It's just that Kakashi began to pay attention. After all, it was a mission involving ninjas, and the level might have reached a B-level mission.

He needs to start paying attention...

Soon they came to the country of waves, where they saw an unfinished bridge.

"It's amazing..."

Naruto and Sasuke were all amazed.

At the same time, someone had spotted Dazna near the bridge and immediately reported it to Cardo.

"What ghost brother failed?"

In a luxurious office, Kado looked anxious.

"Go, make arrangements for me. I want to see him right away. I want to ask how he managed to do it for me after spending so much money!"

Cardo came to a mysterious room in a panic.

"If you don't kill me again, how on earth did you do things for me? Why, why did the mission fail..."

In front of Kado was a man with a murderous look, playing with a big knife as tall as a man in his hand.

It was the beheading sword that was seized by Leng Tian back then and given to Kakashi, but for some reason it is in his hands now.

Zai Bu Zhan held the beheading knife, and said impatiently: "Do you know who you are talking to, since my uncle has accepted your money, it will be done naturally, next time I will do it myself..."

"Okay, I hope you can do what you say!"

Cardo left angrily.

After Kado left, a mysterious shadow appeared beside Zabuzhan.

"You came……"

"Well, let Mr. Zabuzhan be wronged..."

said the mysterious shadow.

"It's okay, anyway, if he didn't need his funds, my uncle would have dealt with him long ago!"

"Mr. Buzhan, please feel wronged for a while longer. After the funds are sufficient, Kaduo will be useless..."

"Humph, hum, I look forward to that day..."

Zabuzhan looked towards Kado with a sneer.

And after Kaduo went back, he continued to order his subordinates to continue to organize more manpower.

"Boss, you don't trust me and don't kill him?"

"Hmph, that bastard, if I didn't value his strength, I wouldn't have taken him in and raised him with a high salary. How strong is a mere traitor? After this mission, I will know him personally. There is no need for a mad dog that dares to bark at its owner..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Knowing that there will be ninjas against each other, Kakashi and his party are even more cautious.

Naruto and Sasuke closed their eyes from time to time, making a gesture of listening.

"This is……"

Kakashi was startled, and one of his exposed eyes widened.

"They won't even master that skill, will they?"

"There's something here..."

Naruto suddenly threw out Will Kunai.

Naruto's sudden cry made Kakashi, Sakura, and Dazna very nervous.

"Idiot, that's the sound of the wind blowing away the leaves..." Sasuke also closed his eyes and said.

"Is it?"

Naruto put away his vigilant movements.

At this time, Sakura and Dazna shouted at the same time: "Naruto, don't be scared, please!"

At this time, Kakashi walked up to Naruto and Sasuke and asked, "Did Saori-senpai teach you the skills of listening to the wind..."

Hearing Kakashi's words, Sasuke's eyes burst into light.

"Haha, it turns out that the teacher also knows this technique, but Aunt Saori said that there are not many people who know this ninjutsu. The answer we want to know lies in this technique, so the teacher also knows who our father is... "

Naruto asked solemnly.

Hearing Naruto's words, Kakashi couldn't help complaining in his heart.

"Senior Saori told them why. Don't they know that it's the safest thing in the village that they don't know?"

"Ah ha ha……"

When Kakashi was thinking about how to avoid the answer, Sasuke said at this time: "It has been confirmed, so this technique is called listening to the wind, and it turns out that this secret technique is related to our life experience..."

"Well, it has been proved from Mr. Kakashi's reaction, fortunately it is not Aunt Saori, otherwise we would not be able to get any effective information..."

Naruto touched his chin, acting like a detective.

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