was targeted by an evil force, and their thugs are famous. damn..."

Hearing Dazna's distrustful words, Kakashi said with a smile on his face at this time: "Don't worry, although they are still low-level ninja, but with me, a high-level ninja watching, they will definitely protect your safety..."

Hearing the identity of Kakashi Jonin, Dazna took another sip of wine and said relaxedly: "Well, before I return to the Land of Waves, you all do your best to protect the safety..."

Hearing Datsuna's words, Kakashi and Hokage nodded and took over the task.

At this time, Sakura found something strange, that is, Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other and smiled slightly, as if they found something interesting.

Just after Naruto left Konoha, a pair of cold eyes stared at them from a high ground outside the village.

"Haha, I'm finally out of the village. I've never been out of the village before..."

Naruto was very excited.

After all, without the permission of Hokage, it is impossible to leave the village, especially when Naruto is still Kyuubi.

During the Third World War, if it weren't for the fact that Iwanin's opponent first appeared on the battlefield with a tailed beast, Hokage would not have sent Kushina to the battlefield.

Kushina was able to leave the village before because she was not a human pillar at that time, but the supervision of Naruto has reached a very high level.

But even so, Naruto was still able to hide from Anbe and Gen, which shows his carefulness.

"Che, I really doubt how someone like you can become a ninja..."

Seeing Naruto's excited expression, Dazna said with disdain.

"Old man, do you know that I became Hokage, what are you yelling about!"

Naruto said indifferently.

"Tch, I don't believe that a ninja like you can become Hokage..."

"Haha, old man, drink more wine and talk less, after all we are your bodyguards..."

Naruto suddenly smiled and said.

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