
Naruto's whole body bent.

"Hehe, it turns out that I was too careful, but I'm just an ordinary kid..."

Just when Zabuzhan said this, Naruto jumped up all of a sudden, as if he was not injured at all just now.


If he doesn't chop again, he knows how powerful he is just now, even if Kakashi behind him bears his kick, he has to hide in the water.

It's really remarkable that the kid in front of him can stand up in such a short time.

"Hey, what surprised you is still behind!"

Naruto suddenly began to form seals, and dozens of shadow clones appeared around Zabuzhan...

"Oh, I didn't expect the chakra in your body to be so amazing, even a jonin would not use this kind of ninjutsu lightly."

Although Zai Bu Zhan said so, his face didn't care.

After all, the strength that so many avatars can display may not even be one-tenth, no, one-fiftieth.


Naruto still rushed forward, and dozens of them directly pressed forward.

Zabuzhan who was beside Kakashi sneered in a low voice: "Is this the education in your Konoha Village? It's so poor..."

"Hmph! Don't underestimate them!"

Kakashi attracts Zabuzhan's attention in the water prison, and at the same time he believes that Naruto and Sasuke will never use such a poor tactic, the only possibility is to deliberately show weakness, and he has other plans, and he is to attract Zabuzhan ontology attention.

Sure enough, all of Naruto's clone techniques were swept away by Zabu, and Naruto also fell to the ground.

But before that, Naruto threw the shadow shuriken to Sasuke, and Sasuke jumped up in an instant and threw it at Zabuza clone.


The beheading sword that will not be cut again is already in his hand.

"This kind of ninja is also suitable for use in front of my uncle..."

However, the shadow shuriken suddenly bypassed the clone, and the real target was the main body.

Seeing this, Zabuzhan suddenly lowered his head, and said to Kakashi with an insulted look on his face: "Is this the level of your Konoha... I am so disappointed!"

Speaking of this, Zabuzhan suddenly caught the attacking shuriken with one hand, but at this moment, another shuriken flew from another angle, under the dead angle.

"Hmph, this is Minghu's ninja tool, a shuriken hidden under the body that can be split into two!"

Sasuke suddenly rushed towards Zabuzhan and shouted, at the same time, the shuriken was already less than half a meter away from Zabuzhan, almost unavoidable...

Thanks Fridrik for voting monthly! !

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Just when Sakura and Dazna couldn't help showing happy expressions, they smiled disdainfully again.

"Too naive..."

At this time, he suddenly controlled the water prison technique with one hand, and then with the help of the rippling force of the water, he suddenly jumped up into the air, just in time for the shadow shuriken to fly past him.


Both Sakura and Dazna opened their mouths in surprise, they didn't expect that at such a close distance, they could still react like this without cutting.

"It's over, it's over, this is the strength of Jonin, our strength is too different from his..."

Sakura already had a feeling of despair in her heart.

At this moment, Kakashi is grasping the chakra instability of Zabuzhan's one-handed water prison technique, trying to break through the water prison technique.

"My current chakra has been consumed a lot. Is it really necessary to use the eight disintegration techniques, but I can't open the door like Kai. Maybe the chakra will drop rapidly after breaking through, which is even more dangerous... "

Just when Kakashi was hesitating, the shuriken that flew out suddenly slammed and turned into Naruto.

And Naruto who was on the shore at this moment finally couldn't hold on and disappeared.



The Kunai in Naruto's hand was thrown towards Zabuzai.

"From today onwards, you'd better write down your Naruto-san's name in your booklet!"

Kunai rushes towards Zabuza quickly, no matter if it's a low ninja, a middle ninja or a high ninja, as long as he loses his first hand, he must change his moves.

Especially at this moment, Naruto's plan is beyond Zabuzhan's expectations, and he has no time and preparation to react.

Facing the coming Kunai, Zabu Zhan either dodges, or bears the Kunai.

"Damn brat!"

Zabuzhan finally chose to evade at the end, and when his hand left the Water Prison Technique, Kakashi immediately escaped from it.

Seeing Kakashi get out of trouble, both Sakura and Sasuke clenched their fists.

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