The difference is that Sasuke is happy with his and Naruto's tactical success, while Sakura is surprised at the calmness of Sasuke and Naruto.

"In the face of such a powerful enemy, these two people can still be so calm, find a way to save Kakashi-sensei, Sasuke is still the same Sasuke, no, it should be said that Sasuke performed better than in school, and Naruto is no longer that Naruto, Sakura, if you look at Naruto with that kind of eyes, you will be left behind by them..."

At this moment, Sakura finally began to make up her mind that she would not be left too far behind by them no matter what, and she wanted to catch up with the two in front of her.

"Go to hell, kid!"

Zabuzhan was furious in his heart, he was a majestic ghost and was plotted against by a kid, which made Zabuza not even pay attention to Kakashi next to him at the first time, but wanted to throw Xiangming with the shuriken in his hand people.


When the shuriken was halfway waving, it was blocked by the steel plate in Kakashi's hand.

However, the power of not cutting any longer is a vain name.

Even if Kakashi could stop his shuriken, the tiger's mouth was still bleeding from the shock.

"Humph, hum, you're going to stop me..."

Having had the upper hand before, let Zabuzhan have the upper hand in the momentum against Kakashi.

"I said that I will not let anyone hurt my students, and the most important thing is that the same move can never be used against me a second time..."

When Kakashi said this, he had a calm expression on his face.

"Hmph! A defeated general is not brave enough to speak bravely. I didn't expect Kakashi of Konoha to learn to speak big words..."

While Buzhan was talking, he suddenly distanced himself from Kakashi, and at the same time formed a seal again,

But what surprised Zabuzhan was that Kakashi on the opposite side also started to form seals at the same time as him, and the seals formed were exactly the same as him.

"It's so possible, bastard, can this guy really imitate my ninjutsu..."

"You must be thinking in your heart how this guy can imitate my ninjutsu like me, right..."

Kakashi said suddenly.

"How come, he even knows what I think in my heart!"

"You'll be surprised now that I know what's on your mind, right?"

Hearing that every sentence of Kakashi is exactly what he thinks in his heart, especially the arrogant look in his eyes, as if he looks down on himself, which makes Buzhan feel a burst of insult.

"Bastard, bastard, I obviously won just now..."

At this time, Kakashi had already completed the release of Chakra in the body with the help of Sharingan, and looked at the anxious Zabuzhan on the other side, Kakashi smiled.

"You must have been very displeased with the look in my eyes just now, and you want to teach me a lesson, right?"

"He, can he really see through my thoughts?"

Hearing Kakashi say his thoughts again and again, Buzhan was really flustered.

This panic caused the chakra controlled in his body to fluctuate, and the speed of release was a beat slower.

You must know that the distribution of Chakra in the body will fluctuate to a certain extent with the intensity of the battle and various aspects.

Whether it is a jinnin or a jinnin, there will be errors, unless it can be as accurate as a computer under the microcosm of internal viewing like Hinata Lengtian.

The reason why Hyuga Lengtian is so powerful is that he is even called the number one in the ninja world. Even Senju Nawaki, who stands at the pinnacle of the ninja world, is a little powerless when facing his teacher, because the teacher will never make a mistake no matter what. .

And what Kakashi learned the most under Leng Tian was how to better control the chakra in his body.

"good chance!"

Kakashi will not let go of this flaw again.

"Water escape, the technique of the great waterfall!"

Kakashi released it first.

This shocked Zai Buzhan.

"How come, this is the ninjutsu I wanted to use against him before, but he used it first..."

Zabuzhan has already lost the upper hand at this moment. If he can release the same ninjutsu in almost the same time, it can also offset Kakashi's ninjutsu this time, and drag the battle into a battle of attrition.

However, he lost the initiative and was caught by Kakashi, which affected his mind, and the chakra in his body became more messy.

This made him unable to resist at all, and his whole body was involved in the Great Waterfall Technique.

"How come, the two of us were clearly on par before, damn it..."

No longer cut in the waterfall technique, try to stabilize your body, but facing the rotating force like a tornado, even if the power of not cut is strong, the whole person will be driven, and finally lose control of the body .

The great waterfall ninjutsu does not cause much damage to Zabuzhan, but the point is that he cannot control his body, and it is equivalent to losing the ability to react when facing opponents.

The Huitian of the Hyuga Clan can only reach its peak in the hands of Leng Tian, ​​why, in fact, the power of Leng Tian's Huitian at the beginning is not the slightest difference from that of the Hyuga Clan's Huitian.

But the point is that Leng Tian's performance on Hui Tian has been controlled to the point of terror.

Especially in the early stage of being able to use both techniques at the same time, this allows Leng Tian to attack immediately after the opponent loses his reaction after being hit by the force of returning to heaven.

At this time, the enemy is almost out of control of the body, and the time when the empty door is opened, so that even if Leng Tian faces an enemy as powerful as him, he can solve it immediately after returning to the sky.

And Kakashi learned this tactic from the teacher, he saw that Zabuzhan was in the air and had just endured the impact of the cataract ninjutsu, his body had opened the empty door, and several kunai rushed to Zabuzhan's vital parts...

The task behind Chapter [-]

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