Zabuzhan, who was hiding in the tree branch, was taken aback. He didn't care about exposing himself, and directly used the beheading sword to withstand it.

"It's no wonder that the Oni Brothers will miss. A Chunin of their level is naturally not your opponent for Kakashi. Of course, those two little ghosts seem to be very interesting..."

No longer appear slowly.

The moment he appeared, a huge murderous aura locked onto this space first, making Naruto and the others feel excited.

"This murderous aura is so powerful..."

Kakashi stared at him, seemingly unbelievable, and blurted out: "How is it possible, the beheading sword, why is the beheading sword in your hand!"

"Hehe, I forgot that this weapon was in your hands before, but it itself is the weapon of our Mist Ninja, so it should come back to me..."

No longer beheaded and said arrogantly.

And the three of Xiao Sakura are even more confused, they don't understand the importance of this beheading sword.

But there is one thing that these four people understand, that is, Kakashi and Zabuzhan's murderous aura in the air is constantly increasing, so that they finally see how terrible the murderous aura between Jonin is...

Thanks to the wind blowing, I cast a monthly ticket with my face full of sand, thank you! !

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The murderous aura between the two Jonin made Naruto and Sasuke finally understand that the real battle cannot be passed by just relying on some cleverness.

If Kakashi tested them with this attitude from the beginning, all their actions would be in vain.

"I didn't expect the murderous aura between the Jonin to be so terrifying. Under such a terrifying murderous aura, Naruto and I couldn't even move..."

Sasuke calmly analyzed the current situation. Although he knew his own situation, his body was in an instinctive reaction, which made Sasuke unable to make any movements.

"Naruto should be the same as me..."

Sasuke looked at Naruto worriedly.

But when Sasuke looked at Naruto, he realized that Naruto was excited, as if he was not affected at all.

"Here, why is Naruto all right?"

Sasuke was a little surprised, Naruto's nerves are too tight, can't he feel it?

What Sasuke didn't know was that Naruto felt it more deeply than Sasuke, but at the moment when he was locked in by the murderous aura, the Nine Tails in his body suddenly released a stronger hostility, and instantly resolved the murderous aura that would not be cut again.

"Dare to be so arrogant in front of Uncle Nine Tails..."

Naruto could hear the voice of Nine Tails in his body, and said with a slight smile: "Haha, you are just like what my mother said, in fact, sometimes you are very gentle..."

"Bah bah! Brat, don't think that you are Jiu Xinnai's child, this uncle will look at you differently, I just can't see that the majestic nine-tailed human pillar is so scared that it can't move..."

Kyuubi heard Naruto's words in Naruto's body, and opened his teeth and claws.

Zabuzhan standing on the tree at this moment said with a serious face: "I didn't expect to meet Konoha's copyist Kakashi. It seems that it is really a battle of fate. When I was in Mist Ninja, you were on the booklet." Hehe, I can finally fight with you today, I want to see how powerful your Sharingan is in front of my assassination technique..."

"Writing round eyes!"

Hearing what the other party said, Sasuke was the most surprised, because this is the Sharingan that only the Uchiha clan can have. Could it be that Mr. Kakashi is also a member of the Uchiha clan?

No, it's impossible, my mother once said that they are the only ones left in the Uchiha clan.

At this time, Kakashi finally regained his composure, and said word by word: "Just now I was only looking at the beheading sword, but I didn't expect you to be the rebellious ninja of the mist ninja. It's sad to have an extra dog..."

"Haha, Kakashi, it's useless for you to attack me... How about handing over the old man behind you with one sentence, and we can save ourselves from a war!"

Hearing the words of no longer beheading, Kakashi lifted the Konoha forehead guard on his head, revealing the other eye. This eye is different from other people's eyes, with three hooks.

It is the most advanced change in Sharingan. Of course, this is the final change of Sharingan that Uchiha Sasuke knows.

"They actually have the same eyes as my brother..."

After exposing Sharingan, it is equally serious if you don’t cut it. After all, it is said that Sharingan can not only see through the ninjutsu and physical skills of the opponent, but also copy them instantly. No one dares to underestimate Sharingan.

"It seems that the negotiations have broken down..."

Bu Zhan said coldly.

"Of course, I not only want to protect my employer, but also, I need to know where you got the beheading knife from..."

Kakashi also said with a cold face.

Hearing Mr. Kakashi's words, the three of Naruto could tell that the beheading sword seemed to be very important to Mr. Kakashi.

"The other party seems to be a very good ninja, and listening to the other party's words, the teacher seems to be very famous in the ninja world. Is our teacher so powerful?"

Sakura could only just stare blankly at everything in front of her. She never thought that she would encounter a duel between jounin just after performing a mission outside the village.

Especially once Kakashi-sensei fails, then their fate will also be over.

After all, none of the people present are opponents of Jnin, just look at Sasuke and Naruto...

Xiao Sakura, who was observing carefully, was suddenly startled when she saw Naruto's expression. Naruto seemed to be fine. How could this be? Does this guy know what kind of enemy they are facing?

The one on the tree jumped to the surface of the lake with a blink of an eye, and stood on it like this.

"He can actually stand in the water..."

Sakura seemed to find it incredible.

Naruto and Sasuke sneered at the same time: "It's just that Chakra is well controlled!"

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