"The technique of assassination, the technique of fog ninja!"

If you don't cut your hands, raise one hand, and make a mudra with the other hand, and soon the water in the water will surround him, and then start to spread.

"It's...it's foggy!"

Sakura said in surprise.

"Because the country of water is located in an island country, there are many lakes, and thick fog often rises..."

Uncle Dazna said that it seemed normal.

But Kakashi, Naruto, and Sasuke don't think so.

"This is the assassination technique of Mist Ninja. The other party was once one of the seven best ninjas among Mist Ninjas who assassinated ninjas. This thick fog is one of their methods. In the thick fog, they can rely on their usual training basis. The enemy's body temperature, breathing, and movements can detect the opponent, and by the time the opponent feels the opponent's figure, it is often too late..."

Kakashi turned around and explained.

"Hehe, Kakashi, you really deserve to be the ninja who once stayed in Konoha Anbe. If it is only for you, the effect of this assassination technique may be worse, but if the target is these children..."

The voice of Zai Bu Zhan seemed to be coming from all directions.

This surprised Naruto and Sasuke, they could not find the specific direction of the sound by listening to the wind.

"This is the cause of the fog, the echo caused..."

Sasuke immediately told Naruto.

Then Sasuke suddenly looked behind him, and there unexpectedly appeared behind them.

"Under my assassination technique, you still want to protect them, Kakashi, do you look down on me too much..."

Kakashi's Sharingan, Zabuzhan appeared right behind Naruto and the others.


Just when Zabuza was swinging his sword, Kakashi had already appeared in front of Zabuza, and a kunai was inserted into his body.

"I said, I will not let my students have accidents..."

Kakashi said lightly.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura all smiled when they saw Kakashi-sensei gaining the upper hand.

"Did you copy my master's ninjutsu at that time? Sharingan is really powerful, but Kakashi, are you too happy? This kind of ninjutsu copying can deal with some guys who have just become jounin. Me, do you think it's enough..."

Speaking of this, Zabuzhan in front of Kakashi suddenly turned into a puddle of water...

"Is it the water body?"

Kakashi was startled, Zabuzhan had appeared behind Kakashi at this time.

"Compared to assassination, the first priority of Mist Ninja is to prevent the other party from knowing the location of our body, go to hell!"

The big sword that didn't cut again swung at Kakashi, and swept across it quickly, blocking Kakashi's dodging route.

Just when Zabuzhan showed a smug smile, Kakashi in front of him also turned into a puddle of water.

"How is it possible that you have seen through my uncle's water body ninjutsu?"

Zai Bu Zhan said in surprise.

"Nothing is impossible, under this eye..."

Kakashi's Kunai has reached Zabucho's neck.


Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura all cheered at the same time, and even Dazna breathed a sigh of relief.

Just at this time Zabuzhan laughed again...

Thanks to Shen Mimi and book friend 119** for voting monthly! !

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hearing Zabuzhan's words, Kakashi was taken aback, as if realizing something.

At this moment, Naruto's eyes turned light blue again, and suddenly he saw a blurry figure behind Kakashi.

"Kakashi-sensei, be careful behind you..."

While Naruto yelled, he rushed up immediately.


Kakashi was startled and turned around immediately!

"Stinky boy!"

Never thought that Naruto would find himself at this time.

"But even so, Kakashi, it's too late for you to realize..."

No more chopping itself has the upper hand, and a duel between jounin of the same level can decide everything.

Kakashi fell into a passive state, and Kakashi had no choice but to retreat under the sweeping of the head, but he used the beheading sword as a fulcrum to kick Kakashi vigorously, sweeping Kakashi into the water.

And at this time Naruto just rushed over.

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