"Hmph, don't disturb my battle with Kakashi..."

No more chopping, a blinking technique first avoided Naruto, and now Kakashi is the first person to solve it for him.

Kakashi originally wanted to hide in the water, but suddenly found that the quality of the water had become surprisingly heavy.

"This, this is... bad!"

Kakashi just reacted, Zabuzhan had appeared behind him and completed the seal.

"Hey, I want to hide in the water, Kakashi, you miscalculated..."

No more chopping coldly snorted.

"Water escape! Water dungeon technique!"

A water prison traps Kakashi in a water barrier.

This startled Naruto and Sasuke on the shore. In their eyes, only Kakashi-sensei could deal with Zabu-san, but they didn't expect to be controlled.

Zabuzhan stared at Kakashi and said arrogantly: "This time I will clean up your students and tasks first, and I will clean up you..."

After finishing speaking, he printed a water escape clone technique without cutting off the knot.

Even if it's just a clone technique, but this clone technique also has [-]% of the strength of the body, and it's still a breeze to deal with a few little devils...

"Run all of you, he is not something you can deal with, his body can't leave here with me, leave as soon as possible!"

After Kakashi found that he couldn't untie the water prison in the first place, he ordered immediately.


Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other.

How is this possible, without Mr. Kakashi's restraint, they will be caught up by Zabuza sooner or later.

Seeing Naruto and Sasuke standing side by side, Kakashi was very anxious.

"Damn it, if only I knew Akai's eight-door dungeon, just opening the door would allow Chakra to break through this damn water prison technique, and now it takes time..."

Thinking of this, Kakashi immediately ordered: "Withdraw, withdraw, you are not the opponent who will not kill the ghost again, he is not the opponent you faced before..."

"Hee hee, I didn't expect you, Kakashi, to know about the graduation exam!"

No more cut said with some surprise.

Naruto, Sakura and the others were very surprised when they heard their conversation. They didn't understand what kind of graduation exam could surprise Mr. Kakashi so much.

"Ten years ago, the training policy of Mist Ninja was completely different from what it is now, especially for their graduation exams, they wanted to kill each other's partners... the partners who originally helped and encouraged each other had to be killed at the end. "

Hearing Kakashi's words, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura were all stunned.

"How, how could..."

Sakura even covered her mouth inconceivably, which was unbelievable for her in Konoha.

"However, just ten years ago, in the second year after the Third World War, the graduation exam of Wuyin Village finally underwent a reform except for one thing..."

Kakashi said here, looking at Zabuzhan beside him.

"Ten years ago, there was a ninja who hadn't graduated without warning, and killed all the graduates of that class without any reason. This led to the change of Wunin. Ghosts will never be cut again..."

Hearing Kakashi's words, both Sasuke and Naruto couldn't help taking a step back.

The person in front of him actually did such a terrible thing.

If you don’t cut it again, you don’t seem to care, just said lightly: “These things have already passed away, I can’t even remember, but you guys now know how you, who were born in a peaceful age, can get involved with our era Compared with us who are full of blood..."

The uncut clone pressed towards Naruto and Sasuke step by step, his one look had already made Naruto and Sasuke feel a sense of death.

Before this murderous aura was only locked on Kakashi, Naruto and Sasuke didn't feel it very clearly, but now they finally feel how terrifying Jonin's murderous aura is.


Sasuke couldn't help but rushed forward first.

However, if he didn't cut again, he just dodged sideways, and Qi also made a counterattack. A side kick kicked Sasuke into the sky, and then another ax kick directly stepped Sasuke to the ground.

"Ah!" Sasuke protruded a mouthful of blood.

"Why, how come, Sasuke is so powerful that he can't even stop him..."

In Sakura's mind, she finally understood how terrifying the person in front of her was.


"rest assured!"

Naruto just rushed behind Zabuzhan at this moment.

"Hmph, little trick..."

Zabuzhan said something in a low voice, but he let go of Sasuke, and he always had a little fear in his heart when facing Naruto.

Probably because Naruto was able to find his trace earlier than Kakashi just now.


Zabuzhan looked at Naruto's opening and kicked him.

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