Sakura said in disbelief.

"No, he actually said a lot, but you didn't pay attention. First of all, after he saw Naruto and us, he didn't believe it. When Naruto asked him questions, he especially said how much he could deal with. A big guy, unless his enemy is a ninja..."

"He drank to cover up..."

Naruto stared at Datsuna with a smile on his face.

"From the moment you entered the door, I felt that something was wrong. How could ordinary people still drink when they were threatened, especially when facing us ninjas, and the reason why you did this was to cover up something. When Mr. Kakashi said he was a ninja, You just took another sip of wine, this time you are relaxing, it is very different from the previous drinking to cover up your tension, so Sasuke and I have guessed that you have concealed it since then..."

Naruto said slowly, let alone Dazna this time, even Kakashi was extremely shocked.

He never thought that Darzna would reveal so many flaws, even he didn't think about it, but he became suspicious when he saw the shoddy hiding of the two of Kiri Ninja again.

"I don't believe it, since you guys have already found out why you didn't expose me and took on this mission..."

Dazina said in disbelief that the two little devils in front of him were simply the smartest people he had ever seen.

"Ha ha……"

Naruto and Sasuke smiled at the same time and said, "Because it's rare for us to leave the village!"

Chapter Three Hundred and Fifth


Hearing what Naruto and Sasuke said, Sakura almost couldn't stand up...

"This, what is the reason..."

Even Kakashi also retracted his evaluation of them in his heart just now.

"These two boys are still immature..."

But after seeing Dazna, Kakashi said with a serious face: "Mr. Dazna, can you tell us the truth now, after all, what you said is only some gangsters threatened you, but you didn't mention that there are ninjas, This is beyond the scope of the C-level mission, which means that even if we end the mission now..."

Hearing Kakashi's words, Dazna could no longer hide it by drinking.

"Well, in fact, our country, the Kingdom of Waves, has recently been controlled by a person named Kado. You know that because of the ecological environment, our Kingdom of Waves does not need ninjas and is only self-sufficient, but Kado uses Using despicable means to control the coastal rights of the Land of Waves is tantamount to controlling the Land of Waves..."

After Kakashi heard Kado's name, his first thought was to look at Naruto.

"Is it fate? When I was in Anbu, I got the permission of the third generation, and I know some guesses. The incident of the daimyo's son was caused by Kado's father. Now he first helped the daimyo's wife find a cat, and then implicated Kado. There is the shadow of Teacher Leng Tian..."

Kakashi shook his head, quickly put this matter out of his mind, but only analyzed Kado's information.

"Kado, but what about the Kado Group?"

"Yes, it's him!"

Dazna nodded seriously.

"He is one of the richest businessmen now, but his wealth is based on smashing and looting. As long as he likes something, he will not buy it at the real price, but hire some thugs to Snatch, even if the opponent has strength, then he will hire ninjas with higher strength..."

Hearing Dazna's words, Kakashi nodded. This guy has indeed done a lot of things with the help of his father's connections, but his power dare not go to the Land of Fire. It is said that because of certain things, even the ninjas from the Land of Fire Neither will be hired.

"Could it be that the incident back then was true? It was really Teacher Leng Tian who made the move..."

There are several unsolved mysteries in the Land of Fire. Although they have been officially explained, they have been under investigation in fact. Among them is whether the person who killed the daimyo's son was Iwa Shinobi.

However, this unsolved mystery only exists in the hands of Hokage, and even the daimyo does not know what is strange about it.

"Teacher, who is the Cardo you mentioned?"

At this moment, Sakura asked.

"That Kadomin is one of the richest people in the world, and behind him is indeed one of the manipulators in the dark world. His back is so big that even some ninjas don't want to have much contact with him..."

Hearing Kakashi's words, Sakura said timidly, "Isn't that very dangerous?"

Kakashi smiled slightly, but he didn't think so in his heart. It was because Kado hadn't touched the inverse scales of the five major ninja kingdoms. Otherwise, no matter how much wealth and underground power you have, it would only take one meal to kill you. landing.

"It's strange, why is the Kingdom of Waves so afraid of you after Kadoko installed it, Uncle Dazna, you haven't finished yet?"

Naruto asked strangely.

Hearing Naruto's words, Kakashi nodded. It's really good that Naruto can grasp the key points of the problem in an instant. It seems that this mission needs to continue.

Not for Dazna, but to let Kakashi know how much strength Naruto and Sasuke are hiding.

Hearing Naruto's words, Dazna looked up into the distance and said, "Actually, it's not me that he's afraid of, but the Namokuni Bridge that I preside's in that direction..."

Looking at the bridge in his hometown, Dazna said with a look of longing: "You all know that the water transportation of the Kingdom of Waves is controlled by Kado because of the lack of contact with the outside world in our Kingdom of Waves, but once we have this bridge to The bridge from the outside world, then the Kaduo Group will no longer be able to control the lifeline of the Kingdom of Waves with all its teeth and claws, and we can make decisions for the Kingdom of Waves. It is not me that Kado is afraid of, but the bridge that I preside over the construction..."

Hearing Dazna's words, Naruto said in surprise: "Is it true, Uncle Dazna, you are also an expert in bridge building?"

Hearing Naruto's question, Dazna shouted angrily: "I'm an expert in bridge building, I'm not lying to you, anyway, I have nothing to worry about, only one grandson, if I'm killed by Kado's people He is the only one who is sad when he is dead, oh, and my daughter, she will definitely spend the rest of her life cursing your Konoha ninjas, of course this is not your fault, it is me..."

"Enough, enough, we didn't say we won't help you finish, right Kakashi-sensei..."

Naruto interrupted first.

"That's right, looking at it like this, we have to go on..."

Kakashi also said with a smile on his face.

Naruto and Sasuke smiled at the same time.

Kakashi knew that they wanted to take this opportunity to have more contact outside.

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